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Li Feng didn't know exactly what happened, but he knew that this stranger seemed to be very powerful, and the underground Lord of the land was already stunned, because the monster's evil spirit was collapsing, and this was probably at least one blow that seriously injured the monster .

At the end of the street behind Li Feng, Jin Jia, who was already standing there, just glanced at the dizzy night at the end of the street, then turned and left.

Zuo Wuji held the stick out for two breaths, then slowly retracted the stick, shook the stick lightly, a smear of demon blood was thrown off immediately, then handed the stick to his left hand and threw it behind him, The stick returned to the original corner of the room with a bang.

"Hey... where's the monster?"

Li Feng asked carefully, Zuo Wuji looked back at him, showing a confident smile.

"It's nothing serious, it's dead."

Originally Zuo Wuji wanted to say that he was just hiding in the dark, but he avoided complicated words and kept his words short.

When Zuo Wuji's voice fell, the excessive darkness around him just dissipated, and the brilliance of the stars and the moon made it impossible to see nothing on the street.

Li Feng looked towards Zuo Wuji, and through his eyes, he could see a big beast lying there a few steps away from Zuo Wuji, and a piece of blood stretched to the end in a fan shape.

"Is it a big dog?"

Don't look at Li Feng was really flustered just now, but in fact he was really courageous, now he came to Zuo Wuji's side again, looking at the corpse on the ground curiously.

"It stinks..."

Zuo Wuji took a serious look at Li Feng. In fact, the corpses of monsters on the ground did not smell bad in the conventional sense, but Li Feng could smell the monster aura that was definitely not good among monsters. Zuo Wuji himself had practiced for a while before he could distinguish the breath-like breath freely.

"It's not a dog, it's a wolf."

"Wolf? It's the first time I saw a wolf, and I became a demon..."

Li Feng was a little scared and curious, he walked around Zuo Wuji to the side of the wolf corpse, but found that the head of the wolf corpse seemed to have been smashed by a heavy hammer, it looked creepy and nauseated, so scared that Li Feng ran away Back behind Zuo Wuji.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Zuo Wuji laughed, but this time the laughter was more normal. He walked forward, bent down beside the demon corpse, then grabbed the demon corpse's neck, lifted it up, and didn't mind Throwing the monster's corpse on his shoulders, the blood of the monster flowed from his shoulders along the rainproof cloak behind him.

"You, what are you doing?"

Li Feng's eyes widened, and he carried such a smelly thing behind his back?

"Take care of it, you, you can go home."

Having said that, Zuo Wuji carried the demon corpse and walked deep into the street. Li Feng felt a little flustered when he saw Zuo Wuji leaving, and subconsciously took two steps forward.

"Hey, hello! Didn't you say you were going to take me home? Where are you going?"

Zuo Wuji shook his empty left hand backwards.

"I don't need to send it off, someone is always protecting you."

As he said that, Zuo Wuji also stomped his feet on the ground, just when the land tolerance almost shot himself, Zuo Wuji noticed his breath.

So if before Zuo Wuji suspected that the "Mr. Ji" that Li Feng was talking about was the one he knew, then now Zuo Wuji has a greater certainty to confirm this suspicion, besides the monster is dead, Li Feng There is no danger in going home.

Zuo Wuji walked very fast, and Li Feng was hesitant to chase after him. With one plus and one minus, Zuo Wuji quickly disappeared in Li Feng's eyes.

Li Feng stood there for a while, looked left and right, and finally chose a way home and ran away quickly.

Zuo Wuji carried the demon corpse like this, walked faster and faster in the streets and alleys, the last one leaped over the city wall, then walked in one direction outside the city, and finally found a sheltered place in the forest before stopping After landing, during the whole process, the little paper crane in the sky has been staring at Zuo Wuji.

Little Zhihe knew Zuo Wuji, but when he first met Zuo Wuji, he was still a child, but now he is so powerful.

Zuo Wuji looked around, nodded and put down the demon corpse. With a shake of his shoulders, the cloak on his body shook in waves, and the blood stains on the cloak were also directly shaken off.

Then Zuo Wuji walked around, brought back a lot of firewood, took out flint and kindling, lit a bonfire, and then sat by the bonfire and began to skin the wolf with his bare hands.

The little paper crane landed on the top of a big tree above, looked down at Zuo Wuji below, couldn't help but bewildered, Zuo Wuji actually wanted to burn the demon corpse?

Zuo Wuji now has a smile on his lips. Although he smashed the wolf monster's skull with a flat stick and wiped out the monster's essence, the wolf skin is extremely tough and did not shatter together. It was scary just now because the inside of the skull was shattered. So if one piece is softened, the whole wolf skin is actually very complete.

"Rip la la... tear la la..."

Soon, Zuo Wuji peeled off the wolf's skin, broke a branch to play with, and tied the wolf's skin with straw ropes, stretched the whole wolf's skin straight and put it next to the fire, and the rest of the wolf meat Then it was directly skewered on a wooden frame with thick branches and baked.

"Hey, it must be disrespectful to roast this thing in a temple. Although I, Zuo Wuji, don't believe in Buddhism, I still have to take care of the feelings of those monks. There is no problem here."

Zuo Wuji muttered to himself, cut the wolf's body with a small knife, took out the salt from his body and sprinkled it on the wolf's body and in the knife marks, after a while, a smell of barbecue began to appear, but Zuo Wuji didn't care Move, handle the wolf meat carefully, and keep applying seasonings.

Obviously it was not the first time for Zuo Wuji to do this kind of thing, and he could judge that the meat would not be cooked in a short while.

Sure enough, the fact turned out a little bit beyond Zuo Wuji's expectations, the wolf was roasted for most of the night and it was not fully cooked, but the taste became more and more fragrant, which made Zuo Wuji not willing to give up at all, at worst he would not go back tonight .


When Zuo Wuji returned to the monastery, it was already the dawn of the next day. He walked all the way from the outside of the city to the inside of the city, rubbing his stomach from time to time. The whole big wolf was eaten by Zuo Wuji alone. One is clean, and knocks the bone to suck the marrow.

Occasionally eating such a meal of monster meat is quite good for Zuo Wuji's physique. When I first tried it, I was not sure about it, and I felt a little drunk, and eating this kind of meal can actually last for a long time, even if it is a few You won't feel too hungry if you don't eat for a day.

Zuo Wuji walked to the gate of Nichen Temple, and found that the door was open, the tall and thin monk was about to come out yesterday, so he had a face-to-face with Zuo Wuji.

"Morning, Master!"

Zuo Wuji saluted, and the monk returned the salute with clasped hands.

"Excellent Daming King Buddha, since the almsgiver is here to stay overnight, why didn't he return all night?"

"Haha, we met, it's a little thing!"

Seeing that Zuo Wuji didn't want to say anything, the monk glanced at the extra wolf wool scarf on Zuo Wuji's neck, and then said.

"The young master of the Li family is waiting for you. I'm going out for alms first. Please help me close the gate of the temple."


When the monk left, Zuo Wuji closed the courtyard door gently, and then went back to the monk's house he borrowed, and he saw Li Feng sitting outside waiting.

"You're back?"


Zuo Wuji walked over, entered the house with a acknowledgment, then pulled his bedding and fell asleep after laying it down.

"Hey, Mr. Zuo, Hero Zuo—"


Zuo Wuji replied in a low voice, and then ignored Li Feng's yelling outside, and soon breathed evenly.

"Hoo... Chi... Ph... Chi..."

Zuo Wuji doesn't snore when he sleeps, but the sound of his breathing is like gusts of wind, Li Feng can feel the gusts of air flowing while standing at the door.

'This man is really amazing! '

It can be said that apart from Ji Yuan, Zuo Wuji is the most powerful person Li Feng has ever met. He also asked the monks in the monastery, and he knew that Zuo Wuji also came from a far, far away place, which made the original Li Feng, who was very depressed, became very interested.

Now Li Feng only knows that this person is called Zuo Wuji, and his martial arts are very powerful, beyond his understanding of martial arts.

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