Lanke Chess Edge

Extra Story: Twenty-one for the past that was cut off

Biquge, the fastest update of Lanke Qiyuan!

Outside Sun's house, Hu Yun was lying on a branch of a big willow, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly. He knew that She Ji would definitely not hurt Sun Yiqiu, but he also noticed that Sun Yiqiu's little brother was foaming at the mouth.

It's just that Hu Yun didn't know what Sun Yiqiu and She Ji did in the dream. After all, this time it was a real dream of Dafa, not the kind of dream that Zao Niang said before, so that unless he also entered the dream, he didn't know what happened in the dream. After all, Sun Yiqiu had a wet dream before.

But Hu Yun could still feel the vague sense of sadness when She Ji left. It has to be said that as a monster, he actually has no ill feeling towards She Ji, and even has a slight liking for her spirit of daring to love and dare to hate.

If it is possible, even if it is a love between a ladyboy, Hu Yun hopes that they will have a lover and get married eventually, but the reality is based on rational judgment. Hu Yun knows that Sun Yiqiu has a more suitable girl, and She Ji has her own troubles, and the troubles are not small.

I don't know why, feeling She Ji's sadness, Hu Yun suddenly sympathized with She Ji

Hu Yun was a little flustered, wanted to get up several times but lay back on the branch, did not choose to show up, and could only sigh.


"Does the little fox know how to sigh?"

Ji Yuan's voice suddenly rang in his ears, and Hu Yun sat up in shock.

"Mr. Ji?"

Hu Yun looked around on the willow branch, but he didn't see Ji Yuan's figure, let alone a figure, and he didn't even have a breath.

"Calm down."

Ji Yuan's voice sounded again, Hu Yun encouraged him to calm down, then adjusted his breathing and closed his eyes slightly.

After a few breaths, the heartstrings rippled like still water, and Hu Yun seemed to feel the existence of Ji Yuan, but it was not in the breath or in the shape, but a mysterious and mysterious feeling.

Hu Yun opened his eyes and looked at a direction under the tree. There was nothing there, but it seemed that Mr. Ji was standing there. His sight and consciousness seemed to be deceiving him. Only his spiritual sense could vaguely feel it. It seemed that Mr. Ji was standing under the tree looking at Sun Zhai.

"Mr. Ji, are you really here?"

"I'm here, and I'm not here. I'm standing under the tree, and I'm sleeping soundly in the small pavilion."

Hu Yun was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly became aroused. What he thought of was not a simple out-of-body experience, because it was not a level thing at all. He thought of a rumor about Mr. Ji that had never been confirmed but was believed by some people.

Lying on the couch drunk, slaying demons in a dream!

"Tell me why you sigh."

Ji Yuan's voice came again, faintly and vaguely like auditory hallucinations, Hu Yun suppressed other distracting thoughts in his heart, and after a moment of silence, he answered according to his feeling.

"Maybe they are both from the demon clan, and they also know about Sister Bai, so they feel a little bit about this Sheji...Sir, why did Sheji give me one, one kind..."

Hu Yun thought about it, and finally managed to think of a word.

"Why does it give me a sense of vulnerability?"

What She Ji expresses is not pure reluctance and sadness, but a complex emotion that cannot be pretended, including confusion and hesitation, joy and rejoicing, and of course more sadness and reluctance.

But that time on the night of the temple fair, She Ji spoke with confidence, even if she was injured now, she wouldn't be a different person. The mountain god said before that she always wanted to see Sun Yiqiu when she was really moved.

Ji Yuan's voice didn't sound for a long time, he was actually thinking carefully.

"Hu Yun, do you think Li Dongdong can compete with She Ji?"

This reminded Hu Yun of the conversation at the temple fair, but when the words came to his lips, he frowned again, and Ji Yuan's voice sounded quickly.

"Compared to Li Dongdong, She Ji is powerful in all aspects. Her appearance, stature, financial resources, and even her family background can be fabricated, as well as all kinds of freshness and satisfaction that she can bring to Sun Yiqiu. But She Ji is also fragile, because she can recognize herself and the current situation. Because she is moved by her true feelings, she will neither hurt Sun Yiqiu, nor want Sun Yiqiu to be in danger."

Ji Yuan's voice paused and continued.

"A demon cultivator like She Ji, whose spiritual platform is clear, has a sense of heaven's heart. Maybe she already knows that she has fallen into a catastrophe, but she doesn't know it yet. It means that there is an old enemy and there is a catastrophe. It's sad!"

After this sentence fell, Ji Yuan's voice didn't sound for a long time, and Hu Yun waited on the tree for a long time before tentatively asking.

"Sir? Mr. Ji? Are you still there?"

Hey, let's go.

The night sky was full of moonlight and the night was quiet. Ji Yuan, who was lying in the house, opened his eyes, stood up and opened the door, letting the moonlight shine into the house.

Only Lu Shanjun sat cross-legged under the tree in the yard, opened his eyes and stood up when he heard the door open.


"Where is Mr. Ying?"

Lu Shanjun pointed to the guest room next to him.

"Mr. Ying Long also went to rest. He said he wanted to watch you here, so that you wouldn't run away when your son and daughter came."

"It sounds like I like playing hide and seek..."

Ji Yuan complained, walked out of the house to the courtyard, looked up at the bright moon in the sky, and at the brilliant galaxy in the sky.

"Master, Hu Yun this time..."

"Not so good!"

Lu Shanjun frowned and thought for a long time before speaking.

"Hey, this kid has been boundless since he came down the mountain with his back painting back then. He's used to going smoothly, but it's hard to enter the Tao. This time he's on his own, and I won't help him!"

Ji Yuan looked at Lu Shanjun and suddenly smiled.

"You haven't helped enough?"

Lu Shanjun, who has always been ruthless, inevitably showed embarrassment.

"It's my disciple's fault! Master please punish me!"

Ji Yuan shook his head and went back to the house.

This younger brother controls the elder brother!

After walking a few steps, Ji Yuan stopped again, and looked back at Lu Shanjun again.

Or, sister control?

Ji Yuan withdrew his gaze, couldn't help but rubbed the center of his brows, and then went back to his room to sleep.

Lu Shanjun was baffled by Ji Yuan, and couldn't help but think a lot in his heart. He always felt that Master had other deep meanings, and couldn't help worrying secretly for Hu Yun.

'Could it be that if Hu Yun was in danger this time, wouldn't even Shizun really make a move? Is it really that serious this time? Or is it that I am also in a catastrophe without knowing it? '

Lu Shanjun sat cross-legged again, and his eyelids trembled from time to time while he was meditating.

‘Are you telling me not to shoot casually again? That's right, maybe self-defeating will completely destroy Hu Yun's Taoism, this ineffective fox, let the old man worry about the master just after he comes back! And my ineffective disciple, I am ashamed of my master's teachings! '


The sea of ​​clouds is exposed in the heavens, and the sea of ​​clouds in the northern Tianmu is in progress. Just like the Xianyou Conference in the past, the venue of the conference is extremely wide. The gods and monks from all sides sit together, which is a small meeting in the conference. There is also a venue for those who discuss the Tao alone.

At this moment, beside a cloud grotto in the southwest of the Luxuan Sea of ​​Clouds, there is a pavilion standing in the air. Except for the pillars, the high part of the pavilion has no walls on all sides. You can see the four sides of the sea of ​​clouds, and you can also see the wonderful points of the discussions and performances of all parties in the Fa Conference. It is quiet and wonderful.

To be able to arrange such a pavilion, the visitors inside must have a certain weight.

There will be more than a dozen guests sitting in this building, some sitting on the ground, some half lying on the ground with their hands on the ground, admiring the scenery of various places, but they have their own income and enjoy themselves, and occasionally chat and discuss with each other.

A man in a strong suit went up to the attic, and came to a man with yellow hair in the middle. The man's yellow hair was loose and untidy, and he was wearing a Wu suit with his chest exposed, giving him a chic and suave look.

"Great Sage, the God of Leibu seems to have found that one before."


The yellow-haired man turned his head to look at the person who came.

"The lightning shines like a mirror, and the Leibu God really lives up to his reputation! Presumably he couldn't catch it?"

"As the great sage said, it is said that they were stopped by someone, and the two gods seemed to have some complaints. Although they were hindered by the order to deal with it strictly, they felt that the feeling of the thunder striking the monster was wrong, and they had already checked it in the book."

The man nodded with a restrained smile.

"The God of Thunder eliminates countless demons. The thunder is like an extension of the body. When the lightning strikes the demon, it is not surprising that it can follow the thunder and feel that the demon is good or bad. By the way, how did she escape?"

"It is said that someone shot to stop it."

The yellow-haired man narrowed his eyes.


"Uh, at first the little mountain god used the excuse that the mountain was damaged, and he acted like a chariot with his arms. Later, another female cultivator with good skills blocked the sky thunder. She claimed to be Hu Yun, and she knew Ying Niangniang and Bai Niangniang. She said that the teacher had an old relationship with the mountain god. The God of Thunder had already had doubts, so she pushed the boat back to the heaven..."

"Bai Ji and Chilong? Hu Yun? Surnamed Hu? Is it a fox demon?"

The yellow-haired man looked at the person who came and asked, the latter frowned and shook his head.

"I don't know. It's not mentioned in Lei Bu's book. It's just that the words and deeds are not superficial, and the word "monster" is not mentioned. Uh, great sage, if there is nothing else, I will take my leave first."

"Oh, thank you!"

The yellow-haired man sat up and cupped his hands, watching the visitor leave, and then fell into thought again, Bai Ji and Ying Ruoli are both famous demon cultivators.

"Hu Yun, seems to have heard of it somewhere?"

"Hahaha, brother Mihuang, is there a clue to what you're thinking?"

"Brother Mihuang, why are you thinking so hard, I'll drink first!"

"Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Hahahahaha, it's just a trivial matter, everyone please!"

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