Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 433: I Still Want to Be a Celestial Master

After being hit by the fixed body method, people are not completely unconscious. In fact, the spiritual sense is still there. Du Changsheng can also see, hear and even feel Hu Yun's paws pressing on his face. But to Hu Yun, this person is Same as sculpture.

Ji Yuan stood up and walked around the table, walked to the immobilized Du Changsheng and the frightened Wang Xiao, and said to Du Changsheng.

"Don't call me your master again, or Ji will lock you up and throw you into the Chunmu River to wake up!"

Ji Yuan has seen a lot of people in his life, and he has seen a lot of practitioners. Whether it is a human or a ghost, a god or a demon, he has never seen Du Changsheng who can climb up the pole like this. No, he can. I figured out a pole by myself and climbed up.

At the beginning, Ji Yuan did give him the technique of "Xiao Lian", but not to mention that this thing belongs to the basic method of the practice world, and it is also an equivalent exchange for learning the shapeless Hercules Talisman. Du Changsheng's worship of Yuhuai Mountain can trace the origin of the teacher's school that started from "Xiao Lian".

As Ji Yuan said, he looked at Wang Xiao on the side, and added a sentence with a sigh.

"I'm not your master."

Then Ji Yuan looked at Du Changsheng again and said.

"I'm withdrawing the law now, do you know what I said earlier?"

Seeing Du Changsheng like this, he couldn't nod his head and couldn't respond, but Ji Yuan felt that a person who wasn't stupid should be able to understand. Thinking of this, when Ji Yuan thought about it, the body-holding technique on Du Changsheng also dissipated.


Du Changsheng staggered, and according to the inertia that he was about to knock down before, his head hit the ship's plank again.

"Oh... this, sir, I'm not going to kowtow this time..."

After Du Changsheng explained a sentence, he didn't dare to say more, fearing that he might say something wrong, he just subconsciously rubbed his forehead, but kowtowing on the plank of this small wooden boat in the water actually made a loud noise but didn't hurt at all. He is also a person who has tempered his body with spiritual energy all year round, so his forehead is not even red.

Bai Qi on the side also looked at Du Changsheng with a funny face.

"As expected, you know Mr. Ji, and you probably know some of Mr. Ji's abilities. Why do you dare to recognize Mr. Ji's apprentice in person when you have the guts to catch a cold?"

This is unbelievable when Bai Qi thinks about it. A crappy practitioner like Du Changsheng is no different from an ordinary person in front of him, let alone in front of Mr. Ji.

Du Changsheng took a careful look at Ji Yuan and explained.

"At the beginning, I had no way to cultivate, and I saw that my dying day was getting closer and closer. It was Mr. Ji who gave me a book of the righteous method, which gave me, in my heart, I regard Mr. Ji as my master. It's..."

Ji Yuan shook his head with a smile, and said to Bai Qi.

"But there is such a thing, but at the beginning Ji also thought Du Tianshi's talisman was interesting, so he asked to take a look. It was just an exchange of the method of "Xiao Lian", but he never thought of taking an apprentice."

Bai Qi "hahaha" laughed loudly.

"Then this Du Tianshi has a good eye. He saw that Gao Zhi wanted to climb, so he directly bumped into someone like Mr. Ji."

Du Changsheng didn't dare to speak casually, and Wang Xiao on the other side was even more nervous. He used to think that his master Du Changsheng was already a great master. As for the feelings of gods, he was basically those who stayed in the temple. unreachable.

At this point, Du Changsheng still has a bottom line. He has no lies to his apprentices, let alone saying that he is an immortal. He also knows that he cannot reach the professional echelon of a real immortal cultivator, or at least not enough to be called an "immortal". "to that extent.

But now, Wang Xiao sees Bai Qi and Ji Yuan. The former is Chunmu Jiang Zhengshen, and he is a well-deserved god and man in command of such a big river, while the latter looks at this Jiang Zhengshen with respectful words and is right. He looked very respectful, so he must be a real immortal.

Wang Xiao didn't dare to look at the boss next to him, but frequently glanced at a red fox next to Du Changsheng. This fox could talk, so it must be a monster, but it looked harmless to humans and animals. .

At this moment, Hu Yun was looking up at Du Changsheng, and saw that he could rub his head again, his body temperature was a little dry, and he had completely returned to normal, so he became even more curious about Ji Yuan's body-fixing method, and jumped to the side of the boat to face the people in the water. friend said.

"Qingqing, did you see just now, Mr. Ji yelled 'Ding', and that guy wouldn't move anymore, he was still stiff, his pulse was gone, and now he's alive again."

Ji Yuan was almost choked by Hu Yun's words. What does it mean to be alive again? He didn't kill Du Changsheng just now.

"Bobo bobo..."

The big herring spat out bubbles in a hurry, and even the sound of the bubbles bursting was much louder, to show his support for Hu Yun.

Only then did Du Changsheng and Wang Xiao realize that there was still movement in the water, and they glanced to the side. Good guy, an old turtle that looks like half the size of a painting boat, with water waves piercing through its black back, floating on the water, and an equally huge turtle. The herring swims by the side of the boat.

Not to mention Wang Xiao, it was the first time for Du Changsheng to see a real monster. Both of them were scared and excited, but they could only hold back.

Ji Yuan also found it funny, so he softened his tone and said.

"Okay, let's all sit down and take a look at the ins and outs of these things."

After a while, the small table on the boat moved to a spacious place next to the cabin door of the painting boat. Ji Yuan and Bai Qi sat down one after the other, while Du Changsheng and Wang Xiao also sat on the left and the right slightly cautiously. sit down.

"It's good that Tianshi Du knows how powerful he is. This sect can't be recognized casually. Don't be too nervous now. We are all people who are cultivating righteously. We won't do anything to you. Let me tell you about your situation."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Du Changsheng nodded again and again, his posture was like a child in a school. He knew that although he was already seventy or eighty years old, the two in front of him were the real birthday stars. The traces of the years, but at least they are people who have survived for hundreds of years, and it may even be an exaggeration.

"Since the first emperor passed away, although the new emperor was also curious about supernatural things, after visiting some of our celestial masters who stayed in the capital, his interest was greatly reduced. Even though Du was a little bit reluctant to part with the glory after obtaining the Fa-rectification, he knew that righteous cultivation should be the most important thing, so he left the capital..."

After organizing his language a bit, Du Changsheng made a brief statement of his own affairs, but he would subconsciously pick up some favorable words in his words, such as leaving the capital because he definitely wanted to cultivate seriously, but he was also ridiculed by his fellow celestial masters for not being able to wait. The reason for going down.

"Du is used to being extravagant in his usual spending in the capital, so the money he saved is not too much. Chunhui Mansion is also the number one mansion along the Chunmu River. This real estate is expensive, and life is a little tight. ..."

Speaking here, Du Changsheng hastened to explain.

"I don't spend a lot of money because of fun. My husband and Lord Jiangshen probably don't know the hardships of our casual cultivators. As the saying goes, we are poor in culture and rich in martial arts, but we in cultivators still have the saying of wealth, law and land. Outside the world An expert is naturally free from worries in the blessed land and cave, but we have to worry about our livelihood..."

Ji Yuan nodded, he is clear about this, so there are some "mages" among the people everywhere, some of them are just going through the motions, but many of them still have a little real ability, Ji Yuan has also met several times For example, the one who was at the seaside of the Zuyue Kingdom, Du Changsheng and his deceased master are all considered to be in this way.

"Although Du is considered low-key, after dealing with some matters, he also gained some fame in Chunhui Mansion. Later, Li Jinlai came to him and talked about the statue of the Wei Family God. He also wanted to With this help..."

Du Changsheng glanced at the big herring beside the boat before continuing.

"I've also heard about the big fish in the Chunmu River saving people before. I knew that if it was true, it must be a virtuous aquarium. Of course, it was impossible to have the idea of ​​harm, so I made a compromise. Unexpectedly, Li Jinlai It really succeeded, and then Lord Jiang Shen paid a sudden visit..."

Ji Yuan didn't say anything after listening, what he was thinking about was not the second half of Du Changsheng's words about the big herring, but the first half of what Du Changsheng said, about the few celestial masters in the capital.

While Bai Qi was only drinking tea, he was not interested in such trivial matters, while Du Changsheng and Wang Xiao waited quietly.

After a long time, Ji Yuan opened his mouth to speak.

"Since Du Tianshi has accepted the canonization of Dazhen's royal family, he has already boarded Dazhen's ship. Dazhen's domestic situation has been improving in recent years. When you realize that you and Dazhen are both prosperous, you can also gain from your practice. "

Du Changsheng forced a smile.

"It's also a loss..."

There was no hope in the past, and if there was a chance to be named a celestial master, of course he wanted to fight for it, but now the title of celestial master is useless, especially when Emperor Yuande has passed away.

"With Dazhen's current momentum, if there is no extraordinary external interference, there will be at least a hundred years of national destiny. If you can enter the path of immortal cultivation before your life essence is exhausted, then naturally you need to devote yourself to cultivating and stabilizing your practice. You might as well put your heart into being Dazhen's Heavenly Master."

Du Changsheng frowned and thought for a moment, his heart skipped a beat, and he looked up at Ji Yuan.

"Sir, what do you mean is that the fortune of the Dazhen Kingdom can start to rise again after two hundred years?"

Ji Yuan smiled and said nothing, while Bai Qi put down the teacup and said leisurely.

"Have you ever heard of the hexagram in Tianji Pavilion that calculates the prosperity of Dazhen's land?"

Du Changsheng shook his head honestly.

"I've never heard of it. Du Mou doesn't even know what Tianji Pavilion is."

"Hehe, this matter is no longer a secret among the Dazhen Divine Dao. As for the Tianji Pavilion, it is a fairy mansion famous for spying on the secrets of the heavens, and it is located in the outdoor cave."

Du Changsheng could only nod his head, which sounded very powerful.

But after these were finished, Du Changsheng had nothing to say, and he couldn't get in other words when he was with two masters. Fortunately, Ji Yuan took care of him, allowing him to ask some questions about his cultivation and give him advice. After saying a few words to him, he sent him back home.

This time, it is not necessary for Bai Qi, the river god, to send Du Changsheng back home, but another boat has appeared nearby at some point, and this boat will carry Du Changsheng and his apprentice back. The boatman is naturally an illusion aquarium.

After Du Changsheng left, Bai Qi finally couldn't help but say something.

"You old slick!"

"Hehe, this kind of old cunning can be mixed in the ruling and opposition parties. If it is someone else, who would like to bet on their own cultivation with a dynasty."

Seeing Du Changsheng made Ji Yuan think of the sea fleet that he had encountered before. That fleet was guided by the national teacher of his country to search for Xianxia Island.

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