Biquge, the fastest update of Lanke Qiyuan!


The sound of hammering iron in the blacksmith shop was very rhythmic. Zuo Wuji looked inside and saw that every time the blacksmith hit the hammer, a lot of sparks would explode on the anvil, and the iron embryo was like a hard piece under his hammer. The dough, visibly smashed and changed shape.

Originally attracted by the meat buns, Zuo Wuji didn't care about the blacksmith's shop next to him, but he felt very skillful when he saw the golden armor forging iron. It seems that blacksmithing is also quite a skill.

"Hey guest officer, your steamed stuffed bun!"

The owner of the steamed stuffed bun shop on one side had already wrapped the steamed stuffed bun with oiled paper, walked up to Zuo Wuji and handed it to him.

"Oh, thank you."

Zuo Wuji still spoke these few words fluently, he reached out to take the oiled paper bag, then lowered his head to untie it, there were ten of them, no wonder it was such a big bag.

"This, ten?"

"Hey, guest officer, use it slowly, and you won't be charged for more!"

"Oh, thank you very much!"

Zuo Wuji picked up a steamed stuffed bun, opened his mouth and took a big mouthful, half of the steamed stuffed bun, which was not too small, was gone immediately, and Zuo Wuji's mouth was full of hot oily aroma.

"Okay, delicious!"

Zuo Wuji complimented, and watched the golden armor strike the iron, the owner of the steamed stuffed bun shop saw that there were no customers for the time being, so he didn't go back to the shop, but walked closer to Zuo Wuji.

"Guest officer, are you and Brother Jin fellow villagers?"


The other party's voice was low and the speed of speech was fast, Zuo Wuji didn't understand what it meant for a while

"I mean, guest officer, are you, Brother He Jin, a fellow townsman?"

"Oh oh oh..."

Zuo Wuji nodded, now he roughly understands.

"Yes, it should be, listening to the accent, it's like, we are all..."

'What did Dazhen Yunzhou say...'

After thinking for a while, Zuo Wuji pointed to the clouds in the sky and said.

"We are all, yes, Yunzhou, big... Zhen... people."

Dazhen is the original pronunciation. The owner of the bun shop followed Zuo Wuji's fingers and looked up towards the sky, scratching his head, seeming to understand. The word "Dazhen" has never been heard or understood. Is it still a place in the sky? But I think it is a rather special place name.

"Is it far away?"

Zuo Wuji was already eating the second steamed bun, and he praised the steamed stuffed bun shop owner.

"This steamed stuffed bun tastes really good! My hometown is far, far, far away, the ocean, the other side of the sea..."

As he said that, Zuo Wuji had already walked into the blacksmith's shop, looked around in the shop, picked up some agricultural tools and kitchen knives from time to time, weighed them, and beat them.

"This man is very skilled. These iron objects are not simple."

Jin Jia ignored Zuo Wuji and continued to strike iron, and Zuo Wuji didn't insist on Jin Jia's attention, but walked up to the anvil and looked at him like this.

The owner of the steamed stuffed bun shop outside was slightly dumbfounded. This foreigner stood so close to the anvil, yet he stood so steadily. The oppressive force of Brother Jin's swinging hammer can scare most people back.

'It seems that this foreigner is also a capable person! '

"Boss, buy buns..."

"Oh good, here we come!"

Hearing someone calling him over there, the owner of the steamed stuffed bun shop hurried back, but he still couldn't help but glance over at the blacksmith's shop. It was rare to see a fellow from Brother Jin's hometown, and he really wanted to know something about Brother Jin.

And Zuo Wuji just stood beside the golden armor, watching the changes in the frequency of his hammer, counting the number of times he swung the hammer, basically a frequency of seven to forty-nine hammers, taking care of all the details of the iron embryo.

"Zi la la—"

The iron embryo was sent into a wooden barrel to be quenched, and then tempered after a while. Zuo Wuji also ate the last bun in the process, clapped his hands and rubbed his stomach, with a satisfied look on his face.

At the same time, the curtain in the back room of the blacksmith shop was lifted from the inside, and a strong old man came out from inside.

"Huh? Who are you? Don't stand too close to the stove and the anvil when you're buying iron!"

Zuo Wuji cupped his hands and saluted the old man.

"I'm Zuo Wuji, and I'm also from Dazhen. I didn't come here to buy ironware, but it's quite warm next to the stove!"

The old blacksmith frowned and looked at Zuo Wuji.

"What are they talking about, I don't understand a word."

When the old blacksmith said this, Zuo Wuji understood that the old blacksmith had nothing to do with Da Zhen.

Jin Jia glanced at the old blacksmith and answered.

"He said his name was Zuo Wuji, he was from Dazhen, he didn't come to buy ironware, he stood by the stove to keep warm."

Zuo Wuji secretly laughed at such a frank retelling, and when the other party said the word "Dazhen", he followed his example and spoke directly in Dazhen's language.

"Old man, I, and him, are fellow villagers!"

Zuo Wuji nodded to himself, and then to the golden armor. The old blacksmith understood what he said, and he immediately became interested.

"Really! Are you from the same town as Xiaojin? Is his home far away? How many people are there? What do parents do?"

"This, I don't know..."

The golden armor on one side put down the hammer, didn't lower his head, just looked down at Zuo Wuji with squinting eyes.

"Since you are from Dazhen, why are you here?"

Jin Jia asked Zuo Wuji in the Dazhen dialect, and the old blacksmith's eyes widened when he heard it. He was really a fellow townsman, and he had never heard Xiao Jin say such words, but he didn't know what he asked.

Zuo Wuji put his hands on his chest and answered with a smile.

"Sharpen martial arts! What are you doing in this faraway land?"

Jin Jia didn't like to lie, but he didn't have to answer. He went to the side and poured a bowl of water from the jug, drank it and then looked at Zuo Wuji.

"Your martial arts don't seem to be low, what do you want to hone?"

Zuo Wuji found it even more interesting, this man seemed to be able to tell the level of his martial arts, even though he just looked at the blacksmith, he also felt that he must have extraordinary abilities.

"Well, if I say I'm tempered by demons, can you be trusted, brother?"

The old blacksmith was a little anxious on the side.

"What are you talking about? Hey, Xiao Jin, what are you talking about?"

"Oh, I, and this big brother blacksmith, talk about hometown, talk, a little, change..."


The old blacksmith nodded suddenly, looked at Jin Jia and asked a question.

"Has there been any changes in my hometown?"

Jin Jia paused for a while, and answered briefly with one word.


"Without you chattering so much, you are really a kid, you are kidding me, Master..."

The old blacksmith muttered, walked aside and began to sort out his stuff.

And Jin Jia walked back to the anvil, checked some iron embryos in the furnace, didn't look back, but still had something to ask Zuo Wuji.

"It seems that your martial arts are very powerful!"

Jin Jia didn't use interrogative sentences, but affirmative sentences. Zuo Wuji's blood was indeed stronger than ordinary people, but the real blood and evil spirits were all locked in his body. Jin Jia didn't really notice it before, but now after a closer look, Especially the sentence just now that the demon is tempered, I feel that there seems to be a raging fire in this person's eyes, and it is definitely not a lie.

And hearing Jin Jia's words, Zuo Wuji laughed again.

"My martial arts, indeed, have some achievements, but how is it compared with your brother's? You are not an ordinary blacksmith, are you?"

Jin Jia paused for a moment, turned his head to look at Zuo Wuji seriously, and after a while, he turned his head, and a sentence came without any emotional ups and downs.

"You can't beat me, don't compare with me."

It is another affirmative sentence, and it is decisive.

'What a breath! '

Zuo Wuji's heart skipped a beat, but he was not a novice in the martial world, he couldn't get angry just because of a word, and he didn't intend to compete with this blacksmith.

It's not easy to see a fellow in a foreign land, and this person is definitely not bad, Zuo Wuji just feels kind.

"By the way, brother, if I want to stay overnight, where can I find a cheaper inn?"

Jin Jia walked to the door of the store and pointed in a direction.

"Keep going in the north direction. It's not that rich and expensive there, and the inn should be cheaper."

"Uh, you won't stay with me for one night?"

Jin Jia turned around slowly, looked at Zuo Wuji and said.


This question... Zuo Wuji smiled helplessly.

"Okay, thank you brother, um, can I borrow some money? You see, I'm cash-strapped now. Don't worry, Zuo Wuji will repay whatever I borrow!"

But Jin Jia shook his head again.

"My food and lodging are all at Master's place. I usually ask Master for the ten coins that I pay you for buns."

ah? Zuo Wuji was speechless, just about to say something, Jin Jia continued.

"I'll help you, borrow it from Master."

After speaking, Jin Jia walked over to the old blacksmith and said a few words. The old blacksmith glanced at Zuo Wuji, then went into the inner room, and quickly came out with a hanging coin and a small ingot of silver, and handed it directly to Zuo Wuji. Give Zuo Wuji.

"Here, since I'm from Xiaojin's hometown, let's use it."

"Thank you, old man, thank you Brother Jin! Zuo Wuji, let me take my leave first, and I will come again!"

Zuo Wuji took the money, bowed his hands to thank the old blacksmith and Jin Jia, then turned around and walked out of the blacksmith shop, heaved and rubbed his hands in the cold wind, and then walked towards the direction Jin Jia pointed.

It was snowing in the sky, and it was getting bigger and bigger, Jin Jia walked out of the blacksmith's shop, watching Zuo Wuji's back disappearing in the snow, without looking back once.

Zuo Wuji walked in the direction pointed by the golden armor. After a while, he really felt that the houses over there seemed a bit old. After wandering around, he couldn't find any inn, so he was planning to jump on the roof to have a look.

When turning around an alley, a small figure suddenly ran past Zuo Wuji, he took a closer look, it was a child running alone in the wind and snow, he looked very young.

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