Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 824 The Gray World

Biquge, the fastest update of Lanke Qiyuan!

In this little cave that belongs to the demons, although the human and animal kingdoms are regarded as the important property of their respective demon forces, but the horse demons were killed by warriors in each city and no monsters came to patrol for three days.

Except for a few monsters with not too high cultivation levels in some big cities passing along the way, only when Ji Yuan and the old beggar's escape passed through the border of the so-called human and animal country did they see some monsters patrolling, so it can be seen The history of the human and animal kingdom should be a long time, and a kind of running-in rule has been formed between each other, which is also the so-called monster that rarely appears in front of people.

Of course, there are also some things that must make the people in the cave understand their situation. For example, when the people of Tianyuzhou were taken captive to form a new country, some aborigines would pull carts with food and be swept away by the demon wind to a specific location. At this time, those numb people can recall the fear deep in their souls, but they will anesthetize themselves again as soon as they go back.

Ji Yuan and the old beggar came to Feidun for about an hour, and they had already arrived in an original human and animal kingdom. Looking down at the land from the air, the people in each town were very low. small feeling.

The two landed in a city that seemed to be the largest in the place they passed. This would be the busiest time before noon. He has an expression, not the numbness he had when he was delivering food in Xinguo, but he was talking and laughing.

"Hmph, living in a false dream."

The old beggar sneered, Ji Yuan shook his head and sighed.

"Everyone has the seven emotions and six desires, joy, anger, sorrow and joy, which is normal."

The two landed on the street, but people frequently paid attention to them while walking. Not only the positive people looked at them, but even the passers-by would keep looking back. After regaining consciousness, he showed a look of fear, but he didn't dare to leave in a hurry, instead he pretended to leave step by step.

"Interesting, Mr. Ji, what do you think?"

Of course, the old beggar and Ji Yuan took people's reactions into consideration. The former asked Ji Yuan playfully, while the latter thought for a while.

"Mr. Lu's clothes are not too abrupt, but Ji's clothes are not too expensive outside, but here they stand out from the crowd. Here? Dress like Ji, do you think people are curious about it?" What do you think of?"

The old beggar also sighed.

"A man-eating monster."

Unlike the millions of people who were newly captured in Tianyuzhou, these aborigines here have almost all lived here for generations? The clothes on their bodies have long been very different from those outside? The sackcloth is several grades brighter than the ones here.

Ji Yuan and the old beggar turned a blind eye to the fear of the common people. They just looked at the streets they passed and everything they could touch. They also discovered more and more things that were different from the outside world.

Except for clothing? There is little etiquette here, let alone any classics, and even the shops have no signboards? Only the shopkeepers can yell a few words? There are also some "impractical" stones that are exchanged in barter? There is even gold? But the real hard currency is medicinal materials.

Food does not seem to be in short supply, but the monsters will still ensure that the weather here is smooth.

After walking halfway around the city, Ji Yuan and the old beggar seemed a little tired from walking, and sat down in an open-air shed. It didn't matter if they sat down this time? Did it scare the grandparents in charge of the shed? But they didn't dare Pretend not to see? And the pedestrians around subconsciously walk away from the booth? Or simply don't go this way.

The old man looked at Ji Yuan and the old beggar with scalp numbness. Even Ji Yuan's feeling of being close to ordinary people was useless. He dragged his grandson who was playing beside him, bowed his head and whispered to him.

"Hide behind the car, your parents will come looking for you when it gets dark, remember to hide here, don't come out, wait for your parents to come, woo woo..."

The old man wiped his tears while he was talking, and his grandson helped to wipe it off, and was hugged by the old man. After a while, he stood up, picked up the tray and brought the teapot to the place where Ji Yuan and the old beggar In front of the table, a pair of slightly trembling hands placed the teapot on the table.

"Two, two gentlemen please, please drink tea..."

The old man was trembling when he spoke. He looked up at him, and he could see that the other party was terrified. The old beggar frowned, then shook his head.

"Do you think we are here to eat your monsters? That's right, at your age, according to the rules of this human and animal country, it's almost time for 'natural elimination'."

The old man's body trembled suddenly, and his face turned pale with fright. Of course, he had his own life's joys and sorrows all these years, but there was always a reminder hanging in his heart, and he could not be considered bad luck to be able to safely carry his life to this point.

Seeing that the old man was terribly frightened, Ji Yuan couldn't bear to scare him any more, and comforted him softly.

"Old man, don't worry. Mr. Lu and I are not monsters. We just sit in your stall today to rest our feet, and we don't want to eat you. You can bring your grandson home by yourself when you close the stall at night."

"Thank you uncle, thank you uncle, the little old man kowtowed to you, kowtowed to you, thank you uncle!"

As the old man spoke, he was about to kneel down and was supported by the old beggar.

"Hey, Mr. Ji said it all, we are not monsters, and you don't need to kneel down, just go and get something to eat."

The old man wiped the sweat off his face, promised again and again, and hurriedly worked on the cart stove, finding out all the meat he could find, anyway, he didn't dare to let the vegetarians occupy the majority.

"Living in self-deception will one day wake you up from a nightmare."

Ji Yuan sighed, and opened the teacup to pour tea for the old beggar and himself, after taking a sip, Ji Yuan frowned slightly, but still chose to continue drinking, and the old beggar did the same, but Ji Yuan didn't pour a second cup , the old beggar also did not want to refill his glass.

"Mr. Ji, when you and I first met in Yunzhou, I had traveled all over the world and lamented that the world was not good. Today, I have learned a lot. If you want to say that life is hard, there are many places that are harder than this, but if If you say that you are not a human being, there is no one who is right, you say that when the cave is broken and the people and animals see the sun again, how should they deal with themselves?"

"Of course there are people who will educate them. People here have been persecuted for hundreds of years and thousands of years. Maybe the deeper the depression, the greater the rebound. Those people who sent food to the new country before, after witnessing Zuo Wuji and the other three killing demons in succession, don't think so. Is it hot?"

When Ji Yuan talked to the old beggar, he didn't convey his voice vividly, let alone lowered his volume. The old man in the booth was also listening when he was preparing to eat, and his sense of fear gradually subsided. I feel that just looking at them makes my heart calm down faster.

Soon, the old man heated and cooked the meat. The best seasoning here is salt and the pitiful spices. He carried the tray to the table of Ji Yuan and the old beggar. On the tray were two large One pot was filled with meat, the other was broth with vegetables, and a lot of corn-bread-like pasta was stuffed in the gaps of the trays.

Looking at the rich food, the old beggar shook his head and smiled.

"There are so many dishes, I didn't expect that you and I would still be blessed by the demon."

Ji Yuan raised his eyebrows and said something lightly.

"You have to pay."

"I'm a beggar, of course it belongs to Mr. Ji."

The old beggar's face was not red and his heart was not beating. He took a chopstick from the chopstick cage and ate a large piece of meat.

Ji Yuan was a little helpless, and also took out chopsticks to eat, maybe because he hadn't eaten anything for a long time, it tasted okay.

"Old man, how comfortable is your life?"

The old beggar chewed on the piece of meat, and asked the old man with a smile. This question shocked the old man again, but his reaction was not as exaggerated as before, and he just nodded.

"Having children and grandchildren, still, it's quite comfortable..."

"Then do you want your children and grandchildren, and your children and grandchildren's children and grandchildren, to live like this all the time?"

The old man didn't know how to answer. He looked down at his grandson who was still hiding under the kitchen cart and remained silent for a long time. Since he was sensible, he often had nightmares. From childhood to adulthood, peers disappeared and elders left. He also heard a lot. "Normal" things, there are some things that he never dared to say, but this time, after a long silence, he said something in a low voice.

"Our fate is like this... What's the use of not wanting?"

The old beggar tapped the bowl with his chopsticks.


"There are still people who can be saved."

"If you can't save it, you want all the people here to go to Yunzhou?"

Ji Yuan smiled at the old beggar, then looked at the old man in the stall.

"Old man, we are not locals. We came here from a very far away place, and the money on us may not be suitable for circulation here..."

The old beggar will mutter something.

"Mr. Ji has gold..."

But Ji Yuanquan pretended not to hear, but continued slowly and softly.

"How about this, how about Ji telling you a story to pay off the money?"

How dare the old man say no, he agreed again and again, and Ji Yuan began to speak.

"Everything is born between heaven and earth, flowers, plants and trees grow towards the sun, birds and beasts inhabit each other, and humans live among them as the primates of all things..."

The voice of Ji Yuan's narration was not loud, but it spread far away. Slowly, more and more people gathered in the old man's booth, listening to Ji Yuan's bizarre and bizarre stories.

In the story, people have their own joys, sorrows, sorrows, harmony and happiness, natural disasters and man-made disasters, ups and downs in life, joys and sorrows, poetry, rituals and music, and all walks of life. Not everything is perfect, but it is a colorful world...

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