Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 374 Maybe I Missed Something

It's a pity that Niu Batian thought very well, but Lu Shanjun is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

A small estate like this outside Luoqing City can be sold for one or two hundred and two taels, which is already a sky-high price, and Lao Niu's so-called hundred-year-old cauldron, no matter whether it is true or not, the iron pan is relatively strong and durable anyway, and it has not been destroyed.

So the final compensation naturally made Lao Niu very dissatisfied, but it also afflicted Lu Shanjun.

On the grounds that the manor was destroyed that night, Niu Batian directly suggested that everyone live in an inn in the city, which is next to Luoqing's Flower Street.

If it wasn't for Ji Yuan being here to frighten Niu Batian, he probably would have dared to directly propose to live in Huajie, since there is an inn there anyway.

In the evening, after having a sumptuous dinner, Niu Batian, who fought with Lu Shanjun during the day, had already forgotten the pain of the day, and happily turned his head into Huajie with the poor excuse of going out for a walk. Go merry.

So only Ji Yuan, Lu Shanjun and Yan Fei were left in the inn. The former was resting in his own room, while the latter two walked out of Ji Yuan's room by coincidence after a while.

Lu Shanjun looked at Yan Fei who was also about to visit his mentor, and bowed his hands towards the other party, and Yan Fei also bowed back, and then the two stood still outside the door, and Lu Shanjun knocked on the door lightly.

"Boom boom boom..."

"Come in."

The two opened the door and entered, and saw Ji Yuan sitting at the table looking at the blank scroll of sword intent, and said the word "sit" without raising his head.

Yan Fei looked at Lu Shanjun, and after closing the door, they walked to the table and sat down together.

Although Ji Yuan didn't look at the two of them, he still noticed that when Lu Shanjun sat down, his left arm was a bit inflexible.

"Is it still badly hurt?"

In front of Ji Yuan, Lu Shanjun naturally did not hide anything.

"It's very heavy. If he didn't stay behind at that moment, my left arm would be pierced, and then my chest would be wide open. The bull told me to go back and practice for hundreds of years. Although it was a bragging and mocking statement, but He is indeed much deeper than me.”

This kind of thing may not be said to Lao Niu because of the problem of face, but Lu Shanjun doesn't care, especially in front of Ji Yuan, he is more frank.

Yan Fei was just listening, recalling the fighting skills during the day, and suddenly found that the monsters were fighting against each other, but in fact, fighting with warriors was similar. The fight was not only about strength, but also fighting thinking and psychological quality.

In Yan Fei's senses before, except for the first half, the latter is almost always suffering from the old cow, and even feels at stake, but now listening to Lu Shanjun, the actual situation may be the opposite. This is also the reason why many warriors can defeat the strong with the weak the same.

Ji Yuan is not surprised, he nodded and said after thinking about it.

"The barbarian bull's demon body is really amazing. Although it consumes a lot, it greatly improves its physique and strength, and its potential for cultivation is also great. Even if it is you, you still haven't broken his method with all your means and tricks. Body, but this barbaric bull's magic body was also broken by monsters at the beginning."

Lu Shanjun is Ji Yuan's proud disciple, and he is determined to play a big role in his heart. Now that his covenant with the Nine Heroes is basically over, he has to tell him the truth.

And Lu Shanjun, who heard Ji Yuan talk about Lao Niu's legal body being broken, and who had fought against Lao Niu, was naturally very curious.

"When did it happen, and who did it?"

Ji Yuan said lightly.

"If my predictions are correct, it should be a monster in the Yuhu Cave in Cangshan, Lanzhou, Western Regions, most likely a fox demon."

"Fox demon?"

Lu Shanjun frowned, this kind of monster can be chased away by a few big yellow dogs when it is not mature, but once it becomes mature, especially after cultivating multiple tails, it will become more difficult to deal with.

"That's right, the fox demon. The bull's biggest weakness is lust. The fox demon took advantage of this at the beginning, but it's not the only way. You have to remember that if you meet the Jade Fox Cave in the future Fox demon, what a mind, especially a banshee named Tu Siyan, she seems to know a lot about some things."

Lu Shanjun thought carefully for a while before speaking.

"Write it down! Sir, do you have something to order?"


Ji Yuan glanced at Yan Fei, and didn't try to avoid it. The light in his indifferent eyes flashed, and the latter immediately felt dizzy, rubbed his forehead, and fell asleep on the table.

When Yan Fei fell asleep, Ji Yuan continued.

"Tiger, although I have a complete method of cultivating immortals and beasts, I didn't teach you directly. Instead, I focused on guiding and pointing, so that you can self-knowledge and self-cultivate. Apart from not wanting to block your potential, there are other reasons."

Lu Shanjun sat upright and listened carefully. He had thought about how to repay his teacher and be filial for countless times, and now he seemed to have a chance.

"The sky and the earth are so big that it's hard to see them all. All walks of life have a vast territory, and there is even a place outside the world. The monster clan is an extremely huge force. Although most of them are scattered everywhere, there are also many forces that are so powerful that even the immortal sects cannot easily set foot in them." Territory, such as the Black Dream Lingzhou commonly known as the Black Desolation."

Speaking of this, Ji Yuan revealed his thoughts and lowered his voice a little.

"Although many Xianmen Xianxiu and Shendao practitioners are prejudiced against monsters, but I have to say that there are few naive people who have become climate monsters, especially in some places, where there are inheritances and purposes..."

Looking at the disciple who was listening carefully, Ji Yuan thought about what happened back then, stretched out his right hand, and a faint light flew out from his sleeve, turning into a yin wooden tablet in his palm.

"check it out."

This wooden tablet should have lost the power to convey the spirit, but Ji Yuan had already sealed the aura and mana inside, so now that it is untied, Lu Shanjun can also see its contents.

After taking the wooden sign from Ji Yuan, Lu Shanjun was concentrating for a long time before he came back to his senses.

In the land of Yunzhou, there are monsters, immortals, ghosts and gods, but the real powerful ones are the weak-looking human race.

The human race is powerful, and although their character is also uneven, most of them are based on education and order. They have been in peace for a long time, and they are protected by the evolution of the vow force. Most of the human race have hardly seen any real gods and ghosts. , Even if you know the fairy, demon, god, and demon, you still have to be in awe.

But many monsters in the Black Desolation are different from the group of demons. Taking "Human and Animal Kingdom" as an example, they are no longer just for the sake of feeding their hunger or occasionally seeking to help their cultivation. The cruel way of eating, and all kinds of things that play with people's hearts, even in the eyes of Lu Shanjun, they are completely "perverted".

Lu Shanjun once heard from Ji Yuan on the platform that there is very little pure "evil" in the world, but at this moment, let alone the extreme demons, Lu Shanjun feels that the demons in Heihuang have evolved into pure evil .

Seeing the shocked look on Lu Shanjun's face, Ji Yuan's expression was slightly serious.

"The monster clan is an extremely complicated group. You, Mr. Lu Shan, are not actually monsters anymore, but you are the only one in the world, Lu Wu. Who knows that you are an ancient beast?"

Lu Shanjun frowned and loosened his brows, looking at Ji Yuan seriously and waiting for the next sentence.

"The teacher hopes that you, as a monster, can make a name for yourself in the monster clan in the future, and can help you when the teacher needs you."

Lu Shanjun took a deep breath, stood up and solemnly bowed to the president.

"Master has an order, Lu Shanjun must obey!"

Ji Yuan stretched out his hand and dragged Lu Shanjun's kowtow, shook his head and lifted him up.

"This is my wish, but it's not my teacher's order. As a master, I naturally hope that my disciples will be better and safe, but to join my family, I still have to have some courage and a sense of mission..."

Ji Yuan's voice paused.

"If it's just a matter of darkness, if it's just a matter of chaos in the world, if it's just a matter of conflict between various races, if it's just a matter of conflict between good and evil...if it's just that, it's fine..."

Ji Yuan's thoughts stretched, and now he gradually felt that what he was facing was actually more complicated than what Yanqi knew back then, especially the scene where the whales collided in the East China Sea, the mystery that was unclear and intangible also inspired him indirectly. Fate may not be the only thing in this world.

"If the direction of my previous calculations was a major premise wrong? Who likes the chaos in this world..."

Ji Yuan didn't go on, and couldn't go on.

Lu Shanjun raised his head and stood upright. For the first time, he felt a kind of pressure on his mentor, which could make the mentor look a little tired, and his heart was a little bit awe-inspiring.

"Lu Shanjun, please obey Master's instruction!"

"Well, let's all do what we can, as long as we have no regrets, just sit down."

Lu Shanjun sat down with complicated feelings in his heart, and Ji Yuan touched Yan Fei, and the latter gradually woke up.

While yawning, Yan Fei looked around inexplicably. He also knew that he did not fall asleep naturally, but he would not ask why unwisely.

It was only when Ji Yuan asked him about it that he asked about some doubts about martial arts. Regarding Yan Fei, Ji Yuan also did not hide his secrets, explaining his own understanding over the years one by one, which can be regarded as casting a wide net.

At dawn the next day, when Niu Batian came back humming a ditty, he realized that Ji Yuan had already left. He thought something was wrong, and after a long time of reaction, he exclaimed: "Old Niu, my immortal guides the way!"

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