Latent Syndrome

Chapter 106 105 Crazy Movement

Chapter 106 105. Crazy Movement

Shusk District.

The gray sky under the dark clouds is like lead, which may be an illusion. Just like at high altitudes, the sky is heavy and oppressive, making people breathless.

The cold wind continued, and light rain like dust fell everywhere. .

Waste newspapers and plastic bags were blown up and swayed by the wind, and the dilapidated urban area was desolate. All kinds of garbage were soaked and seeped with sticky sewage, blocking the sewer system. The puddles could reach the soles of shoes.

Hoarse shouts came from many abandoned factory buildings with rusted skins, which contained a kind of crazy or even possessed spirit.

"You are not your career, you are not the car you drive, you are not the money in your bank account, you are not the clothes you wear, or even your name."

"No matter how much you love, everything you love will one day abandon you or die. Everything you create will be thrown away one day, and everything you are proud of will become garbage one day."

He had an extremely short haircut and a black suit and uniform. He had a cyan birthmark on his face and some scars on his forehead. It looked like his mouth had been shot through by a bullet. There were bullet holes on one side and the back of his hands were covered with burn marks, like It was a horrific torture.


There are hundreds of camp beds in the underground warehouse, and rows of people wearing the same clothes standing solemnly with their hands behind their backs.

"If you find a way out of your own limitations, that's a trap. The thought of escaping the trap only strengthens the trap."

"Don't do what you want to do."


He slapped someone across the face.


The man responded without any reaction.

“Do things you don’t want to do, things you’ve been trained to do that you think are completely wrong or even repugnant.”

The man with the birthmark hugged a person's head and yelled almost violently, tearing his vocal cords.


Like a robot.

“The opposite of blessing, the adversary of God, becomes a liar, a scoundrel, a wicked person.”

“The universe is undergoing inevitable heat death, and everything is festering in decay.”

"Do what you're afraid of."

"In this way, you will find that ordinary things become universal hints, and the meaning hidden behind everything suddenly becomes clear."

“Everything became profound.”

"The old world that I felt in the past is just a passing person."

The birthmark man was training while inspecting various weapons, ranging from nylon rope tactical daggers to sniper rifles and anti-tank rocket launchers.

Outside the warehouse, Di Wei rushed over after hearing the news, because this nameless organization took unexpected actions without his own orders, because he attached great importance to this organization and had handed over all channels for food and firearms. With them, no mistakes can be made.


Di Wei pushed open the door, panting a little, and looked at the neatly lined up hundreds of people inside, all with the same gloomy face like clones, and the various armaments stacked into an assembly line. Others were a little stupid. .

"What the hell are you doing?"

Di Wei reprimanded, and at the same time he saw that the walls were covered with densely packed city maps and architectural drawings stuck with magnetic nails or glue. There were also extremely professional marks on them, as well as arcs and various kinds of curves that were comparable to those of a surveyor. Color strategic identity.

Several members of the organization blocked the wall to prevent Di Bong from seeing it.

"Sir, the second rule is there can be no doubt, not even the slightest bit of doubt, sir."

The birthmark man replied calmly.

"I order you all to stop and let you explain what you are doing."

Di Wei's expression was as gloomy as water.


These hundreds of people shouted words in unison that shook the entire warehouse, and even the entire street. It was extremely loud, like a swearing-in ceremony.

"SIR! The second rule is there can be no doubt! SIR!"

Hundreds of rich shouts stacked together formed a kind of possessed spirit, even a strange field, so oppressive that it made people breathless.

Even Di Biao was a little stunned. He did not expect that things would develop to this extent. It seemed that he had gone too far and had begun to lose control.

Maybe their spirits... have reached a point that they don't even understand.

Now he is only a nominal leader, but the real driving force of this organization comes from the ultimate power of the universe that is trillions of times higher than himself.

"So fucked..."

Di Wei realized that this was too big, and he was completely isolated. This organization was completely isolated from SCT, and even the Testicular Cancer Mutual Aid Association, and it was in a league of its own. Due to deviation from the symbolic world, the decrease in immunity would greatly increase the probability of contracting latent disease. , some of them have begun to gain abilities, and with their mental strength, they are completely able to control themselves and not be swallowed up by the abyss and die violently. According to the countermeasures bureau, even the worst ones are B-level.

This is a kind of... the great power of human will condensed together.

And with the trials, the number of people will only increase, and they don't even need to do anything themselves, they have become perfect.

He immediately called Ash. The violent prelude had begun without warning. It was ridiculous to say that now SCT had to cooperate with this organization that was somewhat unfamiliar to him.

Although Di Wei himself didn't know what these madmen were going to do.

But one thing is beyond doubt.

"Getting better..."

"Getting better..."

Di Wei was a little excited. It would be great if a married woman was by his side. After calling Ash, he remembered the woman who was at the wedding venue a few months ago.

He dialed the phone and said straight to the point.

"Do you want a shot?"

The next afternoon.

Saint-Louis District.

An extremely prosperous intersection, as a business district, has a large flow of people. The surface of the high-rise buildings is inlaid with giant LED screens, which play various advertisements for underwear or luxury goods, as well as promotional videos for crime movies or games.

The traffic police found a suspicious man, but due to jurisdictional reasons, they were not qualified to deal with it. The suspicious man did not have any illegal behavior at present, but he was too suspicious, so he notified the public security police.

This man's hair was shaved short and he was wearing a black coat. His expression was extremely solemn and gloomy, as if he were a sergeant on guard. He stood on the edge of the intersection with his hands behind his back, motionless.

From six o'clock in the morning to now, three o'clock in the afternoon, for nine hours, I maintained the same posture from beginning to end. Not only did I not eat, I didn't even blink my eyelids a few times. I just stood like a sculpture, looking straight ahead, attracting attention. Many passers-by paid attention and took photos.

Because it is too suspicious, and considering the recent unrest in Los Angeles, this person might be a dangerous person with explosives on his body.

So the police arranged for snipers to use tranquilizer guns to subdue him and take him back to the police station for interrogation.


He couldn't ask a single word. He was no longer mute or had mental problems. He was just frightened. No matter what kind of threats or psychological hints, he could not make him speak. No matter how great the mental shock was, he could not speak. Unable to break down his psychological defense, his face remained expressionless from beginning to end, with his eyes looking straight ahead.

After checking the records, I found that he was just an ordinary citizen, working as an ordinary car wash, but he had resigned three months ago. His parents were not in North America. He had an older brother who also divorced a month ago, and his whereabouts have been strange since then.

Since he has no criminal record and no actual criminal behavior, but considering his mental problems, he will be forced to undergo some diagnostic and treatment evaluation in a psychiatric hospital, which will take several days.

the next day.

It's still that crossroads.

The traffic policeman had never felt so strange in his life, because another suspicious man appeared, standing at the intersection, with the same hair, clothes, and standing posture, but with a different appearance.

Monitoring revealed that he had been standing for almost four hours from 6 a.m. to now. This strange phenomenon attracted passers-by to watch and take photos.

The traffic policeman felt that the matter was not that simple, so he called his superiors again for instructions.

The result was a piece of miraculous news that was mind-boggling.

It’s not just this intersection.

Throughout Los Angeles, there are hundreds of people like this standing on traffic arteries with a lot of traffic. They are not moving at all, but they have not committed any crime. Because they are in scattered locations, it does not constitute a gathering of people to affect public order, and they are not talking, like It's like declaring some kind of power.

It was as if the whole city was possessed by an evil spirit.

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