Latent Syndrome

Chapter 121 120 Organic Flesh Mechanical Tools

Chapter 121 120. Organic flesh and blood mechanical tools

Section 11 surface stronghold.

Lister learned that Hiss had not succeeded in stopping Colin, and that the S-class infected Saka was on his way.

That location is right in the city, not too far away. It only takes twenty or thirty minutes at most to get there.

But even so, it was still too late, the conflict between Colin and Di Biao had already begun.

He opened the communication terminal and flipped through all the records about Di Biao in the database.

Since Liszt is a core figure in Section 11, he has the authority to see the detailed information on SCT cadres provided by Section 1, but it is limited to those active in Los Angeles, and this information is extremely confidential.

Before joining the SCT, Di Bo belonged to a vicious organization in Siberia. This organization was the product of failed political struggles in the early 20th century. It was sent to a concentration camp near the Arctic Circle. Its members were all super thugs who had been baptized by the blood and fire of war.

Although most of these remnants of the old era have been eliminated, a certain spirit has been inherited. It was not until the world structure changed thirty or forty years ago that it revived again. Many of them changed their names, but they still retained their traces. wisps of contact.

Since the outbreak of latent disease, SCT has risen with an unstoppable trend. The organization's interest network has also been severely suppressed, and one of its leaders, Di Wei, has also transferred to SCT and became the top cadre.

As for Di Biao's detailed description of his combat power, there is no record in the database. He has almost never taken action, his strength is unknown, and it is not even known whether he is infected with the Abyssal Syndrome.

I just hope Colin knows how to advance and retreat when he is defeated.

At this time, a phone call rang, and Liszt picked it up, frowning.

Sure enough, misfortunes never come singly.

Since those stormtroopers selected from the Testicular Cancer Mutual Aid Association began to stand guard near schools and hospitals to declare some kind of power or deliver terrorist messages, the military had to intervene to stabilize public sentiment. After the military armed forces were transferred to Los Angeles , these guys restrained themselves and went dormant.

Until today, another big move has begun.

These ghost-like monsters have no trace and have extremely secretive transportation networks and hidden strongholds. They are crazy people full of extreme will.

Liszt did not dare to waste a single moment and quickly dispatched military personnel to go and clear it up.

On the streets of Santa Maria district.

road center.

All in chaos.

There were no vehicles moving in the center of the main road. Instead, there were bloody corpses parked in the middle of the main road, which were unsightly to the traffic police.

Click, click, click...

As some power supply equipment began to emit sparks, all surrounding blocks lost power, including street lights, electronic traffic warning signs, and lights in buildings.

All artificial light sources are extinguished.

Not only this place, but all the surrounding power supply network nodes were destroyed. The entire city fell into a blackout, and almost all modern equipment was paralyzed.

The night was lightless, extremely dark, and even the moonlight was shrouded in heavy clouds.

The only source of light is the light pollution emitted by other urban areas at the end of the sky, which reflects into a green and red sky.

The heavy rain washed away the blood on the ground, and the fierce wind shook the tree trunks on both sides of the street.

However, there are dozens of people with uniform clothes, uniform hairstyles, and uniform firearms. Everyone stands as still as a stone statue. Even if the swift raindrops hit their face, roll into their eyelids, and their vision is blurred, their vision is blurred. He also stood solemnly and expressionlessly like a dead person without blinking his eyes.

The leader, the man with the birthmark on his face, was hysterical, roaring like a madman.

"There is such a world."

"Can diminish all suffering and suffering in the physical world."

"Denying our poor bank balances, ignoring our shabby abodes, and scorning the garbage we earn from working like dogs."

“Our troubles, our blessings, are woven imaginary dreams that can be erased at any time.”

"Recycling, environmental protection and energy saving, organic, deoxygenated, natural human rights, democracy and freedom are all nonsense, just like you decided to quit smoking on your death bed."

"They want to make sure your imagination is completely atrophied until it's as useless as your appendix, and they want to make sure your attention span is completely filled."

"Law firms, shops, monasteries, we must break the spell of these thinkers' witchcraft."

"Human beings have the inherent right to pursue survival, freedom, happiness and property, but this is also a voodoo trick and the highest form of deception."

"People should also have the natural desire to resist, fight, reject and hate."

"You are a human being, so do what you have to do without any doubts."


"Any more questions?"

He slapped one of them hard across the face.

"SIR! The second rule is there can be no doubt, SIR!"


"Do you have any questions?"


"SIR! The second rule is there can be no doubt, SIR!"


"SIR! I feel like a machine, not a person! SIR!"

The man replied in a firm tone.

It was raining heavily and the wind was blowing hard, and everyone's clothes and hair were soaked.

The man with the birthmark went crazy, holding the man's head with his hands and shouting with all his strength, as if his vocal cords were about to be torn.

"If you're alone! Then do what you gotta do!"

"If you were a machine! Then you would have your functions too!"

"Your function! What is it!"

The voice of the man with the birthmark was hoarse, and his momentum even overshadowed the roaring power of God in the wind and rain.

Just like the apocalyptic gospel, the fog is cleared away and it suddenly becomes clear.

It's like finding the meaning of existence.

The answer is yes.

"SIR! I have no doubts! SIR!"

They began to destroy indiscriminately.

Molotov cocktail.

It was thrown into all the storefronts on both sides of the street, and burned with blazing fire the moment it burst.


Blasting various public facilities, benches, street lights, roads, fire hydrants, signal base stations...

Gasoline and bullets.

Smash those glass windows, pour gasoline inside, and completely incinerate everything inside.

And fists.

Unbelievable and wonderful actions are carried out in a completely absurd, completely disconnected and completely crazy behavior.

They used their fists to hit all modern things made of gold, iron, earth and stone, until the skin on the backs of their hands and the knuckles were torn open, revealing horrifying white bones.

As the testicular cancer mutual aid association spreads like a virus, more and more people are participating in the trial, and more and more people are successfully passing it. It is becoming bigger and more crazy, with people from all fields integrating and reintegrating, and knowledge is intermingled. Mixed again, thus forming a sinking abyss.

As the highest officer, Di Wei cannot have any doubts. He is completely out of control. The current highest officer is the abyss itself.

The most hopeless abyss.

They are always updating their theories.

In the latest version, there is such an interesting theory that the human body is not the human body, but the organic nature that has been deceived by clever conspiracies and evil tricks in the iteration of civilization and has been genetically alienated through years of labor and production. Flesh mechanical tools.

If we want to re-evolve into the human body itself and obtain a body with real dignity and freedom, we must resist the enslavement and limitations of this talent.

Use your fists...

Knock down things that are impossible to knock down, punch buildings with your fists, punch elevators with your fists, punch power station chimneys with your fists.

At least that's the theory.

No one can say whether this is a foolish act or a genius idea.

in the destructive actions of these people.

Of course, the people will not sit still and wait for death. The background of the Liberty Alliance is the bloody accumulation of western pioneering. When Los Angeles becomes unrest and assets cannot be easily transferred, people usually have their own firepower to protect their property.

But under the attack of this group of madmen, it was completely useless.

Under Liszt's dispatch, a military force consisting of armed guards was stationed in the city and arrived quickly. When they saw the crazy things these people did and their desperate expressions, they all fell into a trance. .

Because these people can no longer be described as human beings, they are more like zombies or living dead. They have no element of fear and are completely indifferent to life.

They welcome death as they welcome heaven.

Facing countless formations organized by this madman, the military engaged in fierce gun battles on street corners, alleyways, and inside buildings.

That night, no one slept in the Santa Maria district.

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