Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 64 Storytelling

Not long after the seven people with one car, two horses left, the old man who was sitting quietly spoke.

"Sir, after reading the biographies of heretics, what's your opinion on their books?"

opinion? Ji Yuan's first reaction is naturally that it is interesting and interesting, but it is certainly not appropriate to say this, and this book is good, but some places are quite awkward.

Looking down, he happened to have re-read a part of the description of the Mizusawa spirit that he accidentally turned to before, presumably the old man should have caught a glimpse of it.

Some of the content in Lenovo's book, the most conspicuous part is the deep aversion to monsters.

Let’s take the Dragon Flood as an example, it’s nothing at all, it’s really suspected of causing disasters to the common people, let alone those who do evil.

But in the book, there is a word of "goodness" on the surface of the behavior of the dragon's genus flying clouds and spreading rain, but once there is a mistake in this kind of behavior, for example, a small dragon is unstable when riding the cloud, flicking its tail to become a dragon. Roll down, sweep down some houses, then a feeling of "a demon is a demon" clearly appears between the lines.

And this is only a small part of the book, there are definitely many similarities throughout the book. In the words of the previous life, the author of the book lacks a certain degree of objectivity.

Under normal circumstances, this doesn't actually affect whether a book is good or not. Didn't Ji Yuan just read it for so long without sleeping and eating, but now that someone asks, this book has a sense of dissatisfaction.

Judging by the appearance of this old gentleman, it is reasonable. If it is a fairy or a god, it is easy to say it. Even if it is a demon or a charm, Ji Yuan feels that his awkwardness should be pleasing to the ear, so he hesitated and said it bluntly. .

"It's only a short time since I got the book of Heterodox Biography, and I'm addicted to reading it, and I can't put it down. A good book is naturally a good book..."

When the words of praise came to this point, Ji Yuan looked at the old man who didn't respond, and changed the topic.

"However, the many flaws in this book are regrettable!"

"I don't know what's wrong with it?"

Ji Yuan squinted his eyes, sat upright from a lazy state, put the book on his knees, and straightened his clothes. This series of actions meant that what he was going to say was not just a joke.

"This book is wonderful, but it is full of prejudices. The so-called don't do to others what you don't want to do to others. How can a book not understand the truth that ordinary people understand? However, the narration in the book involves many fairies and biases. It's really a pity! "


The old man's eyes lit up, he straightened his back from the loose state of sitting against the stone wall, and sat facing Ji Yuan.

"Can you elaborate, sir?"

"Hehe, why not? Is it possible that the old gentleman happens to be the person who wrote the book, and he will fight against me?"

Ji Yuan's humorous question amused the old man.

"Of course not."

"Then I feel more at ease, so I'll just say it straight."

"Haha, sir, it's okay to talk!"

Seeing the open minded look of the old man, Ji Yuan also relaxed his heart, and his face became solemn.

"It is true that vegetation, animals, mountain spirits and monsters do many harmful things to people, and they can be generalized and absolutely not advisable. In the book, Wang Lang rescued a cat demon, and the cat demonized a man who wanted to commit himself to Wang Lang as his wife. Later, a rich man was greedy for his beauty. Wang Lang did a lot of harm, and finally caused the Wang family to be ruined, and the cat demon killed the rich family to avenge Wang Lang. The whole article is a thousand words, and the last two hundred words are slightly sinister, but the theory of monsters harming people is very important!"

"Ji, I really don't like it!"

Before the old man could speak, Ji Yuan unfolded the book and overturned a certain page of Mizusawa.

"There is a saying here that half of the Qianqiu Kingdom experienced severe drought for years, and the author of the book said that this is the number of days. The people of the country go to Xudong River every month to sacrifice livestock and pray for rain. The rain goes against the sky, and after that, it will be plagued by calamity, and the writer only said that monsters cannot be enlightened!"


Ji Yuan sneered a few times and didn't say anything directly, but the irony expressed by that laughter was extremely clear.

"In all these books, there are quite a few. Apart from the immortal way, there is no righteous practice? It's ridiculous!"

Speaking of this, Ji Yuan didn't intend to continue talking.

"Forget it, don't mention it, it's just infuriating."

Seeing Ji Yuan's casualness and calmness when he glanced at the content of the pamphlet, and listening to his previous taboo words, the old man felt an inexplicable admiration for Ji Yuan.

The silence in the grotto was restored for a short while, and Ji Yuan read a book again and sat behind the old man.

About the time of a cup of tea passed, the silence was broken again.

"Mister, do you know the name of the stone wall here?"

Ji Yuan put down the book, subconsciously glanced at the cave before answering.

"It seems to be called... Crouching Dragon Wall."

"Of course!"

The old man didn't get up, but raised his hand to measure the height of the grotto, and there was an inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

"Mister, do you know the origin of this Crouching Dragon Wall?"

How can I know this fate, look at this pea-like shape, it seems to be indescribable, does it have any meaning? The thinking of calculating fate began to diverge.

But the old man beside him continued to speak without waiting for Ji Yuan to think of anything.

"About 300 years ago, a thousand to six hundred feet underground was buried here in a secluded pool, and there was a dragon lying in it."

Ji Yuan's heart moved, and he looked at the grotto again.

"That year was also the ear seed, Chijiao consciously cultivated to perfection, and wanted to leave the water and transform into a dragon!"

The old man's eyes interacted with Ji Yuan Gujing Wubo's eyes, and he paused before continuing to narrate.

"The genus of Jiaolong walks with water and floods the earth at every turn, but Chijiao has practiced for a long time, and hundreds of years of anticipation can only wait for that moment... That year, before the awn plant, it rained heavily for half a month, and the Desheng Mansion was flooded. Jiao diverts water to break through the ground, Yuze dives and walks, covering the territory of the three prefectures!"

The old man paused for a while, leaning against the stone wall behind him, stroked his beard slowly and remained silent for a long time.

"Hey... the people who pass by are devastated!"

Ji Yuan seemed to be able to feel the heavy weight of these words, imagining the monstrous flood three hundred years ago.

Even in the era when technology was so advanced in the previous life, with powerful ships and aircraft, and quick-response people's soldiers, floods are still terrifying beasts, let alone here three hundred years ago.

The old man patted the stone wall behind him and said to Ji Yuan.

"The stone wall here was lifted out of the ground because of the power of Chijiao's breaking through the ground. It was originally the place where Chijiao lay beside a secluded pool. The hole in the crypt has been flattened, and the world is in chaos, but this stone wall and its name have been passed down."

Ji Yuan frowned and remained silent for a while, after hesitating for a long time, he finally asked.

"I once heard that there is an immortal mansion in Jizhou, named Yuhuai Mountain. When you walk away, will there be people who cultivate immortals?"

As for what to do, it is natural to come to save people or stop the flood dragon, or if you have the ability, use a magical method to control the flood, or beat the original flood dragon to wake up, even if you just kill the flood dragon directly, but these plans are not predestined. illustrate.

The old man didn't know if he heard what Ji Yuan meant, he just sighed and continued.

"Having been dormant for hundreds of years, once freed, one can imagine the excitement of Chijiao. After making waves, it will naturally attract immortal masters... Chi..."

The old man actually sneered when he said this, making Ji Yuan even more confused about the situation, old man, where did you come from, a master of immortality or is it related to the former Chijiao?

"I don't want to mention those former masters of immortality, if the person who impressed Chi Jiao the most at that time was the City God of Du Ming's Mansion, his golden body was shattered and angrily struck, awakening Chi Jiao, leading him to see Hong Feng's evil... "

The old man paused for a while, then continued.

"The difficulty of cultivation, the difficulty of the way, and the courage to risk one's own life, how sad and respectable it is!"

Hearing this, Ji Yuan already had a certain tendency to guess the identity of the old man, so he didn't know if it was the rightful owner.

"Then dare to ask the old man, whether this Chijiao succeeded in transforming into a dragon, and how will it behave in the next three hundred years?"

"Naturally, it is done. Collect water into the river and swim in the sea. After a hundred years, it will transform into a dragon!"

When it came to the last sentence, the old man's words were a little more imposing, and then eased down.

"Since the dragon has succeeded, for two hundred years, it has spread clouds and rain for Jizhou. For two hundred years, there has been plenty of rain but no drought. There are many people who restrain the rivers and rivers..."

Having said that, the old man turned his head to look at Ji Yuan.

"Sir, what do you think this dragon is doing? Is it as this heretic said?"

Even with the current state of mind, he still can't help trembling in his heart. This is a really extraordinary existence. Combined with the foreword, he can almost be sure that the person sitting in front of him is either a dragon or a dragon!

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