Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 186 Unspeakable Feelings

After Qiu Feng left, Yin Qing and Hu Yun relaxed in the courtyard of Ju'an Xiaoge.

Ji Yuan still didn't come back at the gate outside the courtyard, Yin Qing just turned his head around and taught Hu Yun a lesson in a master's tone.

"Look at you, a fox is yelling all day long, which is at Mr. Ji's place. If someone sees a fox running and jumping on two feet and talking in other places, the first thing to do is If you get scared to death, if you slow down, you will find someone like a hoe and iron rake, and then gather the villagers to beat you to death!"

"Nonsense! And I'm afraid of them? I have great claws and teeth!"

Hu Yun bluffed, waved his rather sharp claws, and talked back to Yin Qing.

"Yo, it's so powerful, then why do we run through the streets and alleys, and you curl up on your back whenever you see a dog?"

Yin Qing pursed her lips, and looked at the red fox with a look of extreme contempt, making the latter puff up like a cat, grinning to reveal its thin and pointed fangs, as if desperately looking for you.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Yin Qing also rolled up his sleeves, revealing his strong arms

"Come on, come on, whoever shoots whom!"

One person and one fox confronted each other for a long time, but no one really stepped forward. After a while, they couldn't hold back any longer. Yin Qing looked at Ji Yuan who had passed by them and sat back in front of the chessboard. It seemed that Mr. Ji had no intentions at all. A plan to organize a human-fox war.

"Forget it, forget it, what do I care about with you, a stinky fox who just learned to talk, I'm a scholar!"

Yin Qing groaned and flung his sleeve back to its original position.

"Forget it, I'm a reading fox, I'm older than you, so why bother with a brat like you!"

Hu Yun also looks like I don't know as much as you.

Ji Yuan looked sideways at the two, shook his head and continued to move.

Comprehending the chess moves of senior chess masters is just a way for others to improve their chess skills, but it is also a kind of practice for calculating fate.

Just like watching chess in Gyeonggi-fu, the changes of yin and yang are also displayed when two pieces compete, and the process of black and white fighting also evolves the way of mutual generation.

The more expert you are, the deeper you will feel when playing chess. It is naturally best to be able to watch chess live, but a real chess master may not be easier to find than a god. Feel it through time and space through the handed down chess classics. , is also a very good practice.

Yin Qing and Hu Yun looked at each other, and they walked quietly to the table and sat down.

"Mr. Ji, who was that big gentleman just now? Hu Yun didn't even notice that he was inside. If an ordinary person saw a fox running in with human words in his mouth, he would be terrified."


Hu Yun nodded aside.

Ji Yuan sighed.

"It's good to know, so restrain yourself in the future, especially you."

Ji Yuan turned to look at the red fox.

Facing this pair of godless blue eyes, the red fox froze again.

"It doesn't matter to me, it doesn't mean it's the same outside. There are very few kind-hearted monsters in this world, and there are even fewer monsters who can prove their kindness. Yin Qing's words are actually true. Don't go outside until you have nothing to do." It's too escaping."

Seeing that the fox dared not answer, Ji Yuan stopped talking.

"Uh ha, that, Mr. Ji, let's cook first, and we'll bring it here to eat together when we're done, let's go first!"

Yin Qing felt that Mr. Ji might not be in a good mood today, so he winked at Hu Yun, and left the courtyard quickly with the latter.

Ji Yuan dropped the son in his hands, but from the corner of his eye, he watched the back of this person Yihu leaving, he was thinking about something, but he shook his head for a long time.

. . .

After about an hour or so, Qiu Fengcai Yufeng returned to Yuhuai Mountain. He didn't bother to visit his apprentice when he came back, so he first called his senior brother Yangming, and together with his senior brother, he went to Shuyun Tower to find Senior Uncle Ren.

Shuyun Building is a special building in Yuhuai Mountain. There are many magic circles inside it, which can help monks to clear their minds and calm their minds. It is a place for disciples in the mountain to retreat.

At the same time, Shuyun Building will rotate every 20 years, with two real masters of Yuhuaishan sitting in the town, watching the formation of the building to prevent the closed-door monks from becoming insane. some things.

In fact, the Xianfu and Xianmen in this world are not considered the foundation of the classics, and can be roughly divided into two types. One is a sect-style sect, and there are figures in charge of the affairs of the Xianfu; Yuhuai Mountain belongs to the second type. There is no such person as the head teacher. After the Taoism reaches a certain level, everyone takes turns to look at Gu Yuhuai's holy land.

These twenty years happened to be the turn of Qiu Feng and Yangming's master and uncle. During this period, they were not allowed to enter the closed door, and they were not allowed to go out and wander freely. They were the two who dealt with anything first, and generally they would not disturb the master. seniors.

And the "big real person" does not completely correspond to the strength of cultivation and mana. Mana is naturally one of the criteria, but it is more related to whether one can gain the true meaning in the practice of Taoism. The word "true" has a profound meaning, and the word "real person" is not. Simple division of strength and weakness, but more emphasis on the true meaning of practice.

Even those high-ranking people with high seniority, most of them can only be called a "big real person".

Of course, the so-called "big real person" is what Yu Huaishan himself calls it. In the orthodox world of cultivating immortals, most of them call "real people" to those who have achieved success in cultivation.

The two great masters in this round are not as leisurely as they used to be. First, there are rumors about Tianji Pavilion that are hard to tell. If we have to wait for Pei Zhenren to come back, then what Qiu Feng said after visiting Ji Yuan today, It is definitely not a trivial matter.

On the top of the Shuyun Building, the uncle Ren in green shirt was thinking about what happened today after Qiu Feng briefly said it. His deeply frowned brows had never been raised, and Qiu Feng and Yangming sat down and waited.

"Today's matter is no small matter. I can't decide on it. I need to discuss it with fellow Taoists and teachers from Jade Casting Peak!"

The man in the blue shirt stood up.

"You guys come too."

The three of them left the Shuyun Building together, and fled to a place surrounded by clouds, lights and shadows on the east side of Yuhuai Mountain, which was one of the forbidden areas of Yuhuai Mountain.

Flying for a long time in the maze of light, including places suspected of being swept by the wind from outside the sky, it took a while to finally pass through the light like an aurora, and what appeared in front of me was a giant with a bright white peak and a green bottom. The mountain peak is Yuzhu Peak of Yuhuai Mountain.

Qiu Feng and Yang Ming haven't been to this place too many times, and they would come here when their master and uncle were practicing here.

There are jade pavilions in Yuzhu Peak, which are distributed all over the mountain, and there is a main hall at the top. Normally, no one would be there, but at this moment, Ren Budong took the two nephews to the main hall on the mountain.

The white jade main hall is surrounded by snow-white pillars, and at the top is a golden bell.

Ren Bubu chanted the incantations, waved his sleeves and stretched out his sword fingers, repeatedly pointing at the golden bell on the dome, one after another Dharma light shot out.


When the bell rang, pieces of mist-like halos spread out, spreading across the entire Jade Casting Peak as the bell rang.

Qiu Feng and Yang Ming looked at each other from behind. Even at their level of cultivation, they were both masters, but they could still see a little nervousness in each other's eyes.

The bell rang a total of six times, which meant that as long as the person was not closed to death, he had to go to the Yuqiong Temple to participate in the important decision. If it rang nine times in a row, it meant the life and death of the Yuhuai Holy Land Mountain Gate.

After waiting for a while, lights flew from all sides of the main hall, and the faces of men and women, old or young, appeared around them, and Ren Budong and his two nephews bowed their hands to them one by one.

A total of eleven people were able to come, and the highest seniority was an old man named "Ju Yuanzi" from different masters and ancestors. He was over 800 years old. It is estimated that Yuhuai Mountain is the most hopeful person to achieve Taoism and become a true immortal on the bright side, but only he himself knows how likely it is.

Even the so-called "immortals" in the eyes of these mortals will not be able to avoid the exhaustion of life energy, birth, old age, sickness and death.

"Fellow Daoist Ren encountered something difficult to make a decision?" "But what kind of enemy did you encounter?"

"Only fellow daoist Ren? Where's fellow daoist Pei?"

While the visitors were seated in the hall, they also asked a few questions.

"Several major events have happened recently, all related to my Yuhuai Mountain, and I have to disturb everyone..."

Ren Budong came slowly, starting from the rumors of Tianji Pavilion, to the discovery of the real demon in Bingzhou, to Qiu Feng's visit to Ning'an County today, including Ji Yuan's proposal to see the imperial edict of the mountains, and Qiu Feng to explain many places.

The amount of information is a bit large, and when everything is finished, everyone in the hall can't hold back anymore.

"Did Lord Long really reveal the events of the past?" "Who is this Mr. Ji? There is actually a true immortal hidden in my Dazhen territory?"

"Surname Ji Mingyuan, why have I never heard of it, is it a pseudonym?" "I don't think so!"

"If what the true immortal said, then maybe the Dragon Lord will really be relieved."

"Is what the true fairy said the truth?" "This..."

"Then what about the Tianji Pavilion, there are still demons attacking me, Brother Yuhuai!"

"It's not clear whether this matter is true or false for the time being. The key is the Mountain Talisman Edict. Will it be allowed to be viewed or not?"

"The treasure of the mountain gate, how can you show it to others so easily!"

"That's right, even True Immortal Daomiao shouldn't show it off so easily!"

"This statement is wrong. Since Mr. Ji said that Taoist Qiu is proficient in the way of edicts, he may not know how to use talisman edicts. If he can teach me Yuhuaishan this method..."

"A joke, the law is not to be passed lightly, that is, if he really knows it, what will we repay?"


During this discussion, you talked to each other, and there was even a lot of quarrels. Qiu Feng and Yang Ming sat quietly cross-legged beside the uncle, not daring to say anything.

"Fellow Taoist Qiu Feng, in your opinion, apart from returning to the basics, what is so special about that person of the True Immortal rank?"

Ju Yuanzi, who had been silent all this time, suddenly asked Qiu Feng, and the unique but old voice also stopped the discussion in the field.

Qiu Feng was a little hesitant. In fact, he didn't really want to talk about the "sentiment" of seeing Ji Yuan, and he had mentioned it before, but now that Ju Yuanzi asked about it, the ones who were eager to know must not be those just now.

"Fellow Daoist Huiju Yuanzi, in fact, Qiu did personally experience this incident today..."

Qiu Feng gritted his teeth, and talked about the years he recalled through his self-reported experience of cultivating immortals, and then he wanted to ask Ji Yuan about his footsteps. When talking about the changes in the world, Ji Yuan was obviously a little nervous.

"At that time, I only felt that the small courtyard traveled outside the world and shuttled through the universe. Everything in the world seemed to be close at hand, and the changes in the avenues were like vicissitudes of life. Farther away... I dare not look, and I can..."

While Qiu Feng was speaking, sweat was already oozing from his body, and he seemed to be unstable and mana disordered.


The golden bell at the top of the Jade Vault of Heaven was actually trembling faintly, sending out a trace of golden chirping.

"It's not good, stop talking, keep your Dao heart!" "Protect the Lingtai, fellow Daoist Qiu, quickly calm down!"

Ren Budong and several other monks around him tried to save the method one after another, and some even cut off the connection between the Jade Qiong Temple and the outside world.

When it came to Qiu Feng's level of Taoism, the sign just now was definitely not good, and others were also shocked. It was hard to imagine what Qiu Feng felt at that time.

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