Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 688: Big Black

Chasing the back of Ji Yuan who was laughing all the way, Hu Li suddenly felt that the distance between himself and Mr. Ji was like the footsteps at this moment.

Moreover, Hu Li felt that even this big man with such a strange name as Jinjia seemed to have a change in his perception. Although it was not obvious from the outside, it was a subtle feeling.

The bazaar in Luping City is already bustling with traffickers and pawns everywhere. Naturally, some restaurants and shops are also opened, and Lu's shop is one of the time-honored cooked food shops.

The counter at the front of the shop is part of the outer wall. It is open during the day, and the movable wooden boards on it are removed to form a large counter facing the street.

There are several large pots in the shop, and some meat is being stewed. The steaming heat mixed with the smell of stew wafts through the whole street, causing passers-by to twitch their index fingers.

There is also a large oven on one side, the charcoal is burning red, and there are a few chickens on it. The grease reflects the smoothness of the charcoal fire. The pole flips the angle of the chicken.

In front of the booth, a man who looked very similar to the man who was busy inside and was about the same age was yelling.

"Come here, come here, fresh stewed pork, buy some when you pass by, it is boiling, and it will be out of the pot immediately, and there is also roast chicken, using the sauce and marinade of our Lu family's old recipe, it is guaranteed to be delicious. !"

"Shopkeeper, given a roast chicken, when I come back to get it, remember to wrap it well." "Okay!"

"Shop, cut half a catty of stewed mutton finely."

"No problem, no problem, no matter how thin it is, it can be cut!"

The two brothers in this shop are very busy, and sometimes they will exchange jobs. There are also many people who come to patronize the business in the shop, and they can sell some things from time to time.

When Ji Yuan and Hu Li turned into this street, the latter had already pointed to the deli shop in the distance and said to Ji Yuan.

"Mr. Ji, that's the one, because it's the most delicious, so we come here relatively often. In the past few months, we have eaten more than ten catties of mutton from their family, and our favorite roast chicken is nothing to say. I had to eat more than twenty..."

Ji Yuan looked at Hu Li and asked.

"You have gone to steal so many times, and the store keeps throwing things away, so why not?"

"Uh huh, indeed, a big black dog was tied to the side of the shop later, it was really fierce, because of this, there was a child who was going to steal roast chicken and was almost killed by an old black dog, his neck was bruised A big hole was torn open, and if it wasn't for the big black dog on the chain, the child might not be able to come back."

When Hu Li said this, his voice was obviously lowered, with a look of lingering fear. Obviously, the miserable situation of the fox should have impressed a group of foxes deeply.

Ji Yuan grinned when he heard the words, he really hadn't heard Hu Li and the others talk about it, no wonder their reaction to the dog barking was worse than Hu Yun's back then, it turned out that there was a painful lesson.

Although the footsteps of the two were similar to those of ordinary people, within a few words, they had already approached the outside of Lu's shop. At this moment, the last customer in front also left with the wrapped braised meat, and there was no one in front of the shop.

Seeing a chubby man and a man of Confucianism approaching the shop, the man who was looking after the business naturally greeted them.

"Hey, you two, I just opened the pot to buy some cooked food. Buy some to taste? Guaranteed to taste good!"

At this time, a big black dog tied to the side of the shop had stood up, looking at Hu Li and grinning continuously.

"Woo... woo... woof..."

"Oh... Mr. Ji..."

This dog is bigger than the biggest yellow dog Ji Yuan has ever seen, and its hair is longer than the average dog, Hu Li was scared by the dog, subconsciously hid behind Ji Yuan, Ji Yuan couldn't laugh or cry when he saw it.

"What are you afraid of? The dog is still on a leash."

"Uh yes yes yes, don't be afraid of this guest officer, this Dahei is very docile, very docile!"

"Wow woof woof woof woof woof woof..."

The big black dog didn't give face to its owner at all, and yelled at Hu Li crazily. An iron chain had been stretched straight, and it pulled the chain and wanted to jump on Hu Li. The latter's face was ugly, although he no longer He lost his composure just like before, but he obviously didn't dare to come out from behind Ji Yuan.

"Uh, this dog is on a chain, and there is a chain, Dahei, stop barking, stop barking, Dahei is obedient!"

"Woo... woo..."

Because of the owner's words, the big black dog's roar gradually subsided, but it still grinned its teeth and let out bursts of threatening neighing from its throat. Anyone who understands knows that a dog in this state is actually more dangerous than when it is barking.

It was only a short moment from the shopkeeper greeting the customers to the dog barking and threatening, at this moment Ji Yuan took a step forward, looked at the old black dog, didn't say anything, just smiled and nodded towards the big dog.

Strange to say, the big black dog seemed to have just noticed the existence of Ji Yuan. After seeing Ji Yuan's movements, the state of the big black dog baring its teeth improved a lot. After staring at Ji Yuan for a while, He actually sat down beside him, and there was no sound at all.

"Hey? Mister, you are really powerful, more powerful than my master!"

Ji Yuan looked at the man in the shop, smiled and said.

"Maybe this big black dog sees that Ji has a kind face. By the way, how do you sell the roast chicken and stewed meat?"

When Ji Yuan was talking, he inhaled slightly, smelling the fragrance in this shop, and also moved his index finger slightly. That night, there was no meat from this Lu's shop at the fox banquet, presumably because there were too many big black dogs, but it was just for this The scent is a must for someone to taste.

"Oh, stewed meat is divided into mutton and pork, lean meat, pork belly and tendon meat, as well as tail and offal, etc. We have everything that can be eaten from a sheep and a pig, and the price is different for different parts. Generally speaking, pork is about 20 Wen a catty, mutton is about 30 Wen a catty, and this roast chicken costs 25 Wen a piece, um, if it’s Dazhen’s Tong Bao, then it only costs 20 Wen.”

The price is actually not cheap, but Ji Yuan has a very good nose, and just by smelling the smell, he can tell that the stewed meat and roast chicken are absolutely delicious.

"Okay, please ask the boss to bring me two stewed pork forelegs, including the hooves and tendons, and ten catties of stewed lamb chops, um..."

As Ji Yuan said, he glanced at the oven over there, and continued.

"There are also ten roast chickens in the oven. If you want them all, calculate how much they cost."

There were two brothers in the Lu's shop, the brothers were stunned when they heard the words, the one who was handling the roast chicken also turned his head, the two looked at each other, and the one outside asked confirmingly.

"Sir, did you buy so much?"

"That's right, I'm going to hold a banquet, so buy more, the shopkeeper can rest assured that you won't lose money, and there will be rewards."

While Ji Yuan was speaking, he looked at Hu Li, who understood, quickly took out the money bag from his pocket, and took out the money inside.

Now the two brothers in the shop were happy, nodding their heads in response.

"Hey, okay, I'll deal with the two of you right away, I'll deal with it right away, there are a lot of things, you two, wait a moment, second child, be quick."

"Alright, ten roasted chickens!"

This is a big deal, so many have been sold before noon, today's business is really booming.

While the two men from the Lu family were constantly busy, Hu Li was also swallowing saliva, while Ji Yuan approached the big black dog chained to one side with a smile, and the latter sat there looking at Ji Yuan. Yuan, sticking out his tongue and wagging his tail non-stop.

This scene amazed the eldest brother of the Lu family who happened to see it.

"Our family, Daheihe, never wags his tail at outsiders. Sometimes his temper can be fierce. Sir, you are really amazing!"

Ji Yuan nodded to the man with a side face, and continued to focus on the big black dog. He not only approached, but also reached out to touch it, and the big black dog lowered its head, allowing Ji Yuan to follow the hair on its head, There was a look of comfort on the dog's face.

Seeing this scene made Hu Li and the big brother of the Lu family secretly dumbfounded.

In fact, Ji Yuan's pair of blue eyes does not have a very clever way of blinding his eyes, it is just a leaf blinding his eyes. Even ordinary people, if they stare at his eyes seriously, can see those special eyes after a while, but in the eyes of the big black dog, Ji Yuan's blue eyes are particularly conspicuous.

"Good dog, good dog, it's not too young."

Ji Yuan stroked the black dog, and when he heard his words in the shop over there, the boss of the Lu family thought he was asking them, and answered with a smile.

"Sir, you are right. This Dahei was raised by my grandfather before. When my grandfather passed away, we took good care of him. Now I have been raising him for more than 20 years, at least!"

"For more than twenty years, this is not common in dogs!"

Ji Yuan turned his head and said something to Lu's man, who smiled.

"That's right, although Bugui Dahei is old, but the dog king in our workshop and these streets, other dogs are no match for him in fighting, hehe, let him choose the breeding bitch!"


Ji Yuan turned his head to look at the big black dog, who immediately let out a "woo...".

Even Hu Li cautiously approached to look at the black dog, but the latter did not react as aggressively as before.

"Mr. Ji, this dog..."

"Very good, is it called Dahei?"

"Yes, it's Dahei!"

The eldest brother of the Lu family in the shop over there quickly responded, he has been paying attention to every move of this big customer, and he has to take care of it, but Ji Yuan actually didn't ask him, but kept looking at Da Hei with a smile dog.


"You remind Ji of a silly cow..."

Looking at the big dog's suspicious but very human eyes, Ji Yuan glanced at Huli, and then smiled softly at the big dog again.

"The little fox before, you should have killed it? Why did you let it go?"


The big dog whined in a low voice, and the boss of the Lu family, who was always paying attention to Ji Yuan, asked again.

"Sir, what did you ask just now, I didn't hear clearly..."

Ji Yuan said a word without looking back.

"I didn't tell you."


The boss of the Lu family poked his head out and glanced to the side wonderingly, if he didn't tell him, who would he tell? with a dog?

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