Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 253 Seeking to Enter the Netherworld

When Lu Chengfeng said this, his tone was obviously self-deprecating.

"Thinking back when the nine of us first met at Luoxia Villa, it would still be early spring..."

At the beginning, nine young heroes from all walks of life followed their elders to Luoxia Mountain Villa to attend the ceremony. Back then, they were all high-spirited and high-spirited. They only got together for two or three days. Hate the feeling of being late.

Accidentally heard that there was a fierce tiger attacking people somewhere in Jizhou, and the local government felt helpless. The nine people who rely on martial arts hit it off and went to Ning'an County together...

Although Lu Chengfeng said that he couldn't remember the names of the other eight people, some key past events are still vivid in his memory, and more things gradually become clear with the memory. At a certain position in the memory, who did it? Everything blurted out.

Ji Yuan could feel it, not just because he had just reported the nine names, but because when Lu Chengfeng recalled this memory, that person naturally appeared, so it cannot be said that he really forgot the other party.

Ji Yuan didn't speak during the whole process, just being a qualified listener.

Lu Chengfeng didn't recall too much, he just preached until he saw Ji Yuan in the dilapidated mountain temple, because Ji Yuan knew everything about it.

After talking about meeting Ji Yuan when he first came to the mountain temple, he looked up at Ji Yuan.

"Mr. Ji, tell me, if we hadn't been brave enough to come to Ning'an County, and hadn't gone up the mountain to kill tigers in a whimsical way, would the results of many things have been different?"

Ji Yuan tapped the jade slips that had turned into bamboo slips with his knuckles, thought for a while and replied with a smile.

"For you, Lu Daxia, the original Lu Shaoxia just reduced a period of adventure experience, and the trajectory of life may not change much. The real influence is naturally Du Heng, Luo Ningshuang, Zhao Long and Yan Fei."

What Ji Yuan said was the truth. At the beginning, including Lu Chengfeng, there were five people who were not injured except for being frightened.

In the end, Du Heng, whose right arm was crippled, will not be mentioned, but Luo Ningshuang, a heroine with ice skin and snow skin, has several deep wounds on her body from the base of her neck to her chest and abdomen, which is almost disfigured. It's no different, in this feudal society, men still dominate the rivers and lakes. Most of the women's destinations are to marry into wives, and women love beauty in common, and the terrible scars on their bodies are a great influence.

As for Zhao Long who wielded the stick, he was wounded by the tiger's tail, and the Inner Palace was also severely injured. He hadn't heard anything about Zhao Long in these years, and he didn't know what happened to him.

And Yan Fei was also seriously injured by the sharp claws, but facing the monster and facing life and death at the beginning also made him make a breakthrough after recovering from the injury.

In general, these four people can really be regarded as affecting their lives, but it is far from enough for Lu Chengfeng.

Of course, the most influential person may be Ji Yuan himself. During that most difficult time, no one came to carry him down the mountain.

Hearing Ji Yuan's words, Lu Chengfeng laughed at himself again.

"Mr. Ji taught you well."

Looking at his vicissitudes and depression, Ji Yuan must have experienced one or some regrettable things. People always avoid and want to go back to the past at such times, and want to change the original.

"Lu Daxia, you can confide your thoughts to Ji, no one stipulates that a hero in the rivers and lakes should not hurt the spring and the autumn."

As Ji Yuan said, he stood up and went to the kitchen, took out two earthenware bowls, put them on the stone table, and patted the wine jar lightly to remove the mud.

Smelling the aroma of the wine, pour the wine into two bowls.

This wine has a faint smell of medicinal herbs, not ordinary grain wine and fruit wine.

Lu Chengfeng was not polite, picked up the bowl to respect Ji Yuan, and then drank up a large bowl of wine, tasting the taste of the wine, his eyes turned red involuntarily.

"Mr. Ji, I have met Du Heng, I want to ask you..."

Lu Chengfeng raised his head and looked at Ji Yuan, his eyes met those blue eyes.

"Are you really a fairy?"

Although Ji Yuan saved their lives at the beginning, he didn't reveal any miraculous means. An expert must be an expert, but like some monasteries and temples, there will be powerful mages.

With the growth of age and experience, similar experts will also understand, some of them are even more mysterious, and the awe of Mr. Ji in the past will gradually weaken in their thinking.

But when he met Du Heng again before, and learned some things from his mouth, Mr. Ji's sense of mystery deepened again.

"Did Daxia Lu come here to see Ji, or to see the gods?"

Ji Yuan said something, and also drank the Tusu wine, the wine was not strong, but had a strong bitter taste.

"Mr. Ji, Chengfeng heard that immortals have great supernatural powers and magical powers, they can live forever and see the world, they can ride clouds and fog, and they can also travel in the dark. Is it true?"

'It seems to be to see the gods. '

Ji Yuan sighed in his heart, and no longer hesitated, watching Lu Chengfeng counting his fingers, he had roughly understood some things.

"Speaking of which, Daxia Lu paid for Ji's purchase of this small Ju'an pavilion back then, and with a little help within his capacity, Ji can naturally help."

Just as Lu Chengfeng was about to speak, Ji Yuan raised his hand to stop him, staring at him indifferently.

"I already know that Ling Tangshou passed away not long ago, and I also know that Daxia Lu is very sad, but people cannot be resurrected after death, let alone Ji is not a real immortal, if he really is, he can't bring your father Lingtang back to life."

After some calculations, the fate has been vaguely calculated to the things around Lu Chengfeng.

Lu Chengfeng smiled for the first time today.

"Mr. Ji misunderstood. Chengfeng is not a greedy person. He neither asks for your immortality nor expects his parents to return to justice. It's just..."

"It's just that I don't know if there is really a hell in this world, and if my parents are really there. People often say that when parents die, they will entrust their children in dreams, but I, I have never dreamed about it..."

In recent years, Lu Chengfeng has also been glorious, proud, gained a lot, and lost a lot. The unexpected death of his father made the sky of Lu's Yunge seem to collapse suddenly, and he faced a series of scenes one after another. A blow that breeds from within.

At this time, Lu Chengfeng realized that the scenery of the past was just a castle in the air, and it was as fragile as his reputation in the world that was not achieved by real kung fu. He lost his father's protection. Although he had some old friends from his father's generation to help in a short period of time, after a long time, All kinds of bullying ensued.

There are those who seek revenge, and there are also many who spy on the benefits brought by Yunge's status in the Jianghu, not to mention those knights who intend to challenge Lu's fist, palm and claw methods to improve the reputation of the Jianghu.

Martial arts and rivers and lakes are so realistic. Martial arts forces are often rarely protected by the government. Without his father's martial arts and abilities, if he wants to protect himself wisely, he has to endure more depression and helplessness. Lu Chengfeng is like this, as the current pillar of Yunge His eldest brother, Lu Chengyun, was even worse.

The difference is that Lu Chengyun is tenacious and stubbornly resisted the pressure, but he, Lu Chengfeng, was not good enough and was crushed by reality. Apart from practicing martial arts secretly, in the eyes of outsiders on the bright side, he has become a full-time fighter. The decadent kid who got drunk, the former little gentleman of Yunge no longer exists.

When his mother, who loved him the most, also died of a serious illness, Lu Chengfeng hated himself even more, hated that he was not good enough in martial arts, didn't have enough talent, hated his incompetence, and was a little envious and even jealous of his brother.

Lu Chengyun is so "powerful", so strong that he can tolerate his brother's failure to achieve anything, he can grit his teeth and swallow his blood to support the Yun Pavilion, but Lu Chengfeng can't bear the pressure or show his face, and his martial arts are not very good. There is simply nothing to help, which is also a kind of despair for Lu Chengfeng who is so ambitious.

And the mother's death seemed to shatter even this despair, followed by a complete collapse of confidence.

Lu Chengfeng didn't dare to discuss these things with Mr. Ji in detail, but he always felt that Mr. Ji's pale eyes seemed to be able to see through people's hearts, as if he could see everything.

"Mr. Ji, do people really turn into ghosts after death? Do my parents also look down on me as a useless person? If you are really a god, can you take me to the Netherworld to meet them?"

This was an absurd request. Lu Chengfeng had asked many mages and visited many temples. He knew it was unlikely, but in front of Mr. Ji, he asked again with expectation.

Ji Yuan drank the wine in the bowl, did not answer immediately, but stood up and took two steps, went outside the shade of the tree, and looked at the sky.

"Daxia Lu has gained a lot, and he has lost a lot, but this is all in the past. The day is always there, and when it is cloudy, it is only covered by clouds. However, when the clouds finally clear, the sky can shine on the earth."

Ji Yuan turned around and looked at Lu Chengfeng.

"As for your father's Lingtang, your Yin life should not be exhausted, so Ji will take you to meet them."

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