Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 217 A Letter From Early Years


The second thunder sounded, the sound was much weaker, and the thunder also echoed in the mountains.

Lin Xinjie and Lei Yusheng adjusted their clothes in embarrassment. The panicked look just now was indeed a bit embarrassing.

Yin Qing and three classmates and friends walked further in, also imitating the practice of those traveling traders, moved two tables and put them in the corner, turned the corners down, and then put the bookcase on one side.

The rest of the tables and stools here can be put down to block the wind, and they can also be lifted off the ground when the weather is cold and humid. In a difficult situation, they can be chopped and used as firewood.

"Moxiu, let's go get some firewood, it's cold in the mountains at night."

Yin Qing suggested to his companions, and then said to Lei Yusheng and Lin Xinjie who wanted to talk.

"You tidy up here, clean up a small area, or move a few more tables, so you can sleep well at night."

Hearing this, Lin Xinjie frowned.

"Then what's the trouble? Didn't we ask the previous driver to buy a hatchet, so we can split the tables and chairs here and use them as firewood?"

"Yeah, I'm exhausted after walking for a long time, and it's going to rain in a while, how much trouble it is for you to go out!"

Yin Qing knelt down and took out the hatchet from his bookcase, smiled and shook his head.

"You haven't thought about why it's been so long. There are so many tables and chairs in this barren post? Everyone has chopped them up for firewood, and it will be inconvenient for people to rest in the future! If it is not a last resort, it is better not to destroy them, and take advantage of the rain now. It's not even dark yet, let's go out and get some dry firewood..."

Speaking of this, Yin Qing moved closer to Lei Yusheng and Lin Xinjie, and said in a low voice.

"Look at the bookcase."

"Well, you guys go!" "Yes, go early and come back early!"

Yin Qing picked up the hatchet, greeted Moxiu, and walked out. It was one thing to let the two people read the book box, and the other was because the two were real sons who had never done any work since they were young. exhausted.

Mo Xiu still had at least some physical strength. Although Yin Qing himself was tired, he was considered the one with the most physical strength.

Among the traveling merchants over there, when they heard what Yin Qing said just now, a few older ones turned their heads and looked at him intently. Although they didn't say anything, their impression of this scholar obviously gained a lot of points.

When Yin Qing and Mo Xiu left the barren post, they could feel that the wind was blowing outside. Looking up at the dark clouds, it seemed that they were closer to some towering peaks around them, and there were rumbling thunders from time to time.

"Go, go to the nearby gentle slope."


The two rolled up their sleeves, tightened their cuffs with the bandages they took from the bookcase, and went to the nearby hillside.

There is no shortage of firewood in the mountains. Yin Qing and Mo Xiu picked up many branches of different sizes, and some were cut from the trees. They cut off some branches with a hatchet and tied them into bundles with bandages as much as possible. Zhong's kung fu has already collected a small bundle.


The thunder in the sky became louder and the wind picked up. Mo Xiu was still collecting firewood, but Yin Qing had already stopped.

"Moxiu, don't pick it up, it's going to rain soon, go back quickly!"

"Huh? That's not enough!"

"Hey, if you don't go back for a while, you will be drowned. Getting wet in the mountains is no joke!"

The two carried the bundle of firewood on their way. If there were any dead branches on the road, Moxiu would pick them up conveniently and put them on top.

By the time they reached the barren post, the rotten wooden door had been mostly closed, leaving only a crack.


The two pushed the door together, and the old wooden door creaked against the ground. Lei Yusheng and Lin Xinjie over there hurriedly stood up to help carry the firewood and then closed the door.

Only then did Yin Qing and Mo Xiu belatedly hear the sound of "woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." outside the door.

"Xiaosheng, if you don't have enough firewood, we have it here. It's all dry firewood. If you still have firewood, come here to get charcoal."

Seeing the four scholars rushing about there, the old man surnamed Lu among the traveling merchants said something to them.

Pedestrians are not big merchants, and they earn hard money. They will prepare everything when they travel north and south. Where there is firewood, they will chop firewood for burning.

The four scholars immediately expressed surprise and thanked them repeatedly.

After about half a quarter of an hour, the rain finally stopped. Fortunately, although the station had been abandoned for a long time, there were not many places where the rain leaked, and most of them were in the outer corners. Yin Qing It's all right with the location of those traveling traders.

Two piles of fire were burning in the post station, Yin Qing used a few clay bricks in the post station as a stove, imitating a few pedestrians who used commercial pots to catch rainwater, and then brought them back to cook.

When it rains in the mountains, it gets dark even faster. The traveling merchants are obviously well prepared. Those on the inside warm up by the fire, those on the outside put on coir raincoats and bamboo hats, and surround tables and stools.

Yin Qing and the others had few people here, so it wouldn't be cold even if they were roasting by the fire. They also prepared dry food and baked steamed buns on wooden sticks like a traveling merchant.

"It's not a difficult night, but I may not be able to sleep."

After Lei Yusheng said this, he took out a book from the bookcase and began to read it by the firelight.

About two hours later, Yin Qing, Mo Xiu and Lin Xinjie were still sitting by the fire and staring at each other, while Lei Yusheng had already fallen asleep curled up on a low table with a book on his pillow.

"I really admire Yusheng..."

Lin Xinjie twitched, while Mo Xiu couldn't laugh or cry.

"What did he say just now, he won't be able to sleep tonight?"

Many of the traveling merchants over there were also lying down, and several even snored, obviously sleeping soundly, but basically a few people were awake, and the night watchmen were chatting in low voices.

"Uncle Lu, where did you say those scholars came from? The accent doesn't sound like people from Wanzhou."

Someone looked over there and asked curiously.

"Then it's not clear, it's none of our business anyway."

"Students can become officials if they pass the exam. Hey, Uncle Lu, when do you think I can make a fortune, go to school, get a number one in the exam, and be rich for the rest of my life?"

The elderly man surnamed Lu looked at him, and then at the scholar over there.

"Well, soon, someone will wake up to watch the night for you in a while."

The man scratched his head, he didn't understand what Uncle Lu said, and felt that his lips were wrong, but Yin Qing, who had heard it clearly, burst out laughing with a "poof..." over there.

The elder surnamed Lu sighed at the man.

"Hey, this is the difference between the brains!"

Just at this moment, there was another knock on the door of Huangyi.

"Bang bang bang... bang bang bang..."

"There is no one, look at the fire!"

The high-pitched voice and the knock on the door woke up all the traveling merchants who had been asleep.

"The door is not blocked, just push it open!"

As soon as the traveler finished speaking, someone pushed the door outside, causing the wooden door to be pushed open with a plow.

"Woo... woo..." "Wow..."

It was stormy outside.



At the same time as the lightning illuminated the door, there was a scream from a woman, and several figures at the door hurried into the station, and then pushed the door again to close it.

By the light of the fire inside, both the traveling merchant and the scholar could see that there were three women. Although they had umbrellas, they were obviously wet a lot, and they were stroking their arms. The place is close to the body, and you can see the grace and grace.

"Shall we have a warm fire?"

A woman in the lead looked at both ends and asked a question.

On the traveling merchant's side, although most of them were staring straight at the bodies and faces of the three women, almost all of them were holding hatchets and didn't say anything superfluous.

On the scholar's side, including Yin Qing and Lei Yusheng who had just woken up, the four of them were also looking at the woman, but Yin Qing, who was the youngest, had received strict education from his master, so their eyes would not be too straight.

So the three women naturally walked over to the scholar.

Lei Yusheng hurriedly got down from the table and sat upright by the fire, while Lin Xinjie brought a stool and dusted it with a cloth towel.

"Young students, you are all scholars, men and women can't kiss each other!"

The elder surnamed Lu suddenly said something like this, people are old and mature, and in the middle of the night in the barren mountains and mountains, these three women suddenly came, no matter how you look at it, it is very strange.

Yin Qing also said immediately.

"The old man reminded me that the girls were drenched by the rain and needed a separate place to warm up by the fire. By the way, old man, how about we give the three girls the bonfire? Brother Mo, do you think so?"

The other three looked at Yin Qing, hesitated and did not answer.

"Not bad, then you youngsters will come over here!"

Yin Qing cupped his hands at the old man, gave the three friends a stern look, and forced the three friends to go there.

"Oh...we don't care..."

A woman said in a daze.

"But we care! A girl's reputation is no small matter!"

Yin Qing couldn't help but dragged the man to the peddler without even taking the bookcase. Now he was so strong that he dragged the three scholars who wanted to dawdle away by himself.

The three women were obviously in a daze. After a long time, the leader laughed "噗嗤~", teasingly said: "What a nerd!", and led the other two women to sit by the bonfire where Yin Qing and others had been, subconsciously watching He looked at the four bookcases.

On the other side, the elder surnamed Lu nodded towards Yin Qing and the others, asked them to sit down in the empty seats near the campfire, and said in a very low voice.

"Going out, be careful sailing for thousands of years!"

Yin Qing just cupped his hands and didn't speak. Unlike others, he seemed to be able to smell a dirty smell, which made him extremely uneasy, especially since these women all looked human.

During this period of time, apart from studying by the river, he occasionally chatted with the old tortoise on the river when no one was around. He heard from the old tortoise on the Chunmu River that although Dazhen is peaceful, in fact, the mountain spirits in this world The types of monsters are hard to count, but regardless of their strength, as long as they truly cultivate the human body, they are not shallow.

Of course, the word "Xiu" is extremely important in the body of a person who transforms form into form. Some ghosts' bodies are transformed by supernatural powers and sorcery, and their essence remains unchanged, but ordinary people cannot see through them.

Then there are various methods to lure mortals like "deceitful offerings", taking Yuanyang or essence by stealing the sky for the sun.

Those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to ink are black. Yin Qing has been exposed to some such things, and instinctively feels that there is something wrong with these three women.

"Bang Dang..." A bookcase fell down, and the inkstone, wolf hair and other things inside fell out.

"Oh... which son's thing is this, the little girl accidentally knocked it down!"

A woman appears anxious.

"My, my! Don't step on the rice paper!"

"Ah... don't step on it!"

Mo Xiu was anxious, and ran over quickly, but Yin Qing called out "Mo Xiu!", but it was too late to stop him.

But nothing happened when Mo Xiu came to him. The woman apologized repeatedly and helped him pack the bookcase together. When she saw Mo Xiu's clothes in the fragrance of books, the woman said timidly.

"My lord, my clothes are all wet, I feel cold and uncomfortable, can I borrow your clothes for a while?"

"Huh? Uh... oh..."

Mo Xiu looked at the way the woman was sticking to her clothes, her face was a little dry, and she opened the bookcase to get clothes for her.

"Then what about us... can the young masters borrow some clothes?"

The two women acted delicately beside them.

Yin Qing's heart suddenly moved, he looked at the elder surnamed Lu, then stood up and walked over boldly. Seeing that Lei Yusheng and Lin Xinjie were also about to get up, he turned his head and said a serious sentence.

"Sit down!"

After saying this, when Yin Qing turned around, he immediately changed into a smiling face, and hurried over.

"Well, I also have a few sets of clothes, I'll give them to the two girls!"

Several women covered their mouths and smiled.

"Thank you so much, sir!"

"Well, it's okay!"

Yin Qing squatted halfway, with a sense of restraint that had never been in contact with a woman, hiding the sweat on her forehead that was actually a panic.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a woman who was squatting beside him and watching him. Something seemed to move under the skirt behind him, and an indistinct foul smell came to his nose again, making his movements seem impatient.

'found it! '

What Yin Qing found was a letter, which Ji Yuan gave to Yin Zhaoxian when he left Ning'an County for the first time. When Yin Zhaoxian went to Wanzhou, he gave Yin Qing a letter. Besides letting his son copy the handwriting, it was also a kind of encouragement.

Yin Qing quietly pulled out the letter paper from the old envelope, then hid it in her clothes and took it out.

"I wonder if this dress is okay?"

"It's not enough to make people naked~"

A woman teased and picked up her clothes and shook them, a piece of letter paper fell from it.


An aura of deterrence flashed across the letter paper.

"Ah..." "Ah...." "Ah..."

The three women were suddenly frightened and jumped away from the campfire, their faces full of horror.

"Oh, Mr. Ji's letter paper fell out, it's all my fault for not putting it away!"

Yin Qing sounded surprised. After confirming that the letter was indeed useful, he took the letter paper that had fallen to the ground in his hand. In his eyes, every word on it seemed to have a faint streamer flashing.

Although a letter written by Ji Yuan in his early years was not a decree, the will and aura entrusted to him at that time still lingered for many years.

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