Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 149 Auspicious

Others at the banquet were still pushing cups and changing cups, while Jin Wang quietly walked to his teacher Li Mushu.

"Teacher, Big Brother seems to have offended Father tonight, so he came here temporarily..."

"Hush...don't talk about it, Your Highness King Jin, just pretend you don't know."

Li Mushu looked in the direction of the emperor, and his words were light but heavy, King Jin believed him very much.

"By the way, is Yin Jieyuan still used to eating at the king's family banquet?"

King Jin faced Yin Zhaoxian who was on the other side of Li Mushu. At least on the surface, he was not very restrained.

Yin Zhaoxian quickly put down his chopsticks and bowed his hands to the King of Jin.

"Thank you, Your Highness, for the invitation. It's all delicious food and wine, but this stool is already too hot..."

Seeing that Yin Zhaoxian could still make a joke, King Jin also nodded with a smile.

"Yin Jieyuan, don't be cautious. The government and the people in the capital know my temper. The friends I invite don't have any important official positions. They can't be regarded as forming a party for personal gain. Of course, you are currently white, and naturally you can't be regarded as such."

The words just came out of King Jin's mouth, Yin Zhaoxian's spine felt hot when he heard it, but he felt more at ease.

"Hehe, when it comes to hot stools, the storyteller over there is even worse than you."

Yin Zhaoxian took advantage of the situation and couldn't look at the table seven or eight feet away, and the storyteller obviously didn't even dare to drink tea.

The emperor didn't know at the moment, if according to ordinary people's way of thinking, there were two gods inside this banquet hall, and they were asking Mr. Storyteller what happened after the death of ordinary people.

"Mr. Wang, do you know if people really go to the Yin Division after death? Where is the Yin Division located?"

The storyteller is Wang Li, and facing the emperor for such a period of time is more tiring than performing ventriloquism for several times.

"Returning to the Holy Lord, I have heard that the Yin Division is the residence of the soul. Before death, there will be a ghost to lead the way. The next mortals don't know where it is. I also heard that it seems to have something to do with the town gods. The great gods will judge a person's previous achievements in life to determine the results after death, after all, there are judges in the temple."

The emperor stroked his beard and drank the wine in the glass, thinking about it in his mind, and asked the storyteller again with a smile.

"I have also read a lot of books and historical materials. Most of the city gods in various places recommend temples for the villagers. There are also virtuous and talented officials of the dynasty who pursue the imperial edict after death. The ancestor Zhengyuan Emperor also ordered the city god to appear in the temple. But they are all clay sculptures, so there is no righteous god to appear."

The storyteller didn't know how to answer at all. He wandered around to search for stories, and he had some special insights. He didn't dare to judge the words of the emperor or the city god at the moment.

The emperor asked again whether there were real immortals in the famous fairy mountains in the rumors, whether there were really dragon palaces in the rivers and seas, and whether there was a way to invite some gods and immortals to meet them. The emperor was not very satisfied with the dialogue.

After a while, the emperor finally let the storyteller go, and ordered the screen to be moved back to its original position, allowing the storyteller to continue telling the story.

Ji Yuan and Lao Long had already moved from the round table to behind the screen, looking at the storyteller's back, it was already wet with sweat despite the cold weather.

The old dragon laughed.

"Among mortals, this person can be regarded as well-informed, and he has answered certain questions about ghosts and spirits to the point."

The old emperor was dissatisfied with the storyteller's ambiguous answers, but Ji Yuan and Lao Long looked at the storyteller differently. For example, there was a place where "wild ghosts" pestered people for "water and rice", and the "porridge stood up with chopsticks" turned their backs. The native method that was poured outside the house, the storyteller's talk is very interesting.

Ji Yuan also smiled.

"It's a pity that what the emperor wants to know is not this kind of folk trail, what he wants to know is to become a fairy, and what he wants to know is immortality!"

"Hey, let him get all the benefits in the world, but he is still not satisfied, this is the king of the world!"

There was no sarcasm in what Laolong said in an interface, but it was just a statement of facts.

The emperor returned to the table to eat and drink, and the back kitchen continued to deliver hot new dishes.

Dazhen has always had the habit of keeping the year old. For example, in Prince Jin's Mansion, there are wine, food, and programs. The banquet needs to last until midnight, and the kitchen will be busy after midnight. Anyway, when the prince and the saint place chopsticks, they must be hot dishes.

By the end of Haishi, Ji Yuan had already felt the aura of heaven and earth churning, obviously there were indeed different changes between the old and the new.

"The time is coming, Jingli!"

A servant shouted loudly at the door. Hearing this sound, even the emperor put down his chopsticks, and the lutes and lutes in the house also stopped, waiting for the arrival of the new year.

Ji Yuan and Laolong have already left the house. The former opened his eyes wide and looked at the space between the sky and the earth. In the gray mist, there is fresh air accumulating and rising, while the turbid air is dissipating as it descends, as if tearing open a new space between the sky and the earth. , It seems that the curtain of Qingqi hangs on the clouds and rises to the sky.

The humane aura of the entire Gyeonggi Province is also rising, as if hitting the gray in the air, causing the clear and turbid air to roll.

"It turns out that this is saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new!"

Ji Yuan sighed full of emotion.

The old dragon also looked at the sky and the earth with his eyes wide open, but at most he could feel a special kind of throbbing. He clearly felt that what Ji Yuan saw was absolutely different from what he saw, but it was hard to ask him what he saw.

"Crackling crackling..."

The sound of firecrackers began to ring out in the capital, and it became more and more dense. Even at the gate of Prince Jin's mansion, some servants lit long firecrackers.

Maybe there are no fireworks in this era, otherwise the sky over Gyeonggi Province must be bright and extraordinary.

Watching the yearly change of heaven and earth, the energy of the five elements in Ji Yuan's body is also driven more and more active, and the five colors even appear in the eyes, ears, mouth, nose and other orifices during breathing. Jinwang Atrium is as warm as spring.

The old dragon took two steps away with a strange expression on his face.

It's no wonder that this fate is not willing to go to Shuifu. It turns out that this year's change can also be cultivated. It really is a wonderful method, and I have never heard of it.

And although this burst of heat is just warmth, it implies a feeling that even the body of a real dragon would be afraid of, and it seems to be another powerful strange art.

A green vine sword has already flown into the sky by itself, and it seems to be able to see what it sees under the connection with Ji Yuan's mind. Sweep down.

Although it is insignificant in the whole world, it has a unique breath and rhythm in it.

Several chess pieces have already emerged, and the cloud gas is attracted by them and quickly guides into Ji Yuan's body and pours directly into the mountains and rivers of the artistic conception, being drawn by the pill furnace.

The Samadhi real fire in the furnace is like a furnace of ordinary fire filled with oxygen, and it overflows from the star eyes of the furnace body.

At this moment, Ji Yuan's body became even more heated, and even the old dragon subconsciously took another half step back, and all the ice and snow in the central garden of Prince Jin's Mansion melted away...

"Spring Festival, Spring Festival, Yuanshuo, fresh air brings new year, and everything grows!"

The old dragon was still in shock, but he heard such a sentence from Ji Yuan inexplicably.

As if realizing something, the old dragon looked down at his side, and found that in the atrium garden of the palace, some vegetation had sprouted and grown in a short period of time, and some of them had even produced flower buds at a speed visible to the naked eye, and were just about to bloom.

"Mr. Ji, you..."

The old dragon hadn't finished his words of astonishment, but a servant from the palace delivering food suddenly screamed.

"Ah! The garden is blooming! The flowers in the garden are blooming, the garden, really... ah!"

The female family member was incoherent, and then another servant came to take a closer look with a lantern, and she saw that the garden was full of greenery, and there were even red flowers blooming.


"It's really blooming!"

"Auspiciousness from heaven, auspiciousness from heaven!"

The screams of the servants also faintly spread into the banquet hall, but it was a bit noisy, and the people inside couldn't hear it clearly.

The people in his house yelled and screamed on such a day, which made King Jin frown, for fear that his father would be unhappy.

But before he had time to inquire about the crime, the steward of the house trotted into the banquet hall and told the reason for the excitement of the servants.

Emperor Yuande was the first to stand up.

"Is there such a thing?"

Others also had expressions of disbelief, but the steward was full of assurances.

"Return to the lord, return to the prince, this matter is absolutely true, open the door and go out to see it, if it is false, remove the villain's head!"

"Okay! Let's go and see!"

Regardless of the emperor or the guests, they couldn't wait to stand up.

"Your Majesty, put it on!"

The queen took the emperor's cloak coat from the servants, and the latter hurriedly put it on and went straight to the gate of the banquet hall. Naturally, the others did not dare to walk ahead of the emperor.

The servants of the palace held a lantern to lead the light, and a group of guests followed behind. They walked into the atrium garden within seven or eight breaths.

Looking around, I saw that the ice and snow melted in the atrium, and there were emerald greens, and there were red flowers blooming, secretly fragrant.

"There is such a thing, there is such a thing!"

The emperor muttered to himself excitedly in astonishment, and the other guests couldn't restrain the shock in their hearts.

"Holy Majesty, this is heavenly auspiciousness!"

"It really is an auspicious image!"

"Today's banquet is really not in vain!"

"Congratulations, my lord, congratulations to His Royal Highness King Jin!"

"God bless me Dazhen!"


Amidst the compliments, the emperor seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly shouted after looking around.

"I am the Dazhen Emperor Yuande. If there is a god here, I hope to show up and see him. I will build a temple for you and grant you an eternal incense in the world!"

Ji Yuan and Lao Long, who were almost close to Emperor Yuande, were also taken aback when they heard that, the latter looked at Ji Yuan with a smile, while the former shook his head helplessly.

"Let's go, there's nothing to see here."

After Ji Yuan said this, he walked towards Yin Zhaoxian, who came out together with the crowd, flicked his fingers, and a small remaining fresh air poured into his forehead, and his righteousness was bright.

Yin Zhaoxian was originally horrified by the changes in the garden, but suddenly he seemed to be watered by a clear spring but not cold, and his whole body was refreshed.

Under the surge of righteousness, his eyes blurred, and he vaguely saw the two people walking away, and their backs were somewhat familiar.

Taking a closer look, the blur is gone, and there are still palaces and pavilions in front of me, without any back view.

"Mr. Ji?"

Li Mushu, who was close to him, heard the murmur, and looked sideways at Yin Zhaoxian, only to feel that he was clear and upright.

As for the emperor's repeated shouts, naturally no gods responded.

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