Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 128 This congratulatory gift is a bit heavy

"Uncle Ji, are you saying that Bai Qi from Chunmujiang still has a chance to transform into a dragon?"

Long Nu was extremely concerned about this matter, not only her voice was louder, but her tone became a lot more hasty, not because Bai Qi was so important, but because of herself.

Ji Yuan looked at her, and he could roughly understand the inner thoughts of the dragon girl, and said a sentence that no spiritual being in this world had ever come into contact with.

"The great way is fifty, the sky is fourty-nine, and the human escape is one!"

No matter how plain Ji Yuan's tone was, the literal meaning of this sentence was full of profoundness. Even Longnu felt a little incomprehensible, but knew that it would definitely not be "Uncle Ji" making up nonsense.

Long Nu thought hard for a while, and she felt something vaguely, she raised her head and met Shang Ji Yuan's eyes which were always half-open.

"Uncle Ji, tell me, can I successfully transform into a dragon in the future?"

Ji Yuan sighed in his heart, if you don't even have confidence in yourself, why would you turn into a dragon?

The dragon girl didn't seem to be very cold when she spoke well just now, it seems that she still has to show some "uncle" majesty.

Facing the dragon girl and opening most of her eyes, Ji Yuan seemed to have a godless blue eyes, which made the dragon girl feel that she was not looking at her body at all, but at her way of transforming into a dragon.

"Although the old Baijiao's Taoism is profound, he has not been able to transform into a dragon twice, but if he is given another chance, do you think he will dare to transform for the third time?"

Ji Yuan's question caught the dragon girl Ying Ruoli, she subconsciously looked at Bai Qi who was sitting in the corner of the hall drinking alone, although withdrawn, she couldn't hide her unwillingness and helplessness.

'I'm afraid I will definitely try it! '

Not only did she have this answer in her heart, but Longnu also knew that if there was another chance and it still failed, the old Baijiao would definitely die.

"Hehe, Empress Jiang Shen must have the answer in her heart, so let Ji say this, the only difference between you and the dragon transformation is the morality, the only difference is the spirit, and the two things are complete, and the matter of the dragon transformation is half !"

Dragon Girl's heartbeat quickened.

"What about the other half?"

This question was asked so much that Ji Yuan couldn't help but laugh, you still have a real dragon father, this kind of advantage is comparable to that of other dragons?

But at this point, Ji Yuan has also tasted the taste. This dragon girl may not really be afraid of death or cutting her way, so she is a little afraid of transforming dragons. It is likely that her parents are too powerful, and there are many resources piled up. Big too long.

It's very similar to some children from rich and powerful families in the previous life. Although they are actually very good, they always live under the shadow of their parents no matter how hard they try.

The expression on Ji Yuan's face became lighter, but more natural, there seemed to be a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and his tone was much gentler than before.

"Ying Ruoli, it's not easy to be the daughter of a real dragon, is it?"

For a long time, it is possible that even Longnu herself did not realize this point. At this moment, she was struck by fate, and there was a sense of resonance that hit the soul directly, which made Longnu not know how to answer for a while, and subconsciously looked at her father, only to find that the old man The dragon seemed to be paying attention here too.

"Hehe, it's hard to avoid being out of breath under the heavy pressure..."

Ji Yuan suddenly thought of a trick in his previous life that he didn't know where to read it, it had nothing to do with Taoism scriptures or classics.

"Well, you call me 'uncle' so many times, I might as well teach you a little thing!"

In Longnu's situation, it was entirely due to a problem with her mentality. It might be useless for acquaintances to say a thousand words or ten thousand, or maybe even Longnu and the people around her didn't notice this problem, but Ji Yuan noticed it at this meeting.

With a fairy sword by his side, and a real dragon searching for it for three years, no one would think that such a person would teach you something.

Of course, Ji Yuan didn't know that Laolong had been looking for him for more than three years, and he didn't have the idea of ​​setting himself high. What he wanted to do was to help Longnu give a psychological hint.

In more accurate terms of practice, it can be understood as a "heart-knocking of the sound of the Tao". Although the Taoism of Jiyuan has not reached the level of helping people "knocking the heart", the effect will only be stronger in theory if the sound of the imperial order is there.

Feeling the turbulent aura of Longnu's mind at this moment, although he has never tried it before, but Ji somehow feels that this timing is very suitable.

"Relax the heart wall, close your eyes and enter into silence, and clear the Lingtai!"

Ji Yuan's voice was accompanied by a hint of imperial order, which was not noticed by others under the noisy vocal music, but it was extremely clear to Long Nu's ears, and the distracting thoughts were naturally swept away, and after closing her eyes, only the spiritual altar was bright.

This is also because Ji Yuan's "identity" is placed here, and being by her father's side allows Long Nu to have this trust, otherwise she will not be able to win her heart.

"Look ahead, rice fields, lakes, rivers, mountains, cities... the criss-crossing waterways..."

Ji Yuan knows that practitioners' artistic conception meditation is extremely fast. As the god of Jiang, Ying Ruoli is not bad, and with the help of Daoyin, it seems that a mountain and river really melted in Ying Ruoli's heart, and even he himself became a dormant A dragon in a water pool somewhere.

"Cultivation for hundreds of years is just for this moment. You have completed your practice, and the sky has been raining heavily for half a month. It should be like glass. Now is the time to get out of the water. Why don't you leave quickly?"

In Ying Ruoli's state of mind, everything seemed more real, the water level around her kept rising, and the sky continued to rain and thunder.

"No! There is a city ahead, I can't go this way!"

The dragon girl murmured subconsciously, causing Ji Yuan's eyes to light up, and Fa's eyes to fully open. The Taoist voice contained "Chi", and a trace of dark and yellow energy was bred.

"Since you already know which path to take, why don't you leave quickly?"

The dragon girl in the state of mind only feels that all the scenes have completely become real, and can even see the strength and temperature of the wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and can see the impact of the torrential rain on the living beings.

Ji Yuan's words "depart quickly" sounded like thunder. Compared with the rivers and waterways beside the city, Chijiao at this moment is resolutely heading to the place with towering mountains on one side, where there are also waterways.

Under the induction of Ji Yuan's qi machine, he seemed to be able to see what Long Nu saw in his heart. Even he himself did not expect that this artistic conception meditation would have such an effect.

At this moment, Chijiao moves in the artistic conception, and Ji Yuan murmurs Daoyin. The mountains in front of him seem to put the infinite pressure in the heart of the dragon girl. There is the power and expectation of the father of the real dragon, the mother of the dragon who never sees each other, and all kinds of worries of her own. Depression makes the mountains more majestic, and the waterway between the mountains is more like a stream...

Chijiao wanted to retreat several times, and even thought of changing the road, but at this moment, the sky seemed to be more thunderous, and the heavy rain seemed to be more fierce. Those city walls were already flooded, and countless creatures were crying.

Once the flood dragon diverts, countless creatures will drown. The exaggerated tragedy and the desire for life form a strong sense of sadness and resentment in the sky, so that the dragon girl can even empathize with it.

Walking against the mountain is more difficult than transforming a dragon. It is already like a moat, so what if adding this, the resentment of countless creatures struggling to survive seems to far exceed the fear of the dragon girl...

Things are getting out of control. Maybe because we talked about the tragedy of Bai Jiao today, the dragon girl herself started to take over Bai Qi's situation.

I don't know if the effect of the command sound combined with the mysterious and yellow energy is too strong, but because of her own deep obsession, the dragon girl suddenly turned her mood so much, which made Ji Yuan feel faintly, if the dragon girl fails in the state of mind, I am afraid it will be Will be determined to set back.

If it wasn't for his already strong body control, Ji Yuan would almost be in a cold sweat.

Not only the sense of responsibility, but also the fact that if you come to a friend's birthday banquet and ruin the mood of the other's daughter, even a good friend will definitely not forgive yourself!

There are more mysterious and yellow qi to be dispatched, and Ji Yuan has put in all his strength, since you are replacing Bai Qi, then put it to death and come back to life!

In the artistic conception, the closer the scaleless Chijiao gets to the mountains, the more fear grows in his heart.

"If you dare to transform into a dragon three times, you already have the heart of death. How can retreating before the battle be worthy of your hundreds of years of practice? How can you be worthy of the pain of falling scales? The death test at the time of decision has passed, and the heart and belief are like transforming into a dragon. You cannot retreat, if you retreat, the dragon body will not advance, Ying Ruoli, you are neither greedy for life nor afraid of death, so break the mountain for me!"

In the artistic conception, Chijiao's bright eyes are white, the nose is filled with red air, the dragon air is rising steadily, and the flood is constantly rising towards the mountain.

"Compared to the humiliation of failing to transform into a dragon three times, why should death be feared!"

The sound of Dao in the sky is like the rumbling of a bell, constantly echoing in my ears.

‘Why are you afraid of death! '

The flood peak soared and was surrounded by thunder, and Chi Jiao rolled up the flood and bombarded him away.


In the artistic conception, the indestructible Black Mountain is blown up by the flood peak, and a big river runs through the mountains, and a Chijiao Yujiang goes straight to the sea.

Although transforming a dragon is not just as simple as flooding the dragon into the sea, but in this artistic conception, the dragon girl seems to have succeeded.

. . .


A slight dragon chant sounded from Ji Yuan's side, even though the sound was low and inaudible, the power of the dragon clan permeated the air, frightening the dancing fairies and elves stiffened and trembling.

Ying Ruoli has come to her senses, and she doesn't seem to have changed in any way, but she has the confidence that she will succeed in transforming into a dragon.

"Uncle Ji..."

Ji Yuan supported the table with one hand, on the surface he looked fine, but in fact he didn't even have the strength to speak.

The movement of the dragon girl has made the hall quiet. Obviously, she can't be out of her mind. The guests are all guessing what happened, and there are some people who have a very strange feeling but can't tell.

The whole process was very long for Long Nu, but in fact, it was only the effort of Long Nu closed her eyes and said a few words, and it didn't even arouse any ideas...until the dragon's prestige spread.

The old dragon Ying Hong faced Ji Yuan, and bowed solemnly.

"Mr. Ji, this congratulatory gift is a bit heavy!"

Chunmu Jiangshen in the corner of the hall was originally paying attention to the dragon girl, but when he heard the old dragon's words of thanks, he suddenly realized something and looked at the practitioner next to him.

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