"Guest officer~~~ I really don't need so many~~~"

In fact, the hawker felt a little regretful the moment he yelled, but since he yelled all the yells, he didn't care so much. He regretted it, but he still felt a little happy in his heart.

However, the peddler saw that the gentleman in white was only looking at him from a distance of 20 steps away, but did not come back, so he had to talk to the old man who was selling persimmons next to him.

"Uncle Chen, please show me the booth, I'll go after that guest officer, I'll be right back!"

"Haha, let's go!"

The old man was a little envious and jealous just now, but he made a lot of money for nothing, but now he admires this young man a little.

Seeing that the old man agreed, the peddler hurried out of the stall and chased after Ji Yuan.

Because of the yelling just now, some spectators stopped or walked back slowly, talking about something, and others who saw the whole story explained in a low voice, and some people who saw the end guessed together.

At the other end, Ji Yuan didn't leave, as if he was just standing there waiting for the hawker to come after him, seeing that he really came out of the stall and chased him, he opened his eyes slightly.

The peddler walked three steps at a time, and soon arrived at Ji Yuan, and handed over the money in his hand.

"Guest officer... Let me tell you the truth, this black jade hairpin is carved out of coarse material, and it is worth twenty or thirty coins at most, one or two more... It is a bit hot for me to keep it, if you give me fifty coins, I will not Accepted... If you really like it, give me copper coins, I can't find big coins!"

After finishing this sentence in one breath, the peddler's breath became much smoother, but he found that he finished speaking in a hurry, but the gentleman in white on the opposite side just stared at him up and down without saying anything.

'Could it be that I spoke too fast and he didn't hear clearly? '

Just thinking about it, Ji Yuan finally spoke, but the topic had nothing to do with hairpin silver.

"May I ask who is the name of the little brother?"


The peddler was a little stunned, the other party didn't accept the money, but asked his name?

"My name is Lin Tian, ​​and I've been setting up a stall here all the time. Sir, you should keep the money... How about I don't sell this jade hairpin?"

"No hurry, no hurry, I like this jade hairpin very much, I'm sure I'll buy it today, but I still have a little doubt and want to ask Brother Lin, if I give you a tael of gold this time, would you still buy it?" Will you chase me out and pay me back?"

This question is really inexplicable, but it also arouses people's daydreams. Lintian hesitated for a while and answered honestly:

"Guest officer, you are joking, I have never seen a tael of gold in my life, and I can't answer it, but with so much money, I might just take it and run away haha..."

Ji Yuan frowned, and then reached out to take the broken silver from the peddler.

"That's right, I didn't ask a good question. Let's go and look at your stall again. By the way, it is said that the dishes in Zuixianglou in Juntianfu are good. Brother Lin, have you been there?"


The peddler became more and more confused when he heard the words.

. . .

At noon, the peddler Lin Tian didn't know what was wrong, so he followed that Mr. Bai Shirt surnamed Ji to Zuixiang Building inexplicably.

Now Lin Tian and Ji Yuan are sitting face to face on the third floor of Zuixiang Building, looking at the scenery outside the window of the building, looking a little cautious.

"Mr. Ji, it's too expensive for you. I'm just giving you a rough jade hairpin... I heard it's extremely expensive here!"

Seeing Lin Tian dare not speak loudly, Ji Yuan was also happy.

"No matter how expensive it is, can it still cover three years of food expenses?"

Ji Yuan said another sentence that made the peddler sound inexplicable, and he didn't know how to answer at this time.

"Chopped chicken in fish head soup~~~ Braised cabbage and steamed meat cake~~"

The waiter in the inn dragged the long ending of the name of the dish, and actually carried a tray in each hand, carrying two plates in small steps all the way to Ji Yuan's table by the window, this balance can be regarded as practice makes perfect.

Lin Tian and Ji Yuan didn't wait for Xiao Er to speak, they immediately took the initiative to help him put down the plate, and brought out a total of six dishes inside.

"This is Baotou Fish Soup, this is Boiled Chicken, this is Sauce and Vinegar Plate, this is Braised Cabbage, Steamed Meat Cake and Stir-Fried Three Fresh Foods, this is Furong Soup, drink it while it's hot, this is homemade orange syrup, by the way , This plate of persimmons is an after-dinner snack, guest officer, your dishes are all served, just say hello if you need anything!"

The owner of the store speaks quickly and quickly, and quickly introduced all the dishes.

"Okay, thank you little brother!"

Ji Yuan bowed his hands to the waiter in the shop to express his gratitude, while Lin Tian bowed his hands embarrassingly.

"Hey, take it easy, take it easy!"

Seeing Xiao Er nodding his head and leaving, Ji Yuan greeted Lin Tian who was already salivating, moved his chopsticks, and took the lead in eating with a white chopped chicken dipped in the ingredients.

When Lin Tian saw that Mr. Ji was eating, he couldn't restrain himself and started to eat too. He can't eat this kind of food in a big restaurant once a year.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Lin Tian had already burped, but Ji Yuan stopped after drinking some more fish head soup, looked at Lin Tian who was flattering his stomach and asked.

"Brother Lin, I really like this jade hairpin. One meal might not be enough..."

"Don't, don't, sir, I'm afraid of you. Are you a well-off relative of our Lin family... Why don't you eat a persimmon first, this persimmon is sweet!"

Hearing that Ji Yuan started again, Lin Tian was really frightened.

"Hahaha...I don't want to eat persimmons for the time being...Brother Lin, let Rong Ji talk to you a little more."

"Well, this persimmon is so sweet...tsk... tell me, sir!"

Ji Yuan tapped two fingers on the table with one hand, while looking out the window, listening to the noise in the market.

"If you were to give Lin Xiaoge a choice, would you choose to advance bravely in the rapids and become rich and rich, or would you choose to live in peace and tranquility if you are a little rich?"

After Ji Yuan finished speaking, he opened his eyes wide and turned to look at Lin Tian. Although his eyes were deceptive, Lin Tian stopped his hands and mouth.

The surrounding noise seemed to be much weaker. Lin Tian didn't notice this, but he couldn't help but put down half a persimmon and wiped his mouth with his hands, faintly feeling as if he was facing an important juncture in his life.

"Mr. Ji, I don't have much knowledge or ambition. What I want is to have a wife and have two children. I can live a stable life, provide for my parents, and have someone provide for me... I am very satisfied!"

Hearing this, Ji Yuan sighed, and closed his eyes slightly again.

"It's just that people change...the more you get, the more you desire. Of course, it's good if you can be content and happy. Okay, Brother Lin, you have a loud voice, so please call me mistress, and tell me to pay the bill here. "


Lin Tian picked up the half persimmon again, ran to the stairs on the third floor and shouted.

"Xiaoer~~~ Check out by the east window on the third floor~~~"

"Come on~~~"

The mistress downstairs seemed to be talking loudly with Lin Tian, ​​each yelling with a sense of tact.

Seeing Lin Tian running away, Ji Yuan dipped his right hand into a cup of sugar water, wrote a word "Sui" on the table, and then tapped the table with his middle finger, and the character formed by the traces of sugar water was drawn into the air along with his fingertips.

The two middle fingers clasped together and flicked.


The water character "Sui" quickly flew to the stairs, and Lin Tian happened to turn around at this moment.

With a snap, the word "Sui" hits the center of the eyebrow.

Lin Tian only felt a chill on his forehead, and reached out to touch it, but he didn't feel anything, subconsciously raised his head to look at the ceiling, and then came back to the table.

'The persimmons are even more delicious than what Old Man Chen sells, so eat more. '

Ji Yuan smiled, looking at the sky outside the window, he overheard a few scholars downstairs discussing the state capital imperial examination with a little excitement.

"It's already the dawn of Guibang..."

With a wave of his hand, the white man in the sleeve has appeared, compared to three years ago, its solidity is only inferior to that of the tiger demon Lu Shanjun who has practiced for nearly two hundred years.

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