Latent Syndrome

Chapter 123 122 Chariot

Chapter 123 122. Chariot

St. George District.

Since it was already late, heavy rainfall suddenly started in Los Angeles tonight. Many shops were closed and there were no pedestrians on the streets at all.

This made Violet less scrupulous. If he hurt ordinary people, he would not be a competent demon hunter.

Violet was sitting in the driver's seat of the car, chewing gum, and using the communication terminal to call the Countermeasures Bureau.

There was a gash on her forehead, half of her face was covered in blood, and her sequined silver leather jacket was also somewhat tattered. It was obvious that she had been involved in a big fight.

But she didn't care. To her, this kind of injury was just drizzle.

Head-on combat is only a last resort. In order to eliminate the demons who have no bottom line and will use any means, encirclement is one of the best options.

"Is it Gray?"

"SCT's foreign convict personnel have arrived in Los Angeles, and now I am chasing him."

"Please support quickly."

"It's number 36 in the combat directory, the man named Johnny."

Violet hung up the phone directly. They could find her directly through positioning.

five minutes ago.

When Violet came to the ground, she found that Johnny had directly stolen a motorcycle and rode on it. His vision was quite strange. When he was in an isolated state, he could not display the vision. Although it could affect himself, It just greatly improves physical fitness.

But when exposed to some props.

He is so strong...


Even Violet thinks he is one of the most vicious infected people he has ever dealt with.

She stepped on the accelerator of the car, shifted it into top gear, and chased Johnny.

View from the front window.

Johnny rides a motorcycle through the heavy rain. The motorcycle has been mysteriously modified. The gray-white mysterious pipe network completely covers it, making its shape quite punk, more like a product of the alchemy of the steam age. All the outline lines became rough and burned with extremely strange white flames, making the performance of this motorcycle far beyond the ordinary.

As for his illegal driving, the strong wind blown by the car at high speed directly shattered the windows of other normal vehicles on the road, and there were bursts of explosions that drowned out the raindrops. The attention of the drivers of these vehicles was diverted. Collisions occurred frequently, and car accidents occurred one after another.

A truck was forced to an emergency stop, and the steel pipes pulled from the cargo compartment poured backwards, directly inserted into the front window of the car behind. Several steel pipes penetrated directly into the chest and head of the car owner, causing him to die suddenly.

Just like that, Johnny rode away, leaving a bunch of obstacles blocking Violet's path.

Violet and Johnny grow further and further apart.

Until an incredible scene happened next.

As a member of the motorcycle gang, Johnny already had superb motorcycle skills. He lifted the front wheel of the motorcycle and drove it like acrobatics until he drove to an office building.

This locomotive, burning with white fire, drove straight up at a 90-degree angle, which was breathtaking.

Violet quickly pulled the handbrake and stopped the car, only a few dozen centimeters away from the building.

"There is actually such a hint..."

Some popular occult scholars in the underground world divide all suggestions into twenty-two categories. Although this is not entirely correct, and the classification is not precise enough, many people are stuffed into the same suggestion, such as demons, towers, suns, and the Hanged Man. , but some hints are not accessible to anyone and are quite rare. For example, The Fool and the World have never encountered even one case since the outbreak of the Abyss Syndrome.

Although this theory is very rough, it is indeed easy to understand. Violet believes that she has also encountered an extremely rare hint, "Chariot".

Can things be directly strengthened and transformed?

Although it implies that strength cannot be judged by simple classification, the fundamental question is whose will can better resist the impact of the abyss and reach higher heights. As long as the level of development is high enough, even a high tower can easily kill the so-called Death or judgment.

Since he is ranked high in the combat catalog, his level of development must have reached a terrifying level, at least it has exceeded the threshold of 1.

Johnny climbed over the building. Driving vertically at 90 degrees was already enough to scare people. He drove to a height of thirty or forty meters above the ground, stuck to the outside of the building, and then started... driving sideways.

Violet already knew that she couldn't catch up with Johnny, so she could only calm down and think. Although Johnny was not far behind in the previous head-on battle, she had no props and could only use pure brute force. She used visions to strengthen and restore her body. In the long run, It will only lead to defeat, so there is the current pursuit.

Then Johnny will definitely go to a place with many weapons.

Where will it be?

There have been armed forces patrolling Los Angeles recently, and they have also cooperated with the local Los Angeles Police Department, which has a large amount of armaments.

Where he's going next...

Most likely the police station.

Violet didn't dare to relax for a second.

Even half a second can cause huge changes in the situation, especially for infected people with exaggerated individual combat capabilities.

She immediately called the Countermeasures Bureau and asked them to focus on supporting her in locating nearby police stations. She didn't know if it was too late.

And she herself rushed in the direction of the Los Angeles Police Department, hoping to intercept Johnny before the situation worsened.

Twenty minutes later.

St. George District.

Los Angeles Police Department.

The lights of the police station on duty 24 hours a day are still on even at this moment. Because of this special period, almost all police officers have to work overtime until late at night in order to cope with the numerous calls they receive every day. There were unclear police calls and mountains of documents.

Johnny kicked off the motorcycle's stand and stopped firmly. The moment he left, the motorcycle changed back to its normal appearance.

He found a handy weapon on the side of the road.

He originally wanted to find a steel pipe, but he couldn't find it, but an object caught his attention.

It is a traffic sign with a speed limit of 60 kilometers.


He held the cylindrical metal support of the sign with one hand, drew strength from the different space and concentrated it on his arm. He suddenly had extremely exaggerated strength, and directly pulled out the sign and the foundation. The earth and rocks collapsed, and he was directly He pulled it out and slung it over his shoulders.

One minute later.

There were police officers on guard at the entrance of the police station. When they saw a man strutting over carrying a traffic sign, his jaw almost dropped to the ground.

He immediately pressed the warning button to alert the police officers inside that dangerous elements were approaching. At the same time, he put his hand on the holster of his gun and questioned Johnny.

"Stop, what are you here for?"

The police officer asked extremely responsibly.

"Oh, Mr. Police, I'm here to surrender."

"Next, I will only talk about the crimes I committed in Liberty Union territory. First, illegal entry, then assaulting and killing police officers, and of course first-degree murder, and then robbing several stores."

He recalled the anti-abortion bill demonstration he encountered when passing through Arizona the day before yesterday.

"And rape, Mr. Police."

Johnny said that, but in fact, as far as he was concerned, he personally felt that the morgue had a unique flavor.

"Drop your weapons."

The policeman was in a state of high nervousness. He had been vaccinated a long time ago because the lunatic in front of him was probably a so-called latent syndrome infected person.

"No, just shoot for a while and have fun. What I'm going to do to you next may be too much, including your colleagues. Report it to them in advance..."

Before Johnny could finish speaking, a bullet hit his forehead and penetrated his brain.

The existence of an infectious person transcends the material world and the spiritual world, and his thoughts and will rise to another level, which has no impact on him.

"It's my turn."


Johnny waved the sign and directly smashed the policeman's upper body into pulp, splattering blood randomly, leaving only one pair of legs standing, and finally fell to his knees in despair.

Then he went straight into the Los Angeles Police Department.

Don't know what's going on inside.

Only gunshots were heard coming from inside, and finally it gradually became silent.

In the end, there was only the dripping sound of the heavy rain washing the city.

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