Biquge, the fastest update of Lanke Qiyuan!

As soon as Ying Ruoli made this promise, she was basically destined to build a dragon palace overseas, maybe even near the barren sea, and use this as the core to suppress one sea area, which became the basis for turning the barren sea into a clean sea in the future.

Many dragon palaces in the four seas basically have similar functions. Even if a certain branch of the dragon clan does not have real dragons in its successors at a certain period, the dragon palaces will be passed down from generation to generation, maintaining the clean sea from being swallowed by the barren sea.

Ying Ruoli was able to make this decision, and all the aquariums below were overjoyed, even the aquariums that did not make the request were all shaken in their hearts, and some of them also showed joy.

This kind of decision is not just pretending, it really requires great perseverance and even great wisdom.

"Everyone, please stand up, since I have promised everyone, I will definitely not break my promise, let's all sit again."

The dragon girl claimed that she also changed quietly at this moment. After this time, to some extent, she also understood that she must show the true dragon majesty she should have in front of the aquarium.

Naturally, all the aquariums below refused, and they all said they were leaving, and each returned to their seats, but the atmosphere of the aquariums in the Dragon Palace completely changed. They were all discussing the matter of opening up the barren sea, and some other guests inquired about the details of this matter.

Even if there are beauties of the aquatic tribe entering the halls to play music and dance, it is also impossible to let everyone's attention focus on them.

Soon, the news spread outside the Dragon Palace through some aquariums, and all the aquariums at the banquet along the river knew about it, and the discussion outside was ten times more intense than inside the Dragon Palace. However, if a mortal ship passes by and someone accidentally falls into the water, as long as this person has a little bit of spiritual awareness, he may even hear the noisy discussions of the underwater aquarium.

Even seeing the forced palace, all the guests were worthwhile this trip, and the conversation alone was very impressive, while the Dragon King of the Four Seas and people with high cultivation like Ru Ji Yuan became a little absent-minded.

Ji Yuan poured himself a glass of ambergris, but he never drank while holding the glass in his hand. Instead, he looked at the seemingly indifferent expression of the dragon girl? He also glanced at the faces of some water tribes in the main hall , Familiar as Gao Tianming, Du Guangtong who was acquainted with each other? There are also those who are unfamiliar? Those who catch the eye are all excited.

"Mr. Ji? Can you go out and have a talk."

The old dragon's voice rang in Ji Yuan's ear, and Ji Yuan looked up at the other party, but he saw that the old dragon was still drinking on the surface and looked at the aquarium dancers dancing in the hall? He didn't seem to speak? But he didn't move with the wine glass , I don’t know if the dance in front of me is too beautiful or I am thinking about something.

Ji Yuan's eyes widened slightly, and the aura of the old dragon suddenly became clearer.

'Escape from the gods? '

Obviously, does the old dragon know that it is a supernatural power such as sheathing or incarnation? But because of the noisy breath at the moment? Not too many people dare to concentrate their consciousness on the old dragon? So even the other dragon lords may Didn't notice it? That is, Longnu slightly looked sideways at her father? Instead, she raised her cuffs to cover her father up.

But Ji Yuan doesn’t have any incarnation method? It’s not so much that he’s not good at it, it’s better to say that he didn’t cultivate a suitable incarnation, and he didn’t want to get out of his body. Get up? Leave your seat and head out.

Although many people paid attention to Ji Yuan, obviously no one would ask, let alone block Ji Yuan. When he arrived outside the main hall, Yasha, who was guarding outside, immediately saluted and asked.

"Mr. Ji, did you have something to do when you came out?"

"It's nothing, just wander around? Don't pay attention to me."

After finishing speaking, Ji Yuan directly turned into a ray of water and left towards the outside of the Dragon Palace. The inquiring Yasha looked at his colleagues and decided to report to the Dragon Lord or Ying Niangniang.

Ji Yuan's escaping light disappeared directly after leaving the Dragon Palace. After a while, a gust of breeze blew across the bank of the Tongtian River, and Ji Yuan's figure also appeared here, and the old dragon was already standing here watching Jiang Mian had been waiting for a while.

"Mr. Ying suddenly asked Ji to come out, is it because of the forced palace just now?"

"Otherwise what's the matter?"

"Well, it's only for Ji to figure out the relationship between Jinghai and Huanghai, and the role of the Dragon Clan in it."

In fact, Ji Yuan realized that the Four Seas Dragon Palace is actually the key to the separation of the four seas and the barren sea when he heard the surrounding aquarium just now. When he first arrived at the junction of the barren sea and the four seas, he thought about how the barren ocean currents are so turbid and ferocious. But all over the world.

"Okay, although this matter is considered a big secret in my Dragon Clan, it is not to the point where you have no way of knowing about it. If you talk like this, the old man will wonder if you are behind the forced palace. It fueled the flames.”

Ji Yuan smiled wryly, and quickly clarified.

"Mr. Ying, Ruo Li is also a close person of my fate, how could I harm her?"

The old dragon took a look at Ji Yuan and said quietly.

"Strictly speaking, for Ruoli, opening up the barren sea is harmful for a while, but it is not harmful or not beneficial. Maybe you just think that Ruoli can have a deeper foundation and suppress her."

When Lao Long said this, he obviously didn't have a serious tone, and Ji Yuan didn't intend to make any jokes anymore, so he frowned and looked at Jiang Mian to ask.

"Do you have someone to suspect? Of course, just stop saying that I'm plotting against someone."

The old dragon shook his head.

"To be honest, I don't have any clues. This matter is a bit strange, and no one can benefit from doing so. But if it is true that it is really impossible for these aquariums to organize themselves, no one reminds me of this matter, and they will not Some aquariums thought of this, and even now many aquariums don’t know about opening up wasteland and building palaces, and even the old man never thought that there would be a group of aquariums to force the palace.”

Ji Yuan thought about it.

"Where is Lord Dragon of the Four Seas?"

"No! My Tongtianjiang and most of the dragons in the East China Sea are connected with each other. Although the dragons of the four seas are no longer united as before, they have not been separated. Even if they are really separated, they are all connected by their in-laws. To put it bluntly To put it bluntly, the one who holds grudges against Ruoli among the Dragon Clan is probably a eunuch, and he doesn't have the guts to put it on the table."

Said, the old dragon looked at Ji Yuan again.

"Mr. Ji, what did you think of?"

Ji Yuan originally thought about whether the old dragon and Ruoli had offended someone in the dragon clan, and even thought about the guy who used to be too strong against the dragon girl and was cut off from his descendants, but since the old dragon made it clear, He stopped thinking about it and turned his thoughts to other places.

Ji Yuan looked at Jiang Mian and said nothing, and the old dragon didn't bother him. After a long time, Ji Yuan suddenly stopped answering and asked instead.

"It's been a long time since the Dragon Clan opened up the barren sea, right?"

"Well! The more you go outward, the more difficult it is. Today, the four seas are vast enough, and it is difficult for the remaining dragons to control the four seas. There is not much benefit in further expansion. The key is... the number of existing real dragons is also a problem..."

How many real dragons there are in the world is a secret to both the inside and outside of the Dragon Clan. It has never been stated clearly. Maybe some dragon kings know but will not say it. There may be real dragons in any trench or even somewhere in the barren sea.

This secret is not meaningless, just like some martial arts novels that Ji Yuan read in his previous life, the number of monks in Shaolin Temple retreat has always been a secret, and it has a special deterrent force.

But what the old dragon said to Ji Yuan made him realize that the number of real dragons today is definitely less than in ancient times.

Ji Yuan speculated about the situation of the Dragon Clan in his heart, and asked again.

"If Ruoli really opens up the barren sea, apart from the thousands of aquariums following her, how many shots will those real dragons have?"

"Even if it is me, I will only help her when she is really struggling."

Ji Yuan looked at the old dragon in surprise, and seeing that he spoke seriously, he understood that it was impossible for other dragon lords to make a move.

"Mr. Ying, in Ji's opinion, the Dragon Clan is the foundation of the world."

"Without our dragon clan, although the four seas may not disappear immediately, they will definitely shrink. It is not impossible to return to the small range of the inner domain in ancient times, or even be completely swallowed up by the barren sea."

"Well, and the Dragon Clan hasn't opened up the barren sea for more than a thousand years?"

Ji Yuan asked solemnly, Lao Long looked at him, and answered more solemnly.

"To be precise, it has been more than 1,700 years. Before the old man was born, he did not touch the deserted sea. Nowadays, those old guys of the Dragon Clan have no one who has participated in the pioneering of the wilderness."

Ji Yuan frowned again, the longevity of the Dragon Clan is generally recognized, isn't there an old dragon that is two thousand years old? It is definitely not difficult for a real dragon to live two thousand years, right? Even for a true immortal, a lifespan of two thousand years is not an unattainable goal.

"The longer you live, the more disasters you will have..."

The old dragon said something meaningful, as if he understood what his friend was thinking, even if it was him, he almost had a bad relationship with Ji Yuan in Wolongbi back then.

Ji Yuan thought for a while again, and finally expressed some guesses in his heart, which may be considered unusual for the old dragon.

"Perhaps this is not aimed at Ruo Li, but a test for the entire Dragon Clan. If Ruo Li does not open up the barren sea, it will prove that the Dragon Clan has little energy left, or has lost their aggressiveness. Even if Ruo Li opens up the barren sea, he can still see The reaction of the True Dragon of the Four Seas can also be regarded as a conspiracy..."

The old dragon raised his eyebrows, and looked at Ji Yuan seriously.

"Listen to Mr. Ji, maybe there is a conspiracy?"

Ji Yuan sneered.

"Hmph, that's right, even if the chaos in Tianyuzhou before was a conspiracy, and the dragon corpse insect, I'm afraid it is also counted!"

The old dragon's eyes widened slightly, and he immediately understood the meaning of his old friend's words, and also understood the seriousness of it. It can be said that except for Ji Yuan, almost no one could come up with such an exaggerated hypothesis.

"Who dares to plot against my Dragon Clan?"

"Maybe someone wants the world to collapse..."

Ji Yuan actually felt a little cold in his heart at this meeting, and he didn't even feel a feeling of electric shock on his body. Someone must be about to make a move, or he didn't notice that he had already made a move. Although he was always paying attention to the artistic conception and sky, he also Can't say I'll see it again.

Could it be that the other party is really so powerful that after Tian Yuzhou's temptation and confirmation of some things, the second step is to attack the Four Seas Dragon Clan?

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