Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 189 Another way out

Today's Ji Yuan already knew that although the Yin Division has laws, it is not unaccommodating. For example, a good person like Qin Zizhou, with so many errands, is willing to wait here to finish the ritual at his home before sending him on the road.

Even the God of the Earth came from the temple on his own initiative. It stands to reason that since the Yin Division came to serve, the God of the Land only needs to wait in the temple for the family funeral procession to come.

Virtue is important to ghosts and gods, and this sentence is vividly reflected here.

Facing the request of Ji Yuan, although he did not conform to the Yin Division system, he was obviously a practitioner with extremely high Taoism, and he also showed enough courtesy. The key was that he couldn't stop him even if he forced his way in.

Yincha looked at the land god who looked like an old man, and the latter just nodded slightly.

Such as land, which is connected to the ground, although the roots of Ji Yuan can't be seen, but you can vaguely feel that after Ji Yuan comes in, the whole courtyard is surrounded by dust and dirt. too likely.

Seeing the reaction of the land god, the errants were certain that it was the day tour god who spoke.

"Since the Immortal Elder wants to see Qin Zizhou, I should do it for convenience. It's just my duty. Let me go in and explain to Qin Zizhou what happened after his death. His soul must be at a loss right now!"

Ji Yuan used his magic eye to look in the direction of the house, Qin Zizhou's soul had already started to leave the body, Ji Yuan and the ghost once again saluted.

"That should be the case. Please invite a few first, and then call Ji when it's suitable!"

"Okay, please wait for a while!"

All the servants bowed their hands in return, and then entered the big room where Qin Zizhou was, stepping on the dark wind.

The God of Earth took a step closer to Ji Yuan, bowed to Ji Yuan, tentatively chatted with Ji Yuan, and stood outside the courtyard together waiting.

The entire Qin family's courtyard has eight houses, not counting the kitchen and firewood. There is no distinction between the front yard and the back yard.

At this moment, the heirs of the Qin family and several students that Qin Zizhou valued were gathered around the bed, and they put on the shroud for the old man together while the body was still not stiff.

Tong Xian was Qin Zizhou's most valued student, and he regarded him as his own back then, and Mr. Qin's eldest son had already passed away, so Tong Xian and his second son would mainly put on the shroud for him, and the others would help.

"Hey...Father, you have cured illnesses and saved lives all your life, so you should rest well after you die!"

"Master passed away today. He is over a hundred years old. How many people in this world can live as long as his old man. It is a blessing from heaven, and there will be blessings after death!"

At this time, there was a gloomy wind in the room, and many people felt a sense of coldness. The older ones had a lot of experience. They had heard or experienced many similar things. Stand back.

According to the legend of the older generation, if it is suddenly cold in the room before or after the death of a relative, it may be a bad luck.

At this moment, Qin Zizhou's soul was standing beside the corpse, looking at his apprentice and son putting on the shroud for him in a daze, and also at the crying relatives around him, feeling a little dazed.

"Qin Zizhou, your lifespan is over, I'm here to guide you!"

The sound came to Qin Zizhou's ears, and Qin Zizhou suddenly felt his thinking clear, and suddenly looked at the bedside, where six guards in black and white costumes stood there.

With a slight sense of fear, Qin Zizhou asked carefully.

"How many are you, errand?"

The two Japanese cruisers actually hand in hand with Qin Zizhou.

"I am the right envoy of the day parade under the jurisdiction of the City God of Desheng Mansion. Next to me is the left envoy of the day parade. Behind me are two envoys who seduce souls and two guards who cover the umbrella. I am ordered to come here to pick you up. After you finish enjoying the family rituals, you will be enshrined." I will take you on the road!"

Qin Zizhou hurriedly returned the salute to the errand, and then felt the ghost's body being pulled for a while, and he took the initiative to float towards the opposite side. When he came back to his senses, he had already stood beside the two seducers.

"Dr. Qin, the affairs of the world are over. You are not allowed to touch your relatives, and you are not allowed to love your old body. You can only go home for a visit on the first seven days. Before the ritual ceremony at home, please wait by my side!"

"Understood, I understand, thank you Yin Envoy for letting me know!"

Qin Zizhou's apprehension was mixed with a touch of fear, and he did as he said, without daring to raise any objections.

The two umbrellas opened to isolate the ghosts and Qin Zizhou's ghosts. The two Japanese tour gods looked at each other and nodded, and the one who spoke just now spoke to Qin Zizhou again.

"Duke Qin, I wonder if you ever met a fairy before you were alive?"

Qin Zizhou looked at this white-robed guard with a tall hat.


"Well, maybe it's a strange person who impressed you very deeply. It doesn't necessarily show terrifying supernatural powers, but the other party is very likely to be a fairy."

Qin Zizhou thought hard, the number of times he has been called a living god is innumerable, but he has no impression of a real god, wait, it seems that there is such a person.

"It seems that there is indeed such a person, that person is a Taoist priest, when he came to my medicine hall, he was so angry that he was about to die. It was me and a master of the rivers and lakes who rescued him and saved his life..."

This time, not only Riyoushen, but also the other stern-faced men were a little surprised, their lives in danger?

In my mind, I have subconsciously imagined the possibility of some fights between immortals and evil.

"What's so special about that priest?"

Riyoushen asked a question.

"Of course there is. The Taoist fortune teller is very accurate. During the recuperation period, he calculated every case and he would hit it. When he came to my medicine hall for regular diagnosis and treatment, he couldn't help but do the fortune telling for other patients. I remember one time..."

Qin Zizhou hesitated for a moment, but continued.

"Once a man with a sallow complexion came to see a doctor, and the Taoist priest happened to be there too. Before I felt his pulse, the Taoist priest said bluntly that the patient said, 'There is no cure, there is no cure. From now on, it is uncertain to do good deeds and accumulate virtue. I can still live for a year and a half, just eat something good and drink something good, a miracle doctor can’t save me, a god is about the same...' At that time, there was almost a fight in the medicine hall..."

Even with a ghost body, Qin Zizhou still had lingering fears before continuing.

"After I made a diagnosis, I found out that this person was already terminally ill. But I didn't believe in evil, and I still tried my best to treat him. Unfortunately, I died in two months."

The errands were a little puzzled. At first they thought it might be the real master when they heard "every hit must hit", but they didn't feel like it when they heard that there was almost a fight in the medicine hall.

It's not easy to delay for too long now, so I can only tell Qin Zizhou the truth.

"Duke Qin, there is an elder fairy outside who wants to see you. He said he was an old acquaintance of yours. I will invite him in later."

After saying this, the Ri Xunyou walked out under Qin Zizhou's suspicious eyes, and led Mr. Baishan into the guest room after a while.

When Ji Yuan entered the room, the first thing he saw was Qin Zizhou's body. He was extremely emaciated and looked like a dry bone. It was obvious that he could not eat for a long time before he died.

Then I saw the soul of Qin Zizhou standing in the middle of the errands, his expression was the same as before, without much ghostly aura, even like a living person.

In this situation, the Yin and the God of Earth may only think that this soul body is strange, but from the perspective of Ji Yuan, it is absolutely unusual. What is rare is that there is a very clear aura within, which is actually the feeling of the God of the body. Almost, it belongs to the kind that is rare in the world.

What's even more strange is that Qin Zizhou is clearly dead, but the clear air doesn't dissipate. He is a god of human body. If there is no expert to take action, the death of human will immediately dissipate or escape into the world.

Ji Yuan's heart was agitated, and suddenly he thought of an idea in "Tong Ming Ce" that even the writers themselves thought the temple was barren, and some original thoughts also changed.

"Doctor Qin, we meet again!"

Qin Zizhou no longer knew Ji Yuan's appearance, but he remembered those eyes and the disease of those eyes.

"You are, you are the master of the rivers and lakes who is blind but can still see the scene? You are a god!"

Ji Yuan bowed to him and said with a smile.

"Doctor Qin has a good memory. You have practiced medicine all your life to save people. At the end of the day, the land master outside took care of the family courtyard, and the Liuyin messengers came to see you off. It was even the day-wandering gods of Desheng Mansion who were here in person. It can be regarded as one of the best among mortals." They are all well-known, presumably the Yin Division has already arranged for you to be a secretary, right?"

Ji Yuan's last sentence was obviously a question to Ri Youshen, and the latter did not dare to neglect his answer.

"This matter will be decided by the Judge and the City God, but with Duke Qin's virtue, he will definitely stay."

Saying this is tantamount to not saying it. Riyou Shenxiang realized this and added another sentence.

"A good and great doctor like Duke Qin has a life expectancy of nearly a hundred years. Generally, he will rest in the underworld for a few years, accept the offerings of his offspring, and after the soul body is condensed, he will be given the post of master bookkeeper and at the same time teach the method of ghost refining. If there is a vacancy for the chief officer of the Fourth Division, it is very likely that he will take over!"

"Okay, thanks for letting me know!"

This is not only what Ji Yuan wanted to know, but he also deliberately asked Qin Zizhou to hear it. After Ri Youshen finished speaking, Ji Yuan asked Qin Zizhou.

"Doctor Qin, in charge of the underworld, you can take care of your descendants, and you can also keep ghosts alive forever. With the virtue of the old man, maybe the villagers will build shrines and temples for you in the future, and you can be a god of idleness."

The idle god is a term for those who practice, and it refers to the kind of god who is neither a righteous god such as mountains, rivers, rivers, nor land, nor a god of the underworld such as a city god.

For example, in some places, a general temple may be built to enshrine the deceased generals who went out of the local area, hoping to suppress the hostility. It is still possible for a doctor like Qin Zizhou to build a temple for worship, in order to suppress the miasma and disease, and protect the village. Get ill.

Ji Yuan paused as he said this, looked at a few errands and then turned his gaze.

"Of course, your old ghost body has condensed the self-conceived Qi. In Ji's view, there is another way out. If there is a master of water and righteousness who has accumulated exuberant incense and strong Taoism, he can condense the ghost body from yin to yang. Burned by the sky but not moved by the cold, you can practice the true method and cultivate the spiritual way, and you can have a real body without a real body..."

When Ji Yuan said this, the Land God who was already standing at the door couldn't bear it anymore, and blurted out a word.

"Is that what the fairy said, the wandering god?"

There is a rumor that there is a kind of god who can travel all over the world without being bound by the boundaries. He can enjoy the incense in temples and be enshrined in ordinary people's homes, and he is not burdened by the change of dynasties. Then the magical power is infinite, and it can be listed as "true" together with Yueshen.

"The Lord of the Earth is good to know, but the God of Boundary Tour is too vast. Given Doctor Qin's current situation, it can be expected in a short period of time, but we can look forward to it in the future."

Ji Yuan's understatement shocked the God of Land so much, how could the God of World Traveling achieve it overnight, this sentence of the fairy elder is equivalent to saying "Yes, I mean exactly what you think."

"But, those who can become world wandering gods are all coincidences and coincidences, how can it be possible..."

The God of Earth would speak incoherently, not knowing how to express the chaotic thoughts in his heart.

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