Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 176 The matter of Yuhuai

But at this time, Ji Yuan looked at Wei Yuansheng's fearful expression, and the smile on his face gradually faded. After thinking for a while, he pulled the chair closer to Wei Wuwei, and looked down at Wei Yuansheng.

"Xiao Yuansheng, do you want to go to Yuhuai Mountain? Do you want to cultivate immortality?"


Wei Yuansheng asked a word in a daze, but suddenly felt that his father's gestures of holding him had become a lot stronger.

"Uh huh, Mr. Ji... Yuan Sheng is only four years old, how can he have the ability to judge, how can he know what is good or bad..."

Ji Yuan glanced at Wei Wuwei, the latter seemed to feel great pressure suddenly, he didn't dare to breathe, and gradually relaxed his hand.

"That's right, I asked you if you want to cultivate immortality. Your parents and elders in your family should have been telling you what to prepare. What about you?"

A smile appeared on Ji Yuan's face again, it belonged to the kind of face that made Wei Yuansheng relax just by looking at it.

Although Wei Yuansheng is young, he has a feeling that as long as he says "I don't want to, I don't want to", then all these things will go away from me.

The elders of the Wei family present were faintly sweating on their foreheads, only Wei Yuansheng's mother had some anticipation in her eyes.

Wei Yuansheng looked at his mother, then at his father, and finally at Ji Yuan.

Who is this Mr. Ji? Naturally, it is impossible for Wei Yuansheng not to know, so he hesitated to ask Ji Yuan.

"Mr. Ji, are all immortals the same as you?"

Ji Yuan thought about it.

"There must be people who are similar to me, but very few."

This accounting fate is no longer entangled with the standards of immortals in his heart. Anyway, in the eyes of ordinary people, such high-level and powerful immortal cultivators are immortals.

"How much skill does it take to be like you?"

Ji Yuan thought about it and said that it would not be very capable, but suddenly he thought about it, and although there were many accidents in what he did, it was really not something that ordinary cultivators could handle.

Moreover, although playing the world of mortals alone does not require strong mana or high morality, in fact, it is easy to get lost after a long time. Those who dare to cultivate their minds in the world of mortals are usually not low in Taoism.

"Scrutinizing it carefully, it takes a lot of skill."

Before Ji Yuan could answer, Wei Yuansheng mustered up his courage and asked again.

"You really don't accept me as an apprentice? Everyone says I'm smart, not because I'm the young master of the Wei family."

Ji Yuan shook his head with a smile and only said one word.

"No charge."

"Oh...Although I'm still a little afraid of Xianshan, I still want to go. I know that it is very rare for a mortal to encounter such an opportunity in a lifetime. If you don't seize it, you will definitely regret it."

Speaking of this, Wei Yuansheng's small face was tangled up, and he clenched his fists and said bitterly.

"Besides, if I don't go, I will have spent more than a year of studying in vain. I am so unwilling!"

"Hahahahahaha... It's so wonderful, then you can figure it out, it's not only for your Wei family, but also for Xiao Yuansheng yourself, don't put on a little face all day long, don't you know it very well, A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

Ji Yuan laughed a few times, and then he did not forget to tease the child.

With Ji Yuan's smile, the atmosphere in the hall immediately relaxed, Wei Yuansheng also seemed to lose the fear just now, and asked Ji Yuan chatteringly about the Immortal Mansion.

"Mr. Ji, isn't Yuhuai Mountain big?"

"I don't know, I still want you to tell me!"

"Haven't you been there?"


"Then if I go and get locked up, how can I tell you!"

Threats for reasons.

"They dare!"

"Can my dad really go too?"

"It should be fine."

"Then what about my mother, can my nanny go too? And Xiao Cui!"

Ji Yuan rubbed his head.

"I'm afraid it won't work..."


This situation also made Wei Wuwei and others feel relieved. Most of the time, Wei Wuwei would only intervene when necessary, trying to let Mr. Ji and his son chat as much as possible.

Ji Yuan kept chatting with this thinking child until midnight, which completely relieved Xiao Yuansheng's fear of the Immortal Mansion. Later, Wei Yuansheng couldn't help being sleepy and fell asleep in Wei Wuwei's arms.

After Mrs. Wei carried Wei Yuansheng down to sleep, Ji Yuan took out a strange object from his sleeve, which looked like a flattened paper bird from Wei Wuwei's eyes.

"Uh, Mr. Ji, is this for Yuan Sheng?"

"No, this is for you."

Ji Yuan put the paper crane on the table, turned his head and said to Wei Wuwei.

"Look, when you arrive at Yuhuai Mountain, if you see that Qiu Fengxian, give it to him directly, and teach him to fold down the wings of the paper crane like this, and then pull them apart like this."

Ji Yuan folded while talking, and after the last two steps of the paper crane, it actually flew up on the table like this, circled Ji Yuan twice and circled Wei Wuwei twice before flying back to the table.

Like a real bird, it can even twist the paper to peck at the lower corner, pulling the unstretched edge of the plan more perfectly.

Many people present stared at this scene dumbfounded and speechless, even if they had seen Laogui Yushui before, they would inevitably be shocked when they saw the magical fairy art.

Ji Yuan smiled, and was quite satisfied with the "paper crane method" that he had perfected more and more. He took the paper crane and flattened it again, and the miraculous paper bird immediately became a piece of folded paper.

"Have you seen it clearly? If you don't see Immortal Qiu Feng at that time, you can also unfold the paper crane in private, and it will find that Immortal Qiu by itself."

"Write it down, write it down!"

Ji Yuan nodded and stood up, left his seat and walked out, Wei Wuwei also stood up quickly.

"Mr. Ji, I will take you to the inn to rest!"

Ji Yuan paused, turned his head and said.

"No, take a word to Xiao Yuansheng for me."

"Please order!"

Wei Wuwei replied respectfully, he vaguely felt that Mr. Ji was about to leave again.

"Well, judging by his previous appearance, he also knows something about my life, presumably it was the head of the Wei family who told him?"

"Exactly! You won't blame me, sir?"

"It's not strange, it's okay, tell Xiao Yuansheng for me, he said that he wants to become a fairy like me, but Ji took it seriously, he made a promise with me, don't forget it!"

"Definitely, Wei will definitely tell Yuan Sheng and urge him!"

Ji Yuan nodded, and cupped his hands towards the Wei family members who were all standing up in the room.

"Then Ji will take his leave, and you don't need to send him off."

After saying this, Ji Yuan opened the hall door and stepped out, Wei Wuwei and others hurriedly chased after him, saying that if he didn't let him go, he couldn't really not send him off.

It's just that when everyone went out, they didn't find Ji Yuan's shadow in the corridor and yard outside. Instead, the servants who stayed at the door hurriedly saluted the people who came out and greeted them with one voice.


Wei Wuwei looked around.

"Did you see how the big gentleman who just came out left? Did he fly into the sky?"

The four servants on the side looked at each other, and one of them, who was older, answered with a little hesitation.

"Patriarch, the door opened suddenly just now, but you were the only ones who came out after a while."

Wei Wuwei was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and looked at his third uncle, the old housekeeper and others in blank dismay.

On this night that was destined to be an exciting and sleepless night for the Wei family, Ji Yuan had already flown to Ning'an County and hadn't returned for many years. He still missed the peaceful small courtyard back then.

I heard that Mrs. Yin went to other prefectures to become the magistrate, so Yin's family must have gone, and I don't know what is going on in Ju'an Xiaoge, is the dust three inches thick, is the jujube tree blooming?

. . .

There is a Yucui Mountain about eight or nine hundred miles away from Desheng Mansion. Yunwu Mountain is where Yuhuai Mountain, the famous immortal residence of Dazhen, is located.

It's just that the Cuiyun Mountain Range at this time is not as peaceful as it used to be. There are two cranes returning with their feathers, and it is obvious that the feathers are messy and mottled with blood.

There was also a cultivator sitting on the back of a crane, and his expression was sluggish at this time.


Two cranes flew into the place surrounded by clouds and mist one after another, and a long cry sounded in it, and the clouds and mist separated automatically.

After flying through the mist, the white mist disappeared in the center, and it became brighter in the night. There were sporadic buildings standing between the seemingly steep mountains and cliffs, and there were also small bridges and flowing water hidden in the quiet deep valley.


The two cranes were fast, or more like they couldn't slow down, and they slid down on a low mountain with great momentum. When they landed with their wings flapping, their feet were unstable, and they fell to the ground one after another, and the monks on their backs also rolled down to the ground. ground.


The crane guarding the mountain in the mountains arrived first while flapping its wings like the wind, and landed next to one person and two cranes and turned into a woman in feather clothes.

"how come?"

Shocked, she hurriedly mobilized the surrounding aura to gather, and she could see that both cranes and one person had exhausted their mana.

The cry of the crane had already alarmed the immortals of Yuhuai Mountain. When it landed on the flat top of the dwarf mountain, four people had rushed over against the wind and landed on the flat top of the mountain at the same time.

"Junior Brother Zhao!" "Does Aunt He know what's going on?"

"I've just arrived. Immortal Zhao and the two Fellow Daoist Cranes are still in a coma."

"The mana is exhausted."

"Where's Uncle Pei, didn't they go to Tianji Pavilion together?"

"Be safe and don't be impatient, take Junior Brother Zhao and Xianhe to Shuyun Tower to heal and take care of them."

Several monks cast spells with the crane, and they flew towards a building on a high peak in front of them on a cloud. A stream of light flashed from the building with their sleeves waved, and then a group of talents flew into it.

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