With Ji Yuan's move just now, Hu Yun's eyes were straightened. Although the magical power of that sleeve was not directed at him, the wave of his sleeve just now gave Hu Yun the impression that Mr. Ji wanted to fill the entire small courtyard with sky. Feeling like this, his body subconsciously huddled on the stone table, as if he would be taken away by his sleeves otherwise.

"Mr. Ji, what kind of supernatural power is this? It's just so scary. I feel like I'm going to be stuffed into your sleeve."

As soon as Hu Yun said this, the little characters who were playing hide-and-seek with him burst into laughter.

"Hahahaha, what's so scary about the master's sleeves!"

"That's right, we stay inside every day, it's not scary at all!"

"Yes, yes, sometimes the Grand Master can let us see outside."

"That's right, Hu Yun, you should live with us in the Sword Intent Post, and you'll understand after staying in the old man's sleeve for a while!"


Hearing Hu Yun's words, Ji Yuan, who was pondering the gains and losses just now, was taken aback for a moment. He ignored the noise of small prints around him, turned his head to look at the red fox, and found that he was already huddled on the stone table, with his fluffy hair sticking to his body.

"What are you afraid of? I just tried it just now, and I didn't even put the bees in it. By the way, let me talk about the specific feeling just now."

When Ji Yuan asked, Hu Yun straightened up, recalled it, and said hesitantly.

"That's right, that's right, I can't really say it, anyway, I just feel that your sleeve is waving, as if it's very big, and it's like trying to put me in it. It doesn't look black or white inside, it's blurry but very clear. Scary, yes, very scary..."

Hu Yun didn't know why he was afraid of a sleeve, logically speaking, even if Mr. Ji really wanted to put him in a sleeve, there was nothing to be afraid of, but just now he was so frightened that he shrank on the table.

"Is it a feeling of being swallowed?"

Ji Yuan asked this question, Hu Yun nodded hesitantly and then shook his head, still unable to say why.

"Okay, I see."

Ji Yuan nodded, and didn't ask Hu Yun again. He thought it was the same as Tianqing's sword power. It can affect people's hearts, so Hu Yun who has poor concentration will be affected.

"Sir, you haven't told me what magical power you just had!"

Hu Yun is still very curious about this, he thinks this is a very interesting magical power, but it is so scary, it must not be simple.

Ji Yuan looked at him, thought for a while or said it.

"This is a way to reduce a lot of chips to use a kind of superb supernatural power, and that kind of supernatural power is called the universe in the sleeve."

"Oh... is it a magical power?"

"Hehe, I can't say you're wrong if you think so, but the universe in your sleeves can receive both people and things. It can be regarded as a very magical storage power. It can store your own things and use them to fight against the enemy."

Hu Yun looked at his own tail.

"Then I also have similar supernatural powers. My tail can not only collect things, but also use it to fight against enemies! Hehehe..."

Hearing this joke, Ji Yuan couldn't help laughing, and the small characters around him laughed exaggeratedly.


"Hahahaha, Hu Yun is going to kill me laughing!"

"Hahahaha, it's so funny, it's so funny!"

"It's just hahahaha, Hu Yun, you actually dare to compare with the master's sleeve, hahahaha..."

"A fox who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, hahahaha..."

"That's right, do you know what is meant by 'the universe is big in the sleeve, the sun and the moon are long in the pot'?"

"That's right, within a square inch, the Dao capacity is as large as tens of thousands of things. It's a skill in the sleeve, and your tail is also worthy of the master's supernatural power?"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

This group of little characters laughed endlessly, and Hu Yun's cheeks swelled up when he heard it, they bullied the fox too much!

The corners of Ji Yuan's mouth twitched slightly, this group of live treasures were making fun of Hu Yun according to the part he deduced on paper in the past...


As soon as the Elder Master spoke, the whole Ju'an Pavilion could hear fallen leaves in an instant.

"The universe in the sleeve has not really been realized yet. Only when I successfully deduce it can I be worthy of 'the universe in the sleeve is big, and the sun and moon in the pot are long'."

Although that is what Ji Yuan said, but all the little characters are extremely confident in their elders, so what if they don't succeed now, they will succeed sooner or later, the elders' supernatural powers are derived by themselves, and each one of them is very confident. It's so powerful, it's not the same to praise sooner or later.

Ji Yuan raised his head to look at the tops of the jujube trees, just for a while, there were bees surrounding him, dancing up and down among the jujube flowers to collect honey.

Picking up Hu Yun and putting it on the stool beside the table, Ji Yuan took out the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and began to grind the ink while thinking about inferences. up.

Hu Yun watched for a while, how many times he wanted to speak, but he didn't dare to disturb Ji Yuan, seeing that he didn't even make a sound in the small print, just flying around to form various formations to fight against each other, Hu Yun was even more intimidated. I dare not speak out.

This waited from morning to afternoon, and Ji Yuan's writing speed was not slow, but he only finished writing one page, which made Hu Yun feel confused.

Hu Yundu, who was bored, had already lit a fire in the kitchen, boiled water, and even made tea.

Fortunately, Ji Yuan finally stopped, put the pen aside and sat down.

At this moment, Hu Yun rushed to the kitchen immediately, and came out of the kitchen after two breaths, holding the wooden tray with both claws, with his head under the tray, and the remaining two limbs walked upright. Although the posture was funny, the tray he was holding But it is very stable, with brewed tea and four teacups on it.

"Mr. Ji, Mr. Ji, have a sip of tea, you have a sip of tea!"

Saying that, Hu Yun jumped onto the stone bench lightly, and carefully placed the tray on the stone table. This action was both funny and gratifying to see, this fox is still useful.

"Well, what do you want from me?"

Hu Yun is so petite, Ji Yuan can't see through it, but he is also happy to sit down and pour a cup of tea.

After thinking about it, Ji Yuan waved to the kitchen again, brought a spoon, tapped it on the handle, and handed it to the little paper crane that just landed on his shoulder.

"Go get me a spoonful of fresh jujube honey."

The little paper crane tilted its head and looked at Ji Yuan. Although it had a head and a mouth, its mouth was closed. It was fine with a piece of paper. How could it hold a spoon? As soon as the mouth touched the handle of the spoon, it could pick it up as if it was stuck, and immediately flew away with the spoon.

Hu Yun watched the little paper crane fly away, saw Ji Yuan looked at him again, and finally summoned up the courage to speak.

"Mr. Ji, the scissors and yellow paper you cut out the little paper figurines last time, please lend me for fun..."

"Hehe, do you still think about it after all these years?"

"I've been thinking about..."

What kind of request is this, Ji Yuan stood up directly, went back to the room and took out the small bamboo basket containing yellow paper scissors, and put it in front of Hu Yun.

"It's not a problem to borrow from you, but can you use scissors with your claws?"

"It's okay, it's working!"

After all, Hu Yun is also a monster. He stretched out his right front paw and put it on the scissors. When the monster power turned, it stuck to the iron handles on both sides. As the claws opened and closed, it was obviously effortless to use.

"Mr. Ji, don't we just need to cut out so many villains and press them together at the end?"

Ji Yuan blew on the tea in the cup, narrowed his eyes and looked at Hu Yun carefully, and then smiled.

"Of course it's not that simple. Today I'll teach you how to cut that villain, but you're sure you won't be able to make a magician like a golden armored warrior, so you can only settle for the next best thing."

"As long as you can cut out a villain!"

There was a very happy smile on Hu Yun's face, and his heart was so happy that he was about to explode. He is not stupid, not at all. Mr. Ji's words mean that he wants to teach him skills!

Ji Yuan glanced at the fox, although Hu Yun tried his best not to laugh too much, but the frequency of the tail wagging was several times faster, just like a happy puppy.

Hu Yun's personality is just like that of a child growing up little by little, and he is considered pretty good now, and his little demon is naturally outstanding, but he is still too weak.

Although it is not a big problem to fool ordinary people, there is a saying that what you are in is what you see. As a monster, you will definitely encounter ghosts and ghosts. It is good to teach him some skills.

A moment later, with a burst of sweet fragrance, the paper crane flew back, and the spoon was full of fresh nectar, which was brewed with jujube pollen in the small pavilion in Ju'an.

Today's Hu Yun is no longer what he used to be. He had to be forced by Yin Qing to learn to read and write, but now he can bite the bullet and squat on a stone bench for three days and three nights in order to learn some skills.

Ji Yuan just wanted to see when the fox was crying and tired, and when he wanted to rest, so he didn't stop at all, let the fox cut it all the time, kept pointing at the side, and took it out of his sleeve when the yellow paper was used up. .

But now that the ground is covered with confetti, Hu Yun has only cut out thirty complete yellow paper figurines. The originally lively fox eyes are now bloodshot due to mental exhaustion, and both paws are trembling slightly.

"Take a break."

Ji Yuan finally asked Hu Yun to rest, but the fox was taken aback for a while but did not dare to put down the scissors.

"First of all, sir, you said that thirty-six complete paper figurines can make up a day's worth, so it's not in vain. That's right, I only have thirty..."

"Hehe, fine, then you can rest after cutting thirty-six pieces."

Ji Yuan added in his mind.

'Or wait for you to cut it again. '

In the end, what Ji Yuan didn't expect was that Hu Yun gritted his teeth, while absorbing the spiritual energy in the courtyard, while forcibly raising his spirits, he managed to cut out the thirty-six yellow paper figurines.

This is not what it looks like. Ji Yuan clearly saw that the moment the cutting was completed, thirty-six pieces of paper flashed in succession. The next step is a new stage. If you continue to cut, you must not waste one piece, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted. But if you stop here, the number of Tiangang can already become a talisman.

"Not bad, it's only been three days, and it was actually cut by you."

Ji Yuan smiled and praised, but when he looked at Hu Yun again, he found that the fox was already dangling and unconscious. When Hu Yun was about to fall backwards, Ji Yuan quickly stretched out his hand to support him, and then Picked up the sleepy red fox and put it on the table.

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