Latent Syndrome

Chapter 115 114 Crow

Chapter 115 114. Crow

Three days passed.


Los Angeles metropolitan area, Santa Maria area.


A crow fell from the sky and smashed against the car window without any warning. One crow died violently, splattering some blood, and its black feathers stuck to the glass, making it bloody.

Colin in the car was patrolling and watching. Since the influence of many terrorist incidents spread, although Los Angeles has not implemented a curfew policy, the flow of people on the streets has been less. However, compared with other cities, there is still a lot of traffic. Few people.

Statistics show that about 3% of the population has emigrated to the central plains. News reports indicate that not only Southern California on the west coast, but also Liberty City on the east coast is not peaceful either.

In order to stabilize the mood of the citizens, armed forces had to be stationed and patrolled in some places with a lot of traffic. These fully armed soldiers and some military vehicles did play a big role.

Although there are things like armored vehicles and tanks, driving such things seems to be an overreaction, indicating that the situation is extremely dangerous and will only be counterproductive.

The calm attitude of these talking and laughing soldiers can give citizens a sense of security.

Colin couldn't help but think too much, because this was all an illusion. Maybe even these soldiers themselves didn't know what they were dealing with. Most likely they just thought they were rampant criminals, but in fact they were far more than that.

Perhaps protecting the people is not the most important thing. The key point is to make the people feel that they are protected.

Colin's work returned to the same as before, driving around the city and going to provide emergency support if there were any emergencies.

It's just that one link is missing. I no longer have to eliminate those infected people who are suffering from latent disease but go crazy due to poor control. Those incidents are handled by new agents and regular agents.

He had rarely seen Eugene recently. Although she had attended the funeral, she was actively participating in various actions. Colin guessed that maybe it was because if the SCT succeeded, everything she cared about would be gone.

Colin had a feeling that Gray might have isolated himself and prevented him from participating in some dangerous actions. Liszt had not contacted him recently and just kept him on standby.

I don’t know if they regard themselves as a ghost card, or if Gray and Irina discussed it and thought that they had some strategic value and kept it as a backup.

He took out the stainless steel wine bottle in his arms and unscrewed the cap, only to find that there was not a drop left.

Violet was lying on the back seat and was sleeping, but because she was too tall and tall like a stage actress, her body had to be bent a little. She seemed to have reached some agreement with Gray, and she was also given an external communication terminal. Send and receive messages alone with Gray.

Her target is all those infected with Latent Syndrome, and she has a special way of identifying patients.

A witcher?

What a mysterious profession.

Although Violet can answer most of the questions, when asked about her organization or detailed identity background, she either remains silent or makes up nonsense.

Based on Violet's character, Colin knew that her current name was also fabricated. No one would call Violet such a pretentious name.

Looking at the crow's blood outside the car window, Colin opened the door and got out of the car, preparing to go to the convenience store to buy some tissues. When he got out of the car, he accidentally stepped on the crow's body. This small frame could not bear the weight of an adult man. Blood splashed out, and internal juices seeped everywhere.

Colin glanced around and found that no one was looking at him. The crow's body happened to be more than 20 centimeters away from the drainage gate. He directly dug the body into it with his shoes and slowly stepped into the sewer. Washed away by the current.

"This is an ominous sign."

Violet wakes up and discovers what Colin has done.

"Save it."

Colin ignored her. Violet often looked like a goddess. He was going to buy tissues and a few bottles of wine at the same time.

In a convenience store.

Colin was shopping for whiskey on the dazzling shelves, and not far away stood a man as tall as him, also picking up wine.

"Hey, which way are you from?"

A frivolous and joking voice sounded in Colin's ears.

Colin looked at the source of the sound. It was a guy with a rather terrifying appearance. His hair stood up like steel needles, his eye sockets were sunken, and his amber eyes were vicious. The scorpion tattoo on his neck had a stinger on his face. He has a guillotine-like ring scar and is dressed like a retro rock band bassist.

It didn't take Johnny long to get to New Mexico, and then to Southern California via the highway. Because it was a special period, the border inspections were very strict, but nothing was wrong. As long as all the witnesses were killed, no information could be leaked. .

Johnny felt that this face was very familiar. He seemed to have seen it on a wanted poster, but he forgot the details, but it was very familiar anyway.

It was mainly because of Colin's ferocious face that he was so recognizable that Johnny had such a deep impression. At first glance, he looked like a desperado in the underground world.

The sudden conversation was also very arrogant, and Colin did not like it at all, not to mention that the other person was not a good person at first glance.


Colin responded indifferently, put a few bottles of wine in a plastic bag and prepared to leave.

Even Johnny didn't expect that this person's arrogance even exceeded his own, but there were still important things to do now. Di Zhu had already arranged the restaurant for a meeting before eight o'clock. This place was the territory of the Countermeasures Bureau like other places. If you act recklessly, you will pay a heavy price.

But it was impossible to swallow this breath.


Johnny directly pressed Colin's shoulders, preventing him from leaving, and held on tightly. He was worried that the other person was just an ordinary person and might crush his shoulder blades, so he didn't use too much force.

"What the hell else do you want?"

Colin spoke freely and spoke in elegant terms. He was a little sulky. If this guy made another move, he would smash the bottle and insert the glass shards into his arteries.

"It's nothing, I remember your face."

After saying that, Johnny let go of his hand.

Colin didn't care at all, he just thought he was a local gangster nearby.

After buying paper towels and wine and paying the bill at the counter, he returned to the car and wiped the glass with paper towels. Because his own car was driven into the pool by Hoshino Manatsu's operation, it was completely scrapped. He applied to Section 11 I was reimbursed, but I didn't expect it to be successful. I used the money to buy an urban off-road vehicle.

Johnny also left the convenience store, got on a Kawasaki motorcycle and sped away.

"No time to explain, get in the car quickly."

Violet sat in the driver's seat, opened the door, dragged Colin in, and started the engine.

Colin didn't know that this woman with thin arms and thin legs could have such great strength.

"What are you doing?"

Colin was shocked. The big girl rushed out before the car door was closed. She suddenly went crazy and quickly locked the car door to prevent hitting obstacles or pedestrians.

"The man you met in the convenience store just now... is quite powerful, much more powerful than the main SCT members I have dealt with in Europe before."

"He may be someone in the combat catalog, and he is ranked quite high."

Violet explained.

"I actually saw everything that happened in the convenience store just now. He is probably going to meet with Di Biao now."

"The show has begun."

She said calmly.

Before Colin could recover, he was suddenly about to confront the top cadre of SCT in the time it took to buy a bottle of wine?

Di Wei...

Convenience stores are really a magical place. A few months ago, I met Di Biao, that weirdo, in a convenience store.

I didn't expect that we would meet again now.

As long as Di Wei is killed... all this bad stuff will be over.

Colin desperately hopes to get in touch with things on a higher level, Randy's token, plus his own strength, as well as the techniques he has mastered under Violet's guidance in the past few days.

Even if it is an S-class infected person.

Colin thought he could kill it too.

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