Lao Tzu Of The Three Kingdoms Is Lu Bu

Chapter 76 Elite Soldiers And Strong Generals

The first thousand people beheaded: more than 700 cavalry archers.

The second thousand people cut: more than 500 crossbowmen with god arms.

The third thousand people beheaded: more than 700 Xuanjia elite cavalry.

Lu Bu greedily looked at the prisoners of Yuan Shaojun who were kneeling all over the ground, and could hardly see the end of them.

Lu Bu really wanted to kill them one by one with his own hands, change the number of heads, and get pawns from the system.

However, that would cause bad consequences, which Lu could not afford.

Yan Liang is dead, and the rest of the generals, none of them are famous generals, who have heard of their names a little bit, such as Jiang Yiqu, Han Juzi, Lu Weihuang, Fengji and so on.

Lu Bu asked them to take off their leather armor, and after handing over their weapons, he immediately sent them away.

Yuan Shaojun's generals thought they would at least be forced to take them to open up wasteland or build roads, but they were overjoyed and even skeptical that Lu Bu would let them go just like that.

How did they know that Lu didn't let them go for several reasons. First, he didn't want to waste the food on his side. How much food would be wasted every day for 30,000 to 40,000 people?

Two, these people, from the perspective of Lu Bu, are just heads saved by Yuan Shao for him!

If you don't want to spend food to feed them, and you don't want to kill the prisoners and cause serious consequences, then it's better to capture their weapons and horses and deport them from the country!

Even the escort Lu Bu didn't bother to send them away, so he just let them go.

As long as these people want to live, they will automatically and consciously leave immediately, unless they want to starve themselves to death.

"My lord, why did you let them go?" Neither Zhou Cang nor Zhang Liao could understand.

"Don't let them go, how can I feed them with food?" Lu Bu laughed dumbly.

"Then we can also use them as bargaining chips and ask Yuan Shao to pay compensation in exchange for prisoners. In that case, we can also get benefits!" Zhang Liao expressed regret.

Lu Bu smiled and said: "Why bother, come and go, I'm afraid it won't work in half a month, we don't have time to waste here."

Zhou Cang said: "Master, if they come to attack us again, wouldn't it be..."

"What are you afraid of! I can't wait for them to come and die again! What's more, I don't want to beat Yuan Shao too hard, and I don't want to break the balance. Maintaining their strength is restricting Cao Cao's strength, understand?"

Zhang Liao and Zhou Cang knew almost nothing about politics.

Lu Bu didn't say much, and said with a smile: "30,000 to 40,000 weapons, as well as leather armor, and a lot of horses, how many soldiers can we arm! Alright, let's organize the people of Shouguang City and let them take these spoils Ship back.

Lu Bu pondered for a while, and said, "Take a break for an hour, and then we will go to restore Linzi!"

Lu Bu issued an order asking Zhuge Liang and Chen Wu to set off for Linzi immediately.

Lu County, west of Chengyang County, is an important military stronghold in Kaiyang to restrain Cao Cao and support Yuan Shu. Lu Bu sent Huang Zhong, Gan Ning, and Pang Tong to sit in the town. It can be said that Lu Bu attaches great importance to it.

And in the back of Qingzhou, there are Chen Gong and Zang Ba, who are civil and military, and Lu Bu is also very relieved.

Linqu in Beihai County was headed by Gao Shun.

In Linzi of Qi County, Lu Bu personally sat in the town, and gathered Zhang Liao, Zhou Cang, Zhuge Liang, and Chen Wu here.

Lu Bu decided that the next strategic focus should be on Linzi!

No, to be precise, it was Yuan Shao's real reward.

Gongsun Zan is basically doomed. According to history, Youzhou has basically fallen into the hands of Yuan Shao and cannot be saved.

Lu Bu (aeaa) is considering whether to place Fuchuan Shipyard in Lijin County, Le’an County, because there is the mouth of the Yellow River, which can enter the sea from Lijin, and from here can directly face Chaoxian Peninsula, Tsushima Island, and Dongying islands .

As long as you have a certain size of Fuchuan, you can go out to sea and send troops to the islands of Japan, Ryukyu and other islands to occupy them.

Then enslave the Dongying people and turn it into a huge logistics grain growing area.

Then, the battle of the Central Plains will be invincible!

Of course, that is the strategic deployment of the latter step.

Lu Bu's top priority now is to establish a solid line of defense in Linzi and other counties.

To Lu Bu's surprise, Zhuge Liang brought a new army of 3,000 men.

Zhuge Liang and Chen Wu knew that the battle on the front line was tight, so they recruited troops in Jiaodong County and Donglai County next to Beihai County.

Jiaodong has the most soldiers, because they implemented a benevolent government that truly benefited the people in the Greater Jimo District, which was recognized by the people. Zhuge Liang, Chen Gong and Chen Wu recruited 3,000 people and recruited new recruits to the reserve camp and military camp. After mobilizing soldiers from the reserve camp and the military camp, they set off for Linzi.

Although the reserve battalion was eliminated by Lu Bu before, their combat effectiveness is still there, but they don't meet Lu Bu's requirements.

Chen Wu is a professional in military training, Zhuge Liang is very sure of this.

Lu Bu was not idle during this period. After personally inspecting the area around Linzi, he made a decision not to take back the two westernmost counties of the Qingzhou Governor's Department for the time being.

—Jinan County and Pingyuan County.

Yuan Shao's jurisdiction over these two counties is very weak!

Although winning these two counties would greatly increase the territory, but Lu Bu didn't want to spread his troops too widely and stretch the front line too long, which would be very detrimental to him.

Just as Lu Bu was plotting his territory, Zhuge Liang and other three thousand new troops arrived in Linzi.

At the same time, a battle report came from Linqu, and Cao Jun was only fifty miles away from Linqu! Cao Cao tentatively launched a wave of attacks on Linqu, but was defeated by Gao Shun's trapped camp.

This was not worthy of Lu Bu's attention, but the battle report also said that Guan Yu and Zhang Fei also appeared in the Cao army. Although they did not lead the battle, they aroused Lu Bu's vigilance.

Lu Bu decided to keep Zhang Liao in Linzi, and the God Arm Crossbow Camp in Linzi, to be at Zhang Liao's disposal for the time being.

He took Zhoucang's Xuanjia cavalry battalion with him and rushed to help Linqu.

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