Zhuge Liang smiled and said, "My lord is not a regional overlord. At least in my opinion, who in the world can compete with you, my lord? Yuan Shao? Cao Cao? Liu Biao, Sun Ce and Liu Zhang?"

Pang Tong nodded, and his rather ugly face looked very serious: "They are the regional overlords, my lord, you are the world! The true dragon emperor! The true dragon emperor favored by heaven!"

Lu Bu laughed and said, "You two military advisers, don't flatter me like this again, and I won't give you any raises."

"Salary? What is salary?" Zhuge Liang asked solemnly.

Lu Bu ignored Zhuge Liang, but turned his attention to Lei Bo and Chen Lan.

"These two are..."

Pang Tong hurriedly stepped forward to introduce Lei Bo and Chen Lan.

Lu Bu walked over with a smile, put on the attitude of a virtuous corporal, and said with a smile: "The two generals sincerely voted, and Bu was very pleased. Work hard in the future. I, Lu Bu, will reward and punish clearly, and you will understand in the future."

Lei Bo and Chen Lan bowed deeply, and said in unison: "I am willing to go through fire and water for my lord!"

Lu Bu encouraged him a few more words, and then said: "At present, Xiahou Dun's troops have been defeated. We have defeated two troops of the Cao army in a row, including the main force of the tiger and leopard cavalry. Our combat goal has been achieved. I believe Cao Cao will definitely consider it." The appearance of our army here brought changes to the entire battle situation, with Cao Cao's prudence..."

Speaking of this, Lu Bu sneered: "I believe that he will either attack Yuan Shu with all his strength and end Yuan Shu as soon as possible, or he will withdraw his troops now."

The generals nodded yes.

Lu Bu continued: "We have plenty of food and grass, but we have to plan ahead, so we can't stay in Runan County for too long. Let's take a rest today, and the next day we will go to Shouchun to meet Yuan Shu!"


At the moment, the team is burying pots and making food in the small earth city, and taking advantage of the buildings in the empty city to rest and treat the injuries of the wounded.

Naturally, soldiers who were unable to fight today went to clean up the battlefield, and gathered the enemy's corpses and burned them to avoid an epidemic.

The next morning, just after dawn, the team left Tucheng and continued to move forward.

On the way, the tragic scenes in various parts of Runan County can be seen everywhere, and starvation is everywhere.

This is the spring plowing season, and it will soon enter summer. If the corpses are not disposed of as soon as possible, there is a high possibility of a terrible epidemic!

Once the epidemic is out of control, if it spreads to Qingzhou and the spread is serious, then there will be no more wars in the Central Plains of China, because everyone will die.

Entering the era of the five chaos and chaos ahead of time, the Han people were wiped out by those alien races.

Lu Bu was very upset and very, very dissatisfied with Yuan Shu.

You're so damn incapable, what kind of emperor do you call yourself!

Now the people are in dire straits, but they have no ability to clean up.

The team stretched very long, and Huang Zhong led the Hell Bow Riding Battalion, scattered around the team for reconnaissance.

Along the way, the logistics convoy where Pang Tong and Zhuge Liang's family members belonged took in many orphans and children along the way. Lu Bu turned a blind eye to this and acquiesced.

Seeing such a situation, Lu Bu was also very touched from the bottom of his heart.

How could he, who came from the prosperous era of later generations, think that witnessing such a tragic scene with his own eyes would make him feel so uncomfortable.

Lu Bu suddenly thought of a poem by Zhang Yanghao in the Yuan Dynasty, and couldn't help reciting it: "The mountains and rivers are like gathering, the waves are like anger, and the mountains and rivers are outside and inside Tongguan Road."

Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong and others were sitting not far from him, and they couldn't help being stunned when they heard this.

Lu Bu... what are you talking about?

"Looking at the western capital, I feel hesitant. Sadly, where the Qin and Han Dynasties traveled, thousands of palaces and palaces have been turned into dirt."

Pang Tong wondered, "Is this a poem? Why is it so strange?"

Zhuge Liang shook his head and made a silent gesture, signaling Pang Tong not to speak, so as not to hear clearly.

Lu Bu suddenly stood up, gritted his teeth and said, "Xing, the people suffer! Death, the people suffer!"

Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong stood up at the same time, looking moved, looking at each other in horror, and at the same time walked quickly towards Lu Bu.

The two walked up to Lu Bu at the same time, bowed deeply, Zhuge Liang's eyes were burning hot: "My lord, can you chant it for us again?"

Lu Bu was expressing emotion just now. For a while, he didn't expect that the song "Tong Caring for the Ancients", which is known to everyone in the future, has not yet been born in this era!

Lu Bu was a little embarrassed, but he immediately felt relieved. Poetry is the spiritual wealth of Chinese civilization, and it doesn't matter who wrote it!

Lu Bu recited it again.

Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong showed dignified and thoughtful expressions, as if they were chewing and reminiscing the taste of this poem.

"Xing, the people are suffering! Death, the people are suffering!" Zhuge Liang's eyes were moist, he looked at Lu Bu, and solemnly bowed to the ground, "My lord cares about all the people in the world, and it is the blessing of all people. Kong Ming is willing to do his best for the lord. already!"

Pang Tong was also moved, and just like Zhuge Liang, he bowed to the ground.

"My lord, it is understandable that the people are suffering when the country is dead. If the country is prosperous, why are the people also suffering?"

Lu Bu revealed a wry smile, and said: "When a country is prosperous, it must build a lot of buildings, search for the people's fat and anointing, and the people are unbearable. Just like when the Qin Dynasty rose, it built the Great Wall, opened the roads, built the government, and the labor was heavy. The people suffered a lot. If the country is in turmoil, as it is now, the princes will rise together, and the war will continue, and no matter whether they rise or fall, it will be the people who suffer."


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