Late Night Bookstore

Vol 4 Chapter 9: Lead party

Yingying helped her boss to find a nearby stream. The stream was still clean. Yingying took a towel and carefully wiped the blood stains on her face.

After wiping off, Zhou Ze looked up and lay down beside the stream.

The pain of the two memories that had previously collided and collided has now slowly receded. He did not tell Lawyer Ann what they suffered last night.

There are some things that even he is unwilling to recall again. Moreover, even if he says such incredible things, it is difficult to get any useful feedback.

After Yingying carefully washed the towel, wet it again and gently wiped the boss's forehead, hoping to make the boss more comfortable.

The boss’s painful appearance just really distressed Yingying. In fact, many times, Yingying really has nothing else to ask for;

She doesn't use cosmetics because she will never get old and her crow's feet will never appear in the corners of her eyes;

She doesn’t need to buy jewelry because she has a lot of funeral items, and she doesn’t have to worry about fakes being worn every day;

She doesn’t need to eat Shan Zhen Hai Wei, most of the time, she doesn’t need to eat, but now she eats occasionally;

Her biggest hope is that the boss can drink the coffee he brewed by himself every day and then go to sleep with himself.

Earlier, the reason why Zhou Ze scolded the win hook as "scum man" was equivalent to making a phone call to the win hook to see if the win hook was at home.

At the same time, it also confirms whether he really came back and whether he is himself.

After receiving the feedback from the winner, Zhou Ze finally unloaded a big stone.

To tell the truth, the feeling of waking up to become your own "avatar" is really too painful and painful. This despair seems to be abandoned by the whole world in a moment.

Zhou Ze is pretty good. Although he usually lazes a little bit, he has come out of practice. If he is replaced by someone else, he may have collapsed without dying.

"I do not know……"

Others can leave it out, but there is nothing to hide from the win.

It's just that after Zhou Ze told the things of last night in his heart,

Winning feedback,

He didn't win at all.

He said he didn't know.

There was a clear and visible anger in the words.

His own watchdog separated a part of his soul under his eyelids, and he, the master, was unaware.

The dogs still have to look at their masters. The most important thing about winning a hook is not his life, but his majesty. In general, it is good face.

"Last night, was it my avatar?"

Zhou Ze asked.


Therefore, it's no wonder that Haozhi has to fall into a long sleep, and is called the living method by winning, which is no longer "alive" in the original sense.

Zhou Ze just had a doppelganger, and it was already so painful. Xiezhi's doppelgangers were countless, equivalent to diluting countless copies of himself, but how much can he retain himself?

Of course, only in this way can one ignore the self-consciousness and devote oneself to the embrace of the "Dharma", thus successfully sublimating one's own life.

"Is it because you made a model according to what you said, so did you get in touch with that tomb?"

But it shouldn't be. I made the model of Yingying, not my own.

And most importantly, Geng Chen said that when he came in, he saw what was floating in the pool was his "body" of his previous life.


Hearing this sentence, Zhou Ze was very surprised.

after all,

With the character of winning the hook, he never seems to do this kind of active retreat action. The so-called "temporary storage for follow-up" is nothing more than to circumvent this hard-biting self-comfort.

What the win hook should do is,

Straight lady thief!


Let me out,

I went to smash the old tomb of Laoshi!

Instead of choosing to retreat when angry.

Intuition tells Zhou Ze that Win Gou seems to perceive and discover something, but he doesn't mean to talk to himself.


Zhou Ze also didn't want to continue entangled in this ancient tomb, not all things were once and twice familiar.

If you continue to stay here and experience the feeling of melting again, boss Zhou really feels that he will be crazy.

For this matter, Zhou Ze also rarely chose to root out the win.

Suddenly, Zhou Ze thought of a possibility. In this way, can he learn to be like Xiezhi and avoid the "click" of Xuanyuanjian?

Recreate a winning hook and let that person die?


Win Hook can hear Zhou Ze's voice and directly evaluate Zhou Ze's thoughts.

Xiezhi succeeded only after self-annihilation for countless years.

The last generation was based on the ancestry and accumulation of the monarchs from the beginning of the first generation and found a Bodhisattva as a substitute for the dead ghost.

If you can easily pass through an ancient tomb,

This too despise Huang Di.

"Dream always has to be there. In other words, if you click off, do I have to die?"

"You... but... live..."

"That's embarrassing."


Zhou Ze took a deep breath, and suddenly felt that the atmosphere at this time was inexplicably a little sensational, just when he was going to say something to dilute this atmosphere:


The sound of winning hook came.

Zhou Ze did not move, but silently inserted his fingers into the soft muddy stream.

After a while, he began to penetrate into the ground, hoping to form an interception network in advance.

However, it seemed that such a casual action still alarmed the other party, and several birds flew out of the forest over there.

Zhou Ze clapped on the ground with his palms and sat up on his knees. Then he tried his best to start rushing in that direction.

After Yingying froze for a moment, she immediately rushed over and cleverly strayed away from her boss.

When you poke your butt, you know you want...

This is too vulgar

But the kind of tacit understanding that has been brought up in the same bed and sleep together for several years is really not a blow.

To be honest, boss Zhou has no major physical problems at present, but is mentally weak and weak, but at this time, there is nothing more relaxing than chasing a prey.

The wind whispers in the ear,

After experiencing the muddy body,

Once again have their own body,

This kind of running, this kind of jumping, this kind of explosive power are all so memorable and cherished.

The opponent's speed is also very fast, a black light, just in sight.


During the sprint, both hands naturally fell on the back of the body, ten nails released a terrible anger, and went into the ground!


next moment,

In front of the prey, a cage emerged from the evil spirits, blocking the other party's path.

Black Shadow stopped and wanted to continue to flee to the other side, but encountered Yingying who had overtaken from that side.

After the two sides collided, Black Shadow retreated.

The speed of the dark shadow was slowed down, that is, at this time, Zhou Ze completely shortened the distance from him and came to him.

The distance between the two sides is less than ten meters, a very delicate and just right distance.

The luster on the dark shadow dimmed, revealing a man in a white robe.

He reached out and gently took off the mask on his face. Behind the mask was a terrible face.

Zhou Ze has always thought that, similar to the bodhisattva's habit of wearing a mask to show people, it should be to maintain his own religious mystery.

No matter who is wearing a mask, it seems to make people think that "he is very dangling".

But in fact, the most extensive and essential application of the mask is to hide the ugly.

The man's face is very similar to the feeling of being a giant after soaking in water for a long time. Those eyeballs have become two green spots because of the expansion and squeeze of the facial muscles.

"The descendants of the servants, see Lord."

The man kneeled down at Zhou Ze.

It seems that the previous escape is just to warm up the beloved master, don't lie down all the time, and exercise more, so as to be good for the body.

Zhou Ze purged his lips,

The good habit of "being kind to others" played an active role at this time;

In any case, letting people of this family continue to exist is indeed a huge hidden danger.

Because as long as I use the "coffee and paper sugar" tricks,

They often recognize it directly.

This undoubtedly adds a lot of danger to myself. After all, without the Laoshan ginseng, Jiu Changli ran out randomly and could pinch himself to the present.

However, I thought that people of this family would not dare to send people out again. Unexpectedly, another one was actually sent.

Zhou Ze has not acted rashly to arrest him for the time being,

I was afraid that he would wipe his neck neatly as he did under the tomb.

First hold him carefully,

Then he caught him alive,

Finally, he carefully tortured the hiding place of that family.

Boss Zhou, who has just experienced "melting", now really wants to go back to the bookstore and lie in the old place to sunbathe and drink coffee, to taste the beauty of life again. Of course, if you can change that sofa to the bone throne, It's even more comfortable.

When Yingying saw that her boss hadn't started, she stood there and didn't move, but Yingying's hair had turned white, and she was obviously ready for everything.


at this time,

Suddenly the man slammed his chest with his left cried out,


Can you imagine what it would look like for someone with a giant face to cry?

Like a swollen meat ball, the pus was suddenly squeezed out, which was unimaginably disgusting.

"I heard that the Lord is here and Nu is here to wait!

The Lord is gracious to my family, but all the people of our family are the sellers who seek glory!

The slave didn’t dare to forget his identity, and would like to lead the way,

Help the Lord return to the Bone Throne! "

ps: The recent plot is a bit twisted, but this is an essential stepping stone.

The latest update time is a bit confusing, and Dragon tries to adjust it as much as possible.

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