Latent Syndrome

Chapter 136 135 Arsonist

Chapter 136 135. Arsonist

It is an imposition of will.

It is not the time domain of Colin's self-body, but his thoughts that are powerful enough to withstand the abyss, even tearing apart the real world, creating holes, and changing reality.

The muzzle of the submachine gun erupted with fireworks that burned away the sea of ​​people. Every time a bullet was fired, it splashed with dripping blood.

This is no longer a bullet, but a spiritual explosive containing Colin's powerful thoughts.

Pound pound pound…

Just like a strategic bomber, the place where the bullet hit exploded with billowing blood-red fire, raising building fragments and floating around...


In those flames, the vengeful spirits formed by the black mist in the center of the strange tree in White Stone Town were swimming. They all struggled and squirmed, and were burned to death in Colin's violent arson.

Colin recalled it again. The firelight and black mist from the thousands of tree people condensed into human figures and spoke to Colin.

"not the right time yet."

she says.

Colin's pupils shrank, and the muscles all over his body were spasming. His fingers and the trigger were completely welded together. The muzzle of the gun frequently spit out large amounts of sticky plasma, exploding large holes one after another in the outer shell of the office building.

Johnny began to feel a little overwhelmed under such strafing. The dented and shriveled car body was in tatters. Only by constantly injecting the power of the chariot into it could it maintain normal operation, and his strength was being depleted little by little.

His wheels suddenly grew sharp rotating saw teeth like twisted blades, which made the entire body of the car stronger, creating billowing smoke and dust on the concrete shell and rising downwards. The thick gray-brown smoke was accompanied by the rapid rainstorm. Colin's vision in front was completely blurred.

If you are not careful, you will drive to the side edge of the building, lose your grip and fall directly to the ground.

Bang bang bang...

Colin's vehicle was extremely bumpy as it passed the blasted potholes, shaking like a magnitude 10 earthquake. If it continued like this, it would lose Johnny.

Demonic hint.

In the past, there were hints from those who hunted down their own infected people for bounty, and there was one of them.

Colin's neck was still splattered with plasma after he committed suicide. The blood soaked into the car body, proliferated flesh and blood, penetrated into the iron shell, and finally.

The headlight on one side actually began to be filled with horrifying nerve pipelines, and dense capillaries grew wildly. Finally, they clustered into a huge eyeball that was larger than the head. Damn, the iron shell is the eyelid of this eyeball.

This eyeball is alive, and its abnormal pupil can also shrink. When it rotates, the white of the eye scrapes against the steel edges and bursts of blood. It emits a bright light like a searchlight. As Colin projects his will into reality, this phenomenon In depth, he developed the field.

This realm of absorbed demons was developed.

Under the gaze of the weird evil eye, everything above was reflected in purgatory-like blood red, dispelling all the smoke and even the heavy rain. Weird things seemed to grow inside Colin's head, sharing the sight of the evil eye, and everything It has become extremely real, and countless amounts of information are pouring into my mind, which is about to burst my head.

This eye has multiple functions and can perceive everything illuminated by the terrifying blood light, including vision, sound, touch, taste, and even density, humidity, physical structure, and chemical composition.

All information is invisible.

He saw, through the iron sheet, Johnny's face was distorted, completely losing his mind and going crazy. He didn't know whether he was completely high, or whether his abyssal syndrome was out of control, maybe both.

On the 90-degree straight slope of the building, Colin continued to increase his speed. The two lines of tire tracks were burning with crying karma, and he was about to catch up with Johnny.

Buzz buzz...

With the violent roar that resounded throughout the city, Johnny's jagged tires spun wildly, carving a huge crack in the building, and drove into the office building.

However, these film companies located in Hollywood include many CG special effects studios and self-media companies. Whether it is 3D rendering or video editing, it takes a lot of time to complete, which means long overtime work.

The people on this floor had already heard some huge noise outside, but everything in Colin and Johnny's chase happened within more than ten seconds, and by this time they had no time to react.

"Stupid Brother Ni, stupid self-media, I'll fuck all of you!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The grinning Johnny uttered words that were almost pathological and dirty, crashed through the glass, and drove directly into the fifty-plus floors of the building. The tires like a meat grinder ruthlessly ran over desks, computers, and writing chairs. Everything was shattered into pieces, and before those people had time to scream, they were crushed by the tires into bright red paste, leaving the office unsightly.

He destroyed all the facilities inside, broke through wall after wall, cracked the earth and stone, broke steel bars, and destroyed everything indiscriminately.

As the hellish bloody light shone, a strange car made of flesh and steel with metal wings spurting blood also rushed into this floor, competing with Johnny's car.

Pound pound pound…

The sound of gunfire explosions was endless, blasting countless holes throughout the building. The firepower from both sides was horribly exaggerated, like a self-propelled turret trampling everything.

Colin's vehicle was damaged, with blood holes exploding one after another, and he himself was ablated by those evil white flames, as well as those stray blue electric lights. He was frequently bombed to pieces, or his torso was directly exploded. Damn, the entire car seat interior is all "Colin".

But they all healed instantly under that terrifying resilience.

Colin's strength was also being depleted bit by bit. The amount of power required to control such a crazy evil vehicle was immense. He felt like his body was being slowly drained dry by eight violent blood collection needles.

As for Johnny, he didn't know where the source of his power came from, and his attacks were endless, as if there was no end to them.

If you continue like this, your situation will only become more difficult.

The craziest thing was not the power of those explosions, but the violent and crazy thoughts of Johnny contained in those flames and lightning.

It's not complicated.

Just the purest...

A package of villains, bastards, and scumbags.

He felt that his will was being twisted, Ni Geer, Australian guys, stupid homosexuals, stupid sex toys, AIDS disabled people, and almost disgusting and deformed blasphemy against God.

There are also those crimes, violence against women, indiscriminate killing, advocating violence, he doesn't care about anything, he is just a pure desperate thug.

As Johnny's machine gun continued to fire, those thoughts came in crazily, slightly affecting Colin, and his desire to attack became even stronger.

The submachine gun he held in his hand, the already intricate blood vessels suddenly thickened, enveloping the gun with a larger caliber and more destructive power.

The two cars were circling the entire floor. The load-bearing walls of the building were cracked one after another. The floors above were shaking violently and could collapse at any time.

Pound pound pound…

Thousands of blood-red karmic fires twisted and ablated the human body and exploded, spreading the roaring and raging resentful souls, intruding on Johnny's spirit and making him even more violent. His long tongue frantically flicked wet saliva and spattered everywhere. , his face was red and his eyeballs were full of bloodshot eyes, and his canthus was about to burst, and the poisonous scorpion tattoo expanded, making it extremely ferocious.

And his shouting.

"What have you done, you murderer?"

"Compared to you, I am a model citizen."

"A foul-smelling psychopath, a demented arsonist!"

"For the sake of world peace, I will kill you!"

"One million points, one million points..."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Johnny laughed wildly.

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