Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 180: Ear Seeds Again

A burst of roaring sound came from the mountain behind, and Ji Yuan, who drove away with the cloud, couldn't help but smile knowingly again, and then the cloud drifted away and landed in Ning'an.

Although Lu Shanjun's Taoism is not too high, but his position in the chess game is not low, it is not good to directly give the kind of cultivation method that is too close to the orthodox fairy beast, which will affect the rare demon cultivation Spirituality can also easily affect Yaolu Heizi's orthodoxy.

After all, the position of the tiger in the game of chess is to fall into the monster clan. I used to have 30% confidence in the tiger's potential to become a big monster, so after tonight it will be 70%.

On the platform tonight, Ji Yuan explained with great care and detail, just like Lu Shanjun believed in him, Ji Yuan also believed in this extraordinary tiger.

That night, tigers howled constantly in the depths of Niu Kui Mountain, and the birds in this mountain forest fled. Well, Hu Yun also fled along with him. In this state, he dared not stay by Tiger Lu's side.

The only thing that Chihu is better than Lu Shanjun is that he can run down Niukuishan to Ning'an County. Anyway, it is more comfortable there than in the mountains. Hu Yun didn't want to stay all night, so he just ran all night.

It wasn't until dawn that the tiger spirit, whose joy was still undiminished, subsided. At this moment, Lu Shanjun's Lingtai was clear, and every word Ji Yuan said was extremely clear.

Although Master did not directly give any magic method of cultivation last night, he pointed out the important hurdles on his path of transformation and even the path of cultivation afterwards. The sense of anticipation is already very evident.

'Master has high hopes for me, and I will definitely break out my own way, and when I can call myself a predestined disciple, I will definitely not insult his old man's reputation! '

With this belief, Lu Shanjun did not go back to his original cave, but jumped out and ran to another place in the mountain.

That cave is no longer suitable for living and retreating. He wants to change to a more open and bright location, and the new location has to be closer to this rock.

Lu Shanjun has decided to come to this platform to practice when the moon is high. From the night of listening to the sermon, this mountain rock has an extraordinary meaning to him.

But after listening to the sermon together that night, although the master probably didn't recognize the fox as a disciple, but after all, there was this kind of affection, which made Lu Shanjun feel close to the red fox.

It's just that the fox is still too ignorant, he doesn't know the blessing in the blessing, Lu Shanjun decides to spur the little fox when he has the opportunity in the future, so as not to waste this fate.

Hu Yun had already returned to Ning'an County and slept next to Yin Qing.

When Lu Shanjun had the idea of ​​whipping the red fox, Hu Yun suddenly trembled and his hair stood up. He woke up and looked around in a panic, only to find that he was in Yin's bedroom and he was greatly relieved.

Just now Hu Yun dreamed that he was still in the tiger's den in Niukui Mountain, and Lu Shanjun was roaring at him with his bloody mouth open.

. . .

Life in Ju'an Xiaoge is relatively peaceful, and Ji Yuan has returned to the routine of following the sunrise and sunset.

Yin Qing is already the oldest student in the school, and most of the time he is helping the old master. He doesn't need to worry too much about his homework. He was going to leave Ning'an County to study at Huiyuan Academy in Chunhui Mansion soon. But as soon as Ji Yuan came back, he hesitated and didn't want to leave.

Ji Yuan couldn't force him to persuade him, so he asked Yin Qing to write a letter from his family to Wanzhou, and listen to Yin's father and mother's decision in reply.

It can be foreseen that the content of the reply letter will definitely let Yin Qing go to the academy to study quickly, but it takes about two or three months for the family letter between the two states to go back and forth, which can be regarded as giving Yin Qing a buffer time.

On this day when the school was closed, Yin Qing was sitting in the small courtyard of Ju'an reading, and Chihu was lying on the stone table, looking at the same book with him, occasionally reciting a passage together, if anyone saw it, they would definitely You will find this picture amusing, or you will be terrified.

And Ji Yuan sat on the other end and flipped through a volume of "The Way of Chess". This kind of book on chess was sent by the Yin Division of Ning'an County again. They were all engraved on bamboo slips by Wu Pan, so that Ji Yuan could read them easily. Character.

Unknowingly, the sky was cloudy again, and the sound of "rumbling" thunder sounded from a distance from time to time. Yin Qing and Hu Yun turned a deaf ear to this and continued to study hard.

But Ji Yuan put down the bamboo slips, walked outside the shade of the jujube tree to look at the clouds in the sky, and smelled the water vapor in the air.

"That's right, before you know it, it's the eve of the awn seed again, and it's time to rain, Yin Qing, go home and collect your clothes."

"Mr. Ji, I didn't dry the clothes today!"

Yin Qing smiled at Ji Yuan, and continued to study with Hu Yun.

"Then you should move to another place. It's going to rain soon, so go inside and have a look."

While Ji Yuan was speaking, he picked up the other two bamboo slips on the stone table, walked into the main room and moved a chair to sit at the door, one person and one fox outside were still reading vigorously.

After a while, the first drop of rainwater fell on the ground, and then more and more drops gradually turned into a heavy rain.

Yin Qing said "Oops", and hurried to Ji Yuan with the book in his arms. The way the red fox ran with its paws on its head and hind legs was even more comical.

The noise of the people outside in the rain can be heard, there are always some reckless people who don't know the weather, and appear to be in a hurry when the rain falls.

"Oh, oh! Hurry up and hide from the rain!" "This rain is too sudden!"

"Run, run!" "Pack up your clothes first!"


But for most of the villagers, the rain was festive. The rain made the canals rise and the fields were filled with water, which provided a good start for a new round of planting around Ning'an County and even the entire Jizhou.


The rainwater hits the roof, the yard, and the branches and leaves of the jujube trees. Everything around him forms a beautiful picture scroll combining movement and stillness in Ji Yuan's mind.

Seeing Ji Yuan sitting at the door with his eyes closed and feeling the rain falling on the ground, Yin Qing and Hu Yun didn't read any more, they moved a chair and sat at the door, and Chihu sat on the ground next to Yin Qing, sweeping his tail.

Half an hour later, when the rain began to weaken gradually, Ji Yuan stood up from the chair, stepped out of the door and stood under the eaves.

The courtyard door of the small pavilion was only ajar, and the rain had not stopped at this moment, and there were already three knocks on the door of "Dong Dong Dong..." from the other side.

"Mr. Ying, please come in!"

"Hey, excuse me!"

The old dragon Yinghong pushed open the courtyard door and walked into the small pavilion. The rain fell on his body and wet his clothes, but he didn't care about it, and handed each other the same fate.

When the old dragon walked to the stone table in front of the courtyard, the rain had stopped.

There was a frightened "rustling..." sound among the branches and leaves of the jujube trees in the courtyard, and then it subsided, and Yin Qing stood up in surprise.

"You are, you are the old gentleman who ate half a tree of dates and got my father drunk!"

Yin Qing has an excellent memory, combined with his deep impression and Lao Long's unchanging clothing style, he recognized him immediately after seeing him only once.

"Hey hey, it's the old man!"

Lao Long smiled and stroked his beard and nodded, while Ji Yuan turned his head to look at Yin Qing and Hu Yundao.

"You two go back first, the old man and I have something to talk about."

When Mr. Ji said that, it was true, and one person and one fox almost agreed with one voice.


Then he ran out of the small courtyard on tiptoe with water in his hand.

Then Ji Yuan walked into the courtyard, waved his sleeves to wipe away the rainwater on the stone table and bench, and stretched out his hand to guide him.

"Please sit down, sir!"

"Okay, Mr. Ji please!"

When the two sat down, the old dragon laughed and teased.

"This red fox must be the one that Mr. Ji rescued back then. It's quite interesting. The boy from the Yin family also has a spirituality. Mr. Ji doesn't plan to teach it?"

"I'm already teaching, but it's not about cultivating immortals and dharma. The Yin family's father and son's ambition is for all people. Although Yin Qing is young and playful, it's not that he is unstable, but a great talent."

The old dragon nodded and squinted towards the direction of Yin's house.

"To get such an evaluation from Mr. Ji, Mrs. Yin's family deserves the word 'outstanding'."

Just as he was talking, he saw Ji Yuan stretch out his right hand and beckon, and suddenly many flaming red dates fell from the tree, attracted by mana in the air and gathered on the stone table.

There are six pills lined up in a row, and there is a faint fire rising.

"Please taste the old man. Don't blame Ji for being stingy. The older the jujube is, the more extraordinary it will be. There are only a few dozen grains in this batch. Pick a little less."

"You, you, it's alright, I only gave two pills back then, at least there are more today."

While speaking, the old dragon grabbed all the dates and stuffed them into his mouth, making a "creaking" chewing sound, without even spitting out the date pits.

The old dragon is not a stingy dragon, and Ji must be more generous. Regardless of the lack of dates, they are all the original fire dates. There are only ten pieces left in total, and now there are only four.

"The old man wandered around before, do you have any specific news?"

The old dragon naturally knew what Ji Yuan asked.

"It is rumored that the south corner of Dongtuyunzhou hides Dao fate this time. Perhaps it is because of this. In order to seek fate, those who are interested are considered rules. Most of them have a wait-and-see attitude, and they don't want to disturb the world."

"What's interesting is that after the real demon escaped, he didn't know if he wanted to scare off other existences, and deliberately released a message saying that Dazhen's interior seemed calm, but in fact it was already a dragon's pond and a tiger's lair..."

The old dragon paused and continued.

"Because of this, monk Yuhuaishan seemed unable to sit still, and sent someone to Tianji Pavilion to ask for a solution. It is said that he had a fight with some evil demon and heretic on the way. Hey, this old man thinks that it probably has something to do with that real demon. After all, he can't be angry. It’s in the Southern Wasteland again.”

Ji Yuan's eyes are dark, but his mind is full of thoughts.

"There are other things like this. Isn't the Tianji Pavilion closed to the cave?"

"Their immortal mansions still have some connections. Although Yuhuai Mountain is not well-known, it is still at the center of this incident, and Tianji Pavilion may not reject it."

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