Biquge, the fastest update of Lanke Qiyuan!

The celestial changes caused by Dazhen Fengchan are not one mountain or one place, and it is impossible to hide them. Even ordinary people look at the sky and know that something big is definitely happening. There are Taoist existences in the world who can pinch and count. How could they not know the world? There are changes.

And some people with advanced Taoism have already learned many contents of Dazhen Fengchan through calculations, because Dazhen Fengchan is an invitation to heaven and earth, and it is a matter between heaven and earth, and there is no possibility of hiding it.

I don't know how many immortal masters were surprised, and how many elders of the immortal mansion were shocked and felt uncomfortable.

As for the ones that shook the most, they naturally belonged to the many great dynasties in the world, such as the Daxiu Dynasty in Hengzhou in the far north, some great Buddhist kingdoms in Lanzhou in the Western Regions, and some big countries in Tianyuzhou that stood firm in the chaos of demons. Not to mention anything else, even here in Yunzhou, Tianbao Kingdom, which is not too far from Dazhen, after having "enthusiastic" talented people and strangers helping the court solve the mystery of the celestial phenomena, was shocked and angry.

With the power of Dazhen and one country, representing the human race and humanity between heaven and earth, enshrining Zen on a high mountain? The key is that all kinds of visions show that they have succeeded, and their scriptures of Fengchan seem to be recognized by heaven and earth.

You said that there are civil and military saints in your country, who created civil and military luck, but who knows who they are, who knows if it is true, even if it is true, so what?

Could it be that Dazhen is the center of humanity in the world? Could it be that Emperor Dazhen can call himself the Emperor of Humanity in a dignified manner?

How could Dazhen! ? How dare Dazhen! ?

Even if Dazhen hasn't shown this kind of ambition yet, the rulers of the imperial dynasty have to think so, because if they were them, they would have this kind of ambition, and besides, Dazhen is enshrined in Tingqiu Mountain, so it can be regarded as swallowing the world Yes, um, now Tingqiu Mountain is Tingshan.

At this moment, even many dynasties moved Feng Chan's mind.

But it is undeniable that the name of the Dazhen Dynasty has spread all over the world at a speed beyond the imagination of the Dazhen Dynasty, from the righteous way down to the demons, from the practitioners to the mortals, all know about Dazhen after this. The name.

At the same time, Dazhen wants to build a Confucian Temple and a Martial Temple. Even if other countries in the world do not recognize Dazhen, Feng Chan has become a fact. The Confucian Temple and Martial Temple are recognized by the world. If they want to build, then their country can also be built, it must be built, and it must not be slower than Dazhen!

In the next ten days, as long as all the countries in the world heard the news of Dazhen enshrining Zen, they would first be outraged by the government and the people, and then several times at the court, the first thing to be decided was definitely the establishment of the Wenwu Temple.

No matter how strict officials are, they will not object to the establishment of the Wenwu Temple, because this is something that can truly strengthen the luck of a country and enhance the strength of the country. There is no harm in it, and there may be things that make money in it.

So, it seemed that all of a sudden, Wenwu Temple was going to be built everywhere in the world, and the process from establishing the catalog to finding craftsmen was extremely fast, and it was also because of the Wenwu Temple, the names of Yin Zhaoxian and Zuo Wuji, which inevitably spread, This time, the world really heard about it.


It was already the end of March.

Nanhuangzhou, Kwai Nan County City, as the largest city in the middle school where it is located, although it only learned the news the day before, it was also busy because of the Wenwu Temple. When the capital's order was received, the local officials had already Start looking for craftsmen to build Man Mo Temple.

Not only the big figures in the city were discussing this matter, but also the common people in the city.

In the early morning of this day, Li Feng trotted to a bun shop not too far from his home to buy vegetable and meat buns, and the blacksmith shop next to him was already hammering non-stop early in the morning.

The steamed stuffed bun shop is doing business right now, a bunch of people gathered in front of the shop to buy steamed stuffed buns, Li Feng didn’t wait in line in the past because of his identity, just stood behind the crowd and waited, the adults didn’t notice him, while queuing up to buy steamed stuffed buns , while chatting about topics of interest.

"Hey, I heard no, we are going to build a new temple in Kuinan County City!"

"How could I not have heard of it? You still remember the day when you saw the stars all over the sky at the end of the first lunar month?"

Someone mentioned the events of that day, and others immediately became more interested. The scene of that day is still vivid in their minds. Some people worship and some people are afraid.

"Remember, what's the matter, does it matter?"

"That's natural!"

Seeing that many people didn't know the inside story, the speaker felt secretly refreshed.

"I heard it's not auspicious for the day to turn into night?"

"Fart! Who did you listen to? Besides, it's not day turning into night. We can still see clearly, but all the stars in the sky are coming out. This is a good omen, a great auspicious omen, understand? The Wenwu Temple is also because of this The auspicious omen was created, we heard that it can bless our civil and military fortunes..."

"What is Wen Yun Wu Yun?"

The speaker was stopped by the question, and then said impatiently.

"This can be understood literally, why do you need to get to the bottom of it? It's really stupid. Let's talk about the key point. The Wenwu Temple is not just built by us. It is said that many places in our country have built it. My uncle was hired Going to be a bricklayer, I heard that it will be very popular!"

"Oh, that's how it is!"

"Who is the god enshrined in the temple? Is it effective or not? Shall we go to fight for fame?"


"Here, your bun is ready."

The shop owner handed over the oiled paper package, and the speaker quickly took it and paid for it, then took out another one and took a bite and chewed it.

"Oh, hurry up and say it!" "That's right, be careful of getting mouth sores halfway through your words!"

"Hey, why don't I take two bites first!"

The man ate a steamed stuffed bun and didn't leave, looking at the people queuing up and talking.

"I heard that there is a Dazhen Kingdom in a very far away place. Well, it should be a very powerful country anyway. The matter of Wenwu Temple came from there in the first place. I heard that if there are no statues in it, it will be dedicated to heaven and earth and the Wenwu Temple." Yun Wu Yun, but I also heard that there are two sages, Wen Sheng's surname is Yin, and his name is Yin Zhaoxian, Wu Sheng's surname is Zuo... er, what is his name Zuo..."

The person who spoke forgot, picked up a steamed bun, frowned and gnawed on it. The owner of the steamed stuffed bun shop was handing the steamed stuffed bun to someone, and at the same time listened carefully. , I can't help but make a joke.

"You won't be called Zuo Wuji, will you?"

The man who gnawed on the steamed stuffed bun and frowned suddenly slapped his thigh.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes! You are right! I just forgot for a while, that martial sage is called Zuo Wuji. Anyway, I heard that the martial arts are so high that they can kill demons and immortals. Even the gods in your temple can't beat martial arts. Lord Sheng, can he also have his own temple? But it is strange that the saints of culture and martial arts are not enshrined in the temple... Hey shopkeeper, who did you listen to, and the news is so well-informed?"

The owner of the steamed stuffed bun shop was a little dazed, and only recovered after hearing the question.

"Uh, I..."

The shopkeeper of the steamed stuffed bun shop was speechless for a while, but his heart became a little excited, and he couldn't help stretching his head and shouting to one side.

"Brother Jin, the hero who often comes to you is called Zuo Wuji, right? He, he has the same name as Wu Sheng... Is it a coincidence?"

The sledgehammer in Jin Jia's hand over there stopped, and he looked up at the wall of the bun shop.


Jin Jia responded with this, and began to beat "Dangdangdang..." again.

The treasurer of the bun shop over there patted his chest.

"Let's just say, how can it be such a coincidence, it's okay, it's okay, even if there is someone with this name... Hey, Master Li is here too, buying buns? How many do you want?"

Li Feng came back to his senses with a jerk, took a look at the boss, turned around and ran, but stopped after running a few steps and rushed back.

"Twenty vegetable and meat buns, hurry up!"

I didn't want to jump in line at first, but now Li Feng is impatient, and the few people around will not care about it, let Li Feng buy first, buy the buns and pay for it, Li Feng glanced at the blacksmith shop over there, and then stepped on it quickly left.

"This Young Master Li is still a child after all, so he's not so evil."

"Hahaha, that is to say, how evil can a child be?" "But I heard that he is calling for trouble..."

"Shh... be careful!"

On the other side, Li Feng ran faster and faster, more and more excited. He didn't think that what he just heard was just a coincidence of the same name and surname, and they all came from Dazhen. A flat stick killed a wolf demon lightly.

'It turns out that Zuo Daxia is more powerful than I thought. It turns out that Zuo Daxia is a martial sage. No wonder his martial arts are so powerful! Is he better than Mr. Ji? No, Mr. Ji is the best! Even if you can't beat... but Mr. Ji is the best! '

In the monk's house of Nichen Temple, Zuo Wuji just sat up from the bed when a monk's voice sounded outside.

"Hero Zuo, I have prepared hot water for you, do you want to use it?"

"Uh, thank you Master, let it go."

"Hey, I'm off to work then."

The tall and thin monk turned around and left. Li Feng, who was full of excitement, rushed to the front of the monk's house, and pushed open the door of the monk's house with a "bang".

"Hero Zuo, you are Lord Martial Saint, right? Are you powerful enough to beat Mr. Ji?"

Zuo Wuji was stunned.

"Who did you hear that I beat Mr. Ji? No, why should I fight Mr. Ji?"

And now he has arrived at Ji Yuan outside the Nichen Temple, and with his exaggerated hearing, he can hear the conversation inside, and he can't help but smile, it's good that Li Feng is so energetic.

‘Master Yin, Zuo Wuji, no one in the world knows the king now! '

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