Latent Syndrome

Chapter 118 117 Pirate Ship

Chapter 118 117. Pirate Ship

In the three-dimensional parking building attached to the hotel, Di Biao and Ya Xiu took the elevator to the third floor.

Inside the inconspicuous black business car, Heath saw the two people approaching and started the engine to warm up.

During this period of time, he has been on pins and needles, jumping repeatedly on the edge of life and death every day. Most of the breakthrough of the countermeasures bureau a while ago can be attributed to him.

Taking advantage of convenience, he sneaked into Yaxiu's office, took a large pile of photos and sent them to Section 11. Although SCT management was chaotic, Yaxiu had been filing various organizational information, personnel and industries. The list was all there, so the eleventh subject could directly hit the mark and give them a huge blow.

If this matter is discovered, he will definitely be killed, but if he does not pass the information to Gray, he will also be finished.

And there is a high probability that if Di Wei is really killed, then he will lose his value. Based on what he has done in the past years, fifty death sentences are probably not enough.

Heath believed that he had to keep a backup plan. Di Wei could not die immediately. He had to capture an extremely important piece of information that could even threaten the entire SCT, and then negotiate with Gray to remove the liquid bomb in his brain.

He secretly cursed those stupid scientists for coming up with such a fucking thing.

Being under such tremendous pressure every day gave him a headache.

Di Biao and Yaxiu got into the car.

"Are you having indigestion lately? Your face looks like a corpse in the fucking morgue."

Di Wei couldn't help but complain.

"Latent abyss syndrome... is a bit serious."

Heath argued.

Di Wei didn't take it seriously and turned on his phone to continue playing Match Game. He heard that hidden characters could be unlocked after clearing the level.

One of Ash's recent tasks is to find out the spies hidden in the SCT. Someone from Section 11 must have sneaked in, otherwise it would not be possible to clean it so accurately.

"This is the list of suspicious people I made after passing the screening. Take a look."

He took out a piece of A4 paper from his briefcase and handed it to Di Bong to read.

Heath's nerves tensed up when he heard this, and his heart jumped into his throat. He just felt like he was on a pirate ship that turned 360 degrees in the amusement park, and the excitement was doubled.

He stepped on the accelerator and drove slowly down the spiral parking lot.

"Just see for yourself, I have big things to do."

Di Wei was looking for the optimal solution to eliminate the chain of blocks. Seeing that the professional attire that was about to appear was about to explode, he couldn't let his success fall by the wayside.

“You have to observe from multiple people’s perspectives to find flaws more easily.”

Ash grabbed the phone and turned it off.

"Fuck, you're so boring."

Di Wei secretly complained in his heart that he hated people wearing glasses. He took a look at the list and saw that there were more than ten suspicious persons listed on it. Looking at the various names, he felt dizzy.

Silver is also on the list.

Di Biao glanced at it casually, and he thought it was okay, but... this person named Xifu was indeed suspicious. Looking back now, he was very active in participating in various gatherings and made considerable contributions. In Los Angeles, The branch is now considered a core figure and holds a lot of authority.

Of course, it may be that he is overthinking it, but that this person is simply too ambitious. Ash also listed his level of suspicion on this list. Sifu is relatively low because he has been an infected person organization that has done many evil things before. The leading figure.

Di Wei suddenly felt a little bit evil.

"Damn it,'re on this list, and the level of suspicion is pretty high."

Di Wei pretended to be shocked and looked at Heath in the driver's seat from the rearview mirror, with a look of disbelief.

When Heath heard this, a chill spread from his spine to his whole body. He must be calm... he must be calm!

"You caught me."

Heath said expressionlessly, driving the car indifferently.

"Fuck, you have no fucking sense of humor."

Di Wei thought this guy would be fooled.

Heath secretly breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that Di Biao's idiotic character was always startled. If he didn't know him a little bit, he might not really be trying to trick him.

Ya Xiu was speechless, wondering what kind of plane Di Biao was planning.

But thinking about it carefully, although he is not on the list, but... he is quite suspicious. He is one of the few people who can get close to his office. Logically speaking, the suspicion is quite high.

"No, from now on, you have been officially included in my suspicion list. Are you a traitor?"

Ash's tone in the back seat was extremely cold.

"You're so fucking miserable, brother, are you a traitor?"

Di Wei became interested again and agreed.


Heath replied calmly.

"Hmm..." Di Wei held his chin, considered it carefully, and said, "It seems that he really isn't, because he said so."

Dick nodded, thinking he was fucking Sherlock Holmes.

Ash didn't say anything anymore, but secretly made a note to pay more attention to him in the future, which was also a warning to him and a vaccination.

The car left the parking building and drove on the main road in St. George District.

Colin still did not take off his disguise, and kept following a few people, preparing to find an opportunity for Di Zong to be alone.

Because patients with latent abyssal syndrome have far superior perceptual abilities than ordinary people, Colin believed that they could be detected even if they were separated by a dozen or twenty car spaces, so he kept tracking them across street corners.

In order to avoid being lost, he had memorized the license plate of the car when he was at the parking lot and reported it to the traffic police station. Surveillance equipment all over the street could help him find the car.

As an elite agent of Section 11, Colin's dispatching ability is unparalleled in the past. Not only does he have the highest access to the official system to help him unconditionally, he can even mobilize people from the military department and call them with just one phone call. An entire company of soldiers.

But there is no need now. To deal with dangerous elements like Di Biao, common sense is not enough. Only power beyond common sense can be used to defeat these weirdos.

And in Heath's car.

Ash was talking to Di Wei about his recent expenses. Since most of the organized organizations had been purged, he had to apply for funds from the headquarters to maintain various operations. However, Di Wei was still spending a lot of money, except for military funds and various venue rental fees. , the biggest expenditure is still the testicular cancer mutual aid group established by Di Biao. This is indeed a very important project and cannot be discontinued. Although the people selected from these mutual aid groups are somewhat uncontrollable, they are also a force and should be far better. Beyond being co-opted by those organizations.

"One thing I don't understand is about this man's bounty. You know, even the activity funds of the combat catalog personnel are not that much. Even if someone like Hugo is hired, it is only half of this man's bounty. You Do you have any personal grudge against him?"

Ya Xiu is really puzzled. The recent situation is special and he must be careful with his budget. And the reward for Scarface is still hanging. If someone really kills him, eight million alliance coins is not a small amount. It will save money and save money. Belong to yes.

"It's not like I wanted to hang it so high."

"Don't worry, someone else will pay for the reward."

Di Wei reopened his phone and looked for games to play in the app store.

"other people?"

Ash was puzzled.

"The people from the headquarters asked me. I don't know why. Don't mess around so much."

Di Wei didn't care.

This makes Ash a little suspicious, because the chief and deputy chairmen of the SCT summit are extremely mysterious, and they all use agents to hold meetings, and there are many unknown and terrifying secrets in the headquarters, which are related to the entire hidden disease. The whole story.

Does this man have a wonderful connection with that place?

"Stop at the intersection ahead. I have some things to do."

Ash ordered.

Three minutes later.

Ash got out of the car and walked towards an office building. Colin vaguely remembered that this building contained some transportation industries, involving cross-ocean trade.

But that was not the top priority. He made a note of it secretly and reported it to his superiors later.

The most important thing now is to weigh Di Bong.

Heath's car continued to drive and entered the beltway, and Colin followed closely. Taking action on the street would involve innocent people. It would not be too late to take action after Di Biao entered the room.

Now that the two top cadres have separated, the rest are just minions and irrelevant.

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