Lanke Chess Edge

Extra Story: The Unbroken Past Forty-two

Biquge, the fastest update of Lanke Qiyuan!

Although Hu Yun was curious, it was obviously not the time to stop and listen to gossip.

"You two have catalyzed the medicinal power of Huozao with your heart, and I will take you out of here!"

Come on, with a wave of his sleeves, Hu Yun directly led the two of them into the air, and then a soft wind under his feet lifted She Ji and Sun Yiqiu, leading them away into the distance.

"How to catalyze the medicine? I feel a fire burning inside my body!"

Sun Yiqiu hadn't even practiced martial arts, and didn't know any professional terms at all, so She Ji hurriedly pushed him to sit down in the wind.

"Calm down and don't think about it, you don't have to worry about anything else, just feel the firepower, don't try to control it with your thoughts."

After speaking, She Ji also sat down quickly, and she also felt a fierce flame running around in her body. This fire spirit was so strong that she felt as if she was burning, but there was not much pain, but the previous pain and exhaustion were all relieved.

Thinking about it, Sun Yiqiu is the same, even a weak soul can withstand such surging spiritual power, She Ji understands that the elixir they have just been fed is definitely far beyond ordinary.

This fire-like spiritual power is extremely active, and it is getting stronger and stronger, and its stamina seems to be endless. At first, Sheji tried to guide her to help herself recover, but then she gave up directly. The "flame" was flowing all over her body, so she didn't need to guide her.

Of course, She Ji's injuries were too serious to recover instantly with medicine, but it was already a miracle that she was able to stabilize and begin to recover.

Sun Yiqiu was still sitting cross-legged obediently, closing his eyes and trying to take a deep breath, but She Ji opened his eyes, and the scenery below quickly receded, but they couldn't feel any wind.

‘It’s such an exquisite Wind Escape Technique! '

She Ji exclaimed and praised in her heart, most of the ordinary demon cultivator's driving wind is a gust of flying sand and rocks, so that it seems to blend into the wind with a rush and a slowness, which is simply the realm of Taoism and nature. Hu Xianzhang is worthy of being a master of immortal cultivation.

Hu Yun knew that She Ji's condition was much better and her consciousness was much clearer, so she began to speak.

"There is a lot of movement in the underworld. Almost all the gates of the yin and yang realms are closed and moved. It is impossible to go out normally."

The so-called closing of the gate is easy to understand, but what is the matter of moving?

As if realizing that She Ji and Sun Yiqiu would not understand, Hu Yun looked sideways at She Ji and Sun Yiqiu who had also opened his eyes. His memory seemed to look back a thousand years, and then he explained for them.

"In ancient times, the underworld was not born, and the world's Yin divisions were divided into territories and were not connected to each other. Not all of them had powerful magic powers. If a Yin division encountered a catastrophe or the city god was killed, the Yin division would close the gates of ghosts and hide away, completely isolating the yin and yang realms, waiting for a good opportunity. Nowadays, it is rare to see such a thing."

"Now all the gates of the Yin-Yang realm are closed and secluded. If you want to break through, there is no door, unless there is a great god of the underworld to open the door for you, and almost all the gods of the underworld are in the key nodes of the Yellow Springs."

Hearing this, She Ji immediately became nervous, Sun Yiqiu didn't understand anything, but She Ji knew the cause of the current change in the underworld, so she couldn't help but speak worriedly.

"Is the Immortal Elder going to find the great god in the nether world to lead us out of the underworld?"

Hu Yun glanced at her.

"So what."

"I don't dare to expire the immortal head. I'm afraid that all the changes in the underworld are caused by me. It's me who stretched the colored silk cloak into the water of the underworld, causing countless ghosts to escape from the underworld, and brought turmoil to the underworld..."

Hu Yun shook his head, She Ji only knew one thing and didn't know the other, after all they had been running away.

"It's not that simple. It's just a trivial matter for ghosts from the underworld to come out. Now a terrible flame is burning in the nether world, and infinite karma is involved in it. If you are burned by this, the infinite karma will burn your body and spirit, and the consequences will be disastrous."

Hu Yun understood the power of the flames after only a little contact with them, but he didn’t say enough. The countless great gods in the underworld and Ksitigarbha Mingwang have deduced that it is really good to be entangled in karmic fire, burn my karma and others’ karma, and turn into flying ashes.

"Xianchang, two great gods showed mercy when they saw the talisman on my body before."

Sun Yiqiu thought about what happened before and hurried to speak.

"Where's the talisman?"

Sun Yiqiu hurriedly touched his chest, but found that he couldn't find it, and She Ji couldn't sense the aura of the talisman.

"Don't look for it. I just searched for the last ray of light from the talisman. It has exhausted its last bit of power and burned down. You don't have to worry too much. If I come forward, there should be a turnaround. I won't kill us if I don't justify myself."

Hu Yun felt that he was still qualified to show his identity cards, provided he found the right person.

"Compared to the ghosts and gods in the underworld, I'm more worried about that monster Mihuang."

As Hu Yun spoke, he mobilized his mana again, not daring to speed up too much, and trying to keep his breath hidden. He always had an ominous premonition.

At the position where She Ji and Sun Yiqiu broke through the mountain, there was a man standing on the hill squinting and looking down, and then he jumped to the position of the mountain breach, stretched out his hand to grab it, and there was a roar.

Soon, a half-length one-horned ghost was captured by Mi Huang, and the huge body struggled continuously in his hand, but the struggle quickly weakened, and the whole ghost's body melted directly, finally forming a black bead that appeared in Mi Huang's hand, and there seemed to be a phantom of the ghost screaming inside.

"Hahaha, it seems that God is looking after me."

Mi Huang wrapped the half of the silk cloak around the ghost bead, began to count with his fingers, and then showed a hint of a smile.

"Hmph, I can't run away!"

Mi Huang also knew that the gates of the underworld were almost completely sealed, and that almost all the great gods in the underworld were at important nodes in the underworld. He almost hurriedly chased in the direction Hu Yun and others left, and the speed was getting faster and faster, as if he had no scruples.

Compared with the indistinct feeling when holding the fragment of the cloak in the hand before, with the soul orb and the cloak in hand, the aura that can be sensed in the distance is obviously much more.


The land of the underworld is now very chaotic. The ghosts and dark sides accumulated over the years seem to have been released. Many places are in chaos.

These ghosts are trying to take advantage of the spirit of the ghosts and gods to invade this Yin Division. The underworld servants who stay in the Yin Division below are fighting in battle. The leading ghosts and gods should be a ghost and a military officer.

The formation has already begun to be broken through, and the ghosts and ghosts are fighting together. Although all the ghosts are not bad, there are too many ghosts and ghosts to continue to consume.

It has already begun to be dragged into a group of ghosts under the exhaustion of evil spirits, bitten and pulled by countless ghosts.

"You evil obstacles, the ghost gate of this department has been closed, and there is no way to open it without Lord Chenghuang casting a spell. Don't even think about going to the underworld to cause trouble!"

"Hahaha, if we can't go to Yangjian, we can also eat the flesh and blood of you ghosts and gods to replace them!"

"Replace it!" "Eat the flesh and blood of ghosts and gods!"

Many of these ghosts are fundamentally insane, attacking madly like a black wave, even if they are hacked to death by a ghost, they will tear a piece of flesh and blood from the opponent.

In the sky, She Ji and Sun Yiqiu felt their scalps go numb.

"Immortal Elder!"

Hu Yun frowned, but he couldn't afford to waste time, and the anxiety in his heart was increasing, so he could only grit his teeth and leave, looking back, the god of the underworld was like a flashing light in the black tide of ghosts, and there were sinister screams from time to time.

At that Yinsi location, Mi Huang, who was hiding in the crowd of ghosts and pulled Yincha out one by one, looked into the sky. It seemed that he played cleverly and did not let the fox fall into the trap, but it also achieved the intended purpose. How could a gust of wind deliberately hover over this Yinsi in a circular arc.

Mi Huang sneered in his heart, his clothes began to swell continuously, his fangs stretched out in his eyes, the hair on his body continued to grow, and he stamped his foot on the ground the next moment.

"Boom", the underworld began to collapse, the ghosts began to pounce wildly, and Mi Huang also rushed towards the gust of wind in the distance when the ground was sunken.

Hearing the movement, Hu Yun looked back to the direction of the Yin Division again, and saw that the side had collapsed, and then his pupils dilated and then tightened suddenly. He hadn't seen Mi Huang clearly, but he just felt a violent aura attacking him, which almost suffocated him.

In desperation, Hu Yun only had time to cross his hands to form a seal, with his arms stretched forward, pointing out with his little finger, index finger, and thumb in each hand, and shaking the mountain seal.


Wow, the impact formed a strong wind, and the wind that Hu Yun and others were protected from was also torn apart. The three of them showed their figures at once, and She Ji and Sun Yiqiu were blown away like two leaves in the strong wind.

Hu Yun's arms trembled slightly, and he looked at the sky not far away with an ugly expression. It was a strange and vicious ape about less than one foot high. It was considered small in the original form of a monster, but its sense of oppression was exaggerated.

"Mi Huang?"

How can this be! Hu Yun had fought against Mi Huang before, even though he knew that the other party might hold back, but now it is not at the same level as before.

"It seems that you are surprised? In fact, I am also. I thought that even if this blow could not kill you, it should injure you severely. I didn't expect to be followed by you. Should I say that I have heard the truth in front of Mr. Ji?"


Just as Hu Yun wanted to speak, he found that Mi Huang had already moved, and almost brought an afterimage of his body to rush towards him. He didn't dare to catch him, and hurriedly dodged with an illusion, but found that Mi Huang's target was not him at all, but She Ji and Sun Yiqiu who had fallen to the ground over there.

Swish a flaming fox tail was even faster, intertwined with Mihuang to the extreme and wrapped around his feet, dragging Hu Yun to rush towards the fierce ape. He moved his sword finger, recalling the feeling of the previous breakthrough, and pointed fiercely at the back of the fierce ape.

At this moment, the ferocious ape raised a hair on his back, and immediately turned around and waved his hand.


A strand of blood and a piece of hair, but the fierce ape also caught the sword, Hu Yun's sword finger split at the touch of a touch, and his tail swung even more vigorously. He threw off the fierce ape at the same time as the sword was drawn, and rushed to the side of the two people on the ground.

Can't fight, can't win!

Hu Yun was in a cold sweat, knowing that this Mihuang was very different from before, and he would never win.

Mi Huang was a little surprised after receiving the sword, but when he saw that Hu Yun chose to run with the two of them without hesitation, he was also slightly taken aback.

Didn't expect this fox fairy to have reservations before?

"Want to run? It's not that easy, even if Ji Yuan is alive, he can't save you!"

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