Late Night Bookstore

Vol 3 Chapter 1064: scapegoat

The atmosphere was suddenly embarrassing.

Zhou Ze and Ying Gou seemed to be in a kind of contemplation at this time;

This kind of contemplation,

Similar to looking back on my life,

What did I do?

For most people, this kind of contemplation often brings-sadness.

Zhou Ze broke the silence,

Very seriously:

"I think it's not reasonable for me to sell fritters here if you want others to pursue what you are after, right?"

Win hook did not speak,

But a serious expression,

Seems to relax a little.

"Cats have cat ways, dogs have dog ways, and everyone has their own ways of living, as long as you are happy."

Boss Zhou continued to pour chicken soup to himself and the one around him.

Lazy people often have amazing talents in chicken soup. Otherwise, watching the people around you working hard, without the ability to cook chicken soup in one hand, how can you hypnotize yourself to continue to eat and wait to die?

Zhou Ze took a deep breath, looked at the win hook, and said:

"So, that sword, cut it all over, and in the end, it will still cut your dog.........your head?"

"sooner or later."

Zhou Ze purged his lips, well, sooner or later.

Huang Di is dead, but Huang Di's thoughts and pursuits have been alive.

The person is gone, but the rules he set are still there, and I don't know what the reasons are, after so many years of precipitation and brewing, it has finally become a system.

It's a bit like putting a patch on this world, or even adding a program.

What's funny is that if you were in **** and won't cut the ten fingers and didn't stop the return of the immortal, it might be that the imperfect rules left by the Yellow Emperor would be broken.

It is precisely because the win hook prevents, so that the rules of the Yellow Emperor continue to mature, and eventually, successfully formed.

In order to defend his previous perseverance, he also indirectly defended the victory of Huang Di's original beliefs. In the end, he began to be targeted by this rule.

The logic is actually very simple.


After thinking about it and thinking about it, boss Zhou suddenly felt that in this life of winning hook, in general, it was divided into two parts.

The first half of his life desperately dug himself for the second half of his life,

The next half of his life desperately wanted to climb out of that pit.

"Wancai's play method, we can't copy it, right?"

Boss Zhou asked,

In fact, he also knew,

This is nonsense.

Wangcai's "spiritual spirit" is too high in level and structure. On his own side, it is really a big or a small pair of salted fish. Do you want to start a school of salted fish?

In general, if we compare this world to an online game environment.

Well, the earliest player Huang Di, not only laid a basic gameplay and rules for future players,

And he was promoted to the game planning department.

Although, its number is sold out, but he has successfully opened a new rule for the entire game program.

This procedure requires waiting, maturity, and perfection, but fortunately, it finally succeeded.

Ordinary players will not be affected by this program, because no one can live too long, nor can they play for too long.

There are always people who open new numbers and people who always cancel numbers, always in a dynamic balance.

And this rule is aimed at those "plug-in" players who have tried their best to find loopholes and haven't cancelled their numbers.

Xiezhi belongs to this category as well as Yinggou, although Xiezhi has been "hanging up".

And win the hook,

Maybe even the "zombie" in the true sense.

In order to deal with this "big sweep" of the game system,

Xiezhi embarked on a path of "I killed myself".

You can say that it is similar to the old number in the online game, but it can transfer all the equipment, skills and so on to a new number.

No matter which new player gets its heritage, it will replace it.

In the end, Huangdi is dead, and the rules are dead, and it must be stiff, so Xiezhi can rely on this to jump out of the robbery.

Of course, the more appropriate understanding is that Xiezhi turned himself into an NPC.

The old grandpa who stands at the entrance of Novice Village and asks him to go outside the village to fight monsters or collect straw.

Even if this suit is cold, even if there is no new number to enter the novice village, even if the external battle is furious, the NPC grandfather will always stand at the entrance of the village, his eyes are deep, and he looks into the distance with a smile.

The question now is, in the near future, it will definitely be the turn to win the cancellation, what should I do?

At this time, it is meaningless to discuss whether I can live if I win, and hurt my feelings.

Although it’s normal for the cataclysm to fly separately,

But I'm also embarrassed to speak out in person.

The most important thing is that step by step to today, this situation today, does not mean that the rest can still be the same as winning.

It's not that you can return to Hidden Mountain Forest if you want to return to Hidden Mountain Forest. Although it hurts feelings, if there is no winning hook, in the end, there are still a few people left in the bookstore. It is really difficult to say.

After working hard to pick up things from the outside, the accumulated happiness just stacked up has not been enjoyed long before it will be turned into a castle in the sky, and it will disperse as soon as it blows.

"No, you have a way, right?"

Zhou Ze looked to win the hook.

Win hook this time to pull yourself into the depths of the soul, should not simply make yourself a popular science and then complain about it, say goodbye, take a bath, change clothes and prepare to die.

Waiting for death, has not been a winning character;

Well, he doesn't like to wait for death, he likes to find death.

"There is a way." Ying Gou looked at Zhou Ze and said.

In fact, it is difficult for someone to understand the current mood of winning.

Because he never thought about it, one day, he will beg his own watchdog to help.

It stands to reason that it was normal for the watchdog to find food for himself.

Can a hunting dog help hunting?

But this time is different. Because of this crisis, if he was in his heyday, the big deal would be the same as when he cut his fingers, just a wave, even if the object was replaced by the rules left by the Yellow Emperor.

However, right now, he really has no way to break the game.

Just like what Zhou Ze thought, he could not want to live by himself, he could die by himself, he could take the initiative to die, but he didn't want to be put into the trash bin by someone waving his broom like sweeping garbage.

Even if this person is Huang Di.

"Which way, you say, don't mention it, who will talk to whom?"

Zhou Ze sat down cross-legged, his expression relaxed and his expression relaxed.

Fully interpreted what is meant by "kick the nose on the face".

In fact, boss Zhou on weekdays is not so naive, but that depends on the right person, even a triad boss who does not blink in the outside may be afraid of his wife after returning home.

And for boss Zhou, occasionally flicking the iron Hanhan, it is really interesting and tight.

"Someone was preparing to do this a long time ago."

Win Hook said.

"Who?" Zhou Ze asked.

In fact, boss Zhou knows so many big people.

"Just in your bookstore."

Zhou Ze froze for a moment,

"Old man?"

Win hook defaults.


For a while,

Zhou Ze suddenly understood,

Why did the first generation in the dry well of Hell praise the wisdom of their descendants proudly before the win;

Why did the old man lose his foundation passed down from generation to generation without blinking?


"No, you shouldn't have reached your level of immortality?"

The words are not rough, Lao Dao is the last man of the House, and his age is of course very old, but compared with the win-win drought and roe deer who have been going down since ancient times, Lao Dao is young enough to pinch out of the water.

It stands to reason that he hasn't worried about this kind of thing yet.

"Their luck in their veins was strangled from generation to generation, from birth to end, and then to the next generation. They were born and could not be changed.

They benefited from the system established by the first generation of monarchs, but in the end, when this robbery comes, the last generation of monarchs will bear this anti-bite for all previous ancestors. "

"So, it means that the age of the old man is not calculated according to his own age, but should be calculated from the beginning of the first generation.

In this way,

The old man is really not much younger than the winner.

You have to know that the first generation is just worthy and missed the times.

and so,

If Lao Dao is still a monarch, he still lives on Mount Tai, feels at ease, and he comes to hell;


It is really hard to say whether Xuanyuanjian cut Haochi first or cut the old way first, even the probability of cutting the old way first is even greater;

After all, although people live long, they live very low-key;

Winning the hook lived long, but now it is miserable.

Who should Xuanyuanjian cut first, must have its own calculation method, it can be regarded as a threat, it can be regarded as an influence. In short, if the old man is still a prince, it is definitely the primary goal of Xuanyuanjian!

Look at it like this,

Old life,

That is, the man dressed in white who often appears in his dreams,

It's really... a little scary.

Thousands of years in advance, are you planning to save your life?

This ability to foresee, this foresight, this selfishness and decisiveness that can be discarded in order to save life, hey...

It's ridiculous,

This kind of person has actually become a prodigal son who has been ridiculed by **** and ghosts for thousands of years.

Therefore, sometimes, when laughing at someone silly, you really have to be alert first. It may be really silly, but it is actually a joke.

"He, what method?"

Zhou Ze asked.

Xiezhi's method can't be a cottage, because there is nowhere to go to the cottage, so there is only a road to go. Anyway, everyone is familiar, and the cottage should have no problem at all.



Zhou Ze took a deep breath, and suddenly thought of a person, suddenly felt a little ridiculous, some unbelievable,

Shen channel:


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