Lao Tzu Of The Three Kingdoms Is Lu Bu

Chapter 78: The Power Of The Han Nation

"Whoever stands in my way will die!" Lu Bu yelled sharply, Fang Tian's painted halberd radiated light and blood emerged.

Zhang Fei actually used a technique similar to combat skills. It seems that the changes in this plane are gradually accelerating!

Gan Ning has also improved, Lu Bu can't tell, but Gan Ning's evolution is obviously not at Zhang Fei's level.

If being able to acquire combat skills is a second evolution, then Gan Ning is just an evolution.

Lu Bu's murderous intent is stronger than ever!

Guan Yu came out to welcome him!

Go straight to Lu Bu!

The other two generals of Cao Jun also spotted Huang Zhong and Zhou Cang, and killed them with swords and guns.

Four generals against four generals.

Catch and fight!

Lu Bu's murderous "seven or eight zero" soared into the sky, and he secretly smiled in his heart, whether Guan Yu or Zhang Fei, kill one and lose one today! I don't care if you are a famous general or not.

"When..." The sound of metal and iron chirping stimulated the eardrums, Fang Tian's painting halberd and Qinglong Yanyue knife, these two famous weapons of the Three Kingdoms era, clashed loudly together.

"Your strength has increased a lot!" Lu Bu said proudly.

"Killing you is still somewhat certain!"

"Hahaha..." Lu Bu laughed, "You are so ridiculous! I am destined to belong to you! Do you know that I am God? Didn't kill you last time, do you think I will show mercy this time?"

Guan Yu suddenly asked, "Why didn't you take action last time!"

Lu Bu sneered: "I thought you were a good man with unparalleled loyalty and righteousness, and a loyal minister and righteous man loyal to the Han Dynasty. I never thought that you would go to Cao thief! If I knew it at that time, I would never let you go." You and Zhang Fei leave!"

Historically, when Xu Tian hunted, Cao Cao took the bow of Emperor Xian and shot the back of the deer. When the officials and generals thought it was Emperor Xian of Han and shouted long live, Cao steered his horse forward and stood in front of the emperor. When he got very angry, he raised his sword and slapped his horse on the horse, and rushed out to kill Cao Cao." There were so many people present, but Guan Yu was the only one who was so angry that he almost ignored Cao Cao and wanted to kill Cao Cao when he was surrounded by Cao Cao's confidantes. It can be seen that Guan Yu has a strong heart of loyalty to the emperor, and this loyalty is mainly loyal to the Han Dynasty, not Liu Bei!

The imperial court granted Guan Yu the Marquis of Hanshou Ting. Although he was a Marquis of Ting and his rank was not high, he accompanied Guan Yu all his life. Until 260 A.D., before Liu Chan bestowed him the Marquis of Zhuang Miao, Guan Yu’s title was always the Marquis of Hanshou. Ting Hou! Comparing with other people, it is not difficult to see how much Guan Yu valued the title of Han Dynasty for him!!!

Cao Cao attacked Xuzhou, and Guan Yu was besieged. His good friend Zhang Liao persuaded him to surrender and gave three reasons. Zhang Liao said that if you die now, you will have no chance to help the Han Dynasty. So Guan Yu surrendered. He was Cao Cao's first proposal to surrender. The condition is "I made an oath with the emperor to help the Han family together. I will only surrender to the Emperor of Han and not Cao Cao." That is to say, I will surrender to Han but not Cao. It can actually be seen from this that in Guan Yu's mind, the status of the Han Dynasty and Han Xiandi is actually higher than that of Liu Bei.

It is normal for Lu Bu not to be willing to kill such a loyal minister and righteous man, but now, Guan Yu takes Zhang Fei and enshrines Cao Cao as his lord.

Guan Yu suddenly roared angrily: "If you hadn't killed my elder brother! I would have assisted the emperor's uncle Kuang to help the Han Dynasty, who would have assisted Cao Cao!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the audience was shocked.

A Cao general shouted: "General Guan, please be careful with your words!"

Guan Yu yelled violently, retracted his knife on the wrong horse, and said loudly: "I am a minister of the Han Dynasty, not a retainer of Cao Cao!"

Lu Bu snorted coldly: "Pedantry! The Han Dynasty is now just a plaything that Cao Cao plays with! Cao Cao didn't kick the Han Dynasty away not because he was still loyal to the Han Dynasty, but because the Han Dynasty still used him Value! Once the cohesion and appeal of the Han Dynasty no longer exist, Cao Cao will completely abolish the Han Dynasty! Guan Yu! The country is no longer a country! The emperor can no longer walk out of the palace! The whole world has been divided into pieces by princes from all over the world You are naive and ignorant to talk about the orthodoxy of the Han Dynasty here, and you think Liu Bei is the mother of the Han Dynasty? It is just a banner to realize his ambition!"

"Also! The Han Dynasty has no way to recover and is dying! If you want to make a career, the most important thing you should do is not to help the Han Dynasty! It is to save this great Han nation!"

Guan Yu was stunned: "What are you talking about? Isn't saving the Han people the same as helping the Han people?"

"Stupid! The concept of the Han nation and the Han royal family are different! Let me ask you, if Liu is no longer the emperor, he should be replaced by Yuan, Cao, Sun, or Lu. The common people of the Han, Are they still the same people? Has there been any change in them? As long as a foreign race is not our emperor, whoever becomes the emperor is the same!"

"In addition, you are right to have the ideal of helping the Han Dynasty in your heart. Heroes and righteous men should help the world! Tranquility! But have you ever thought about it? We are always fighting civil wars, and we are consuming ourselves. The Xiongnu, Xianbei and other foreign races took advantage of this opportunity to grow rapidly. After a few years of 1.9, our Han nationality weakened and the foreign races rose. When the iron hooves of the foreign races stepped into the Central Plains, it would be a real disaster!"

What Lu didn't expect was that in the five chaos in China, the Han people were slaughtered and almost wiped out, and he couldn't help but feel heartbroken....

"Guan Yu! You claim to be a loyal minister of the Han Dynasty, so you should assist a powerful force to quickly quell the current chaotic situation at the lowest cost, and establish a new and powerful country composed of Han people, instead of just being pedantic here. Know allegiance to the Liu dynasty!

At this moment, both sides stopped fighting involuntarily.

Each retreated to their side.

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