Latent Syndrome

Chapter 140 139 Notorious

Chapter 140 139. Notorious

The military department is clearing out the Shusk District and preparing to designate it as an isolation area to isolate and centrally manage those who cannot pass the test.

This way there is no need to shoot directly and cause panic.

The scope of SCT's activities is still in the St. Louis area. Because the power Johnny showed before was too terrifying, Section 11 does not intend to completely anger Di Zhu and Ash for the time being. They are waiting for the return of the ace agent. As the frontline battle situation eases , will arrive in Luo City soon.

Saint-Louis area, Imperial Tower, upper floor rooms.

Di Wei changed his clothes, wearing a palm leaf floral shirt and a random pair of pants. It wasn't that he didn't want to dress better, but it was just that the store didn't have them and couldn't steal them.

"You're in the news, Mr. Dickey."

Ash motioned for Di Wei to come over and watch TV and spoke calmly.

I saw the mayor of Los Angeles City speaking on TV, and many channels were broadcasting it.

But Ash has already recorded the video and can play it back at any time, as well as fast forward.

Di Wei looked like he had seen a ghost.

"What's the situation?"

Di Wei stared at the TV and couldn't understand at all. This guy was simply a ghost.

"He is not dead. He was not on the special plane that crashed that day. This was probably part of Section 11's plan. When the situation couldn't be sustained, he was dragged out to stabilize the mood of the citizens. It doesn't matter."

"The next thing is the important thing."

Ash pressed the fast forward button and the news continued.

[A highly contagious brain virus is spreading in the urban area and is being used by criminals to carry out anti-social actions. 】

[These two people are the leaders of criminal organizations. 】

[Axiu, thirty-two years old, has a criminal record. 】

Next, I showed photos of Ash who had been photoshopped and looked like a drug addict. His face was covered with sores, and he was chanting a long list of charges at the same time. Some of them were true, including murder, selling hallucinogens, smuggling, etc., but they were true. Many others are fabricated and even made up stories.

I found many people close to Ash to tell me what kind of bad person he was. He abused animals since he was a child, set fires, bullied in school, and even beat his parents. After being psychologically twisted, he joined a criminal organization and engaged in anti-social activities. He has already got it on his hands. Countless lives were lost.

Those relatives and friends, disguised as unknown persons, are still calling for Ya Xiu to return to his evil ways and surrender, and they also broadcast his parents saying that Ya Xiu is a good boy, but he is very lonely and lacks the care of others, in order to create a kind of abnormal family education. The atmosphere of deformity and freak made the people hate his family and even him.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Di Wei held his belly and laughed wildly. He was so happy that he wanted to speak but couldn't help laughing. He hesitated for a long time before he finally said: "It said you beat your parents. It's so funny. Have you ever beaten your father? Hahaha. …”

Originally, Ya Xiu didn't care at all about these unnecessary things, but when he heard Di Zhu making a fuss, he really wanted to hit someone. If he hadn't been the top person in charge of Luo City, he would have been smashed into a pulp.

Just when Di Wei was proud.

The TV continued to play Di Biao's message.

[Di Wei, twenty-nine years old, has a criminal record. 】

Immediately afterwards, photos of Di Bong began to be released after being photoshopped. His face was covered with ringworms like those of an AIDS patient, which made people sick to his stomach. There were many pinholes on his neck. His languid appearance was like a drug addict among drug addicts.

"Fuck you!"

Di Wei hugged the TV and yelled, but the video was still not over.

It said that Di Biao molested women and even asked his girlfriend to provide pornographic services in the red light district in order to get money for taking hallucinogens. When he really had no money to use, he went out to do all kinds of dirty and dirty things. He broke into the home of a disabled elderly man and shot him with a pistol.

He also pointed out that Di Bong suffered from sexual dysfunction to a large extent, and also established a testicular cancer mutual aid association, using despicable means to coerce others to commit crimes.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

Di Wei wants to kill someone. Isn't this a fucking insult to himself?

This was not over yet. Then they invited Di Biao's "acquaintances" out, saying that he was an extremely unreliable bad debtor who borrowed money everywhere under various pretexts and never paid it back. Finally, they invited him out of the red light district. My "girlfriend" at work said that Di Bong was not only a loser, but he only dared to show off when he had a gun. Maybe it was because he couldn't do it, so he was very mentally ill.

[Citizens please stay away from these two people to avoid danger. 】

[There are many criminals infected with the brain virus gathered around them, which is quite dangerous. Everything is left to the military and police to handle. 】

[Finally, please cooperate with the governing agencies in...]

Next comes some less important content.

Ash pressed the button on the remote control and turned off the TV.

Although Ash was not interested in mocking others, after being humiliated by Di Biao just now, he still wanted to retaliate in kind.

"Hmm... maybe it's because he's not good at it, so he's mentally abnormal."

Ash repeated.

But what Ya Xiu really didn't expect was that Di Biao was really hit hard and fell to his knees in despair.

"My honor..."

"How will I live in the future..."

He looked extremely sad and confused, like every patient with severe depression.

Ash was horrified. How about this? Besides, your damn reputation is already so bad. The entire underground world knows that you are the best among scum. Is that necessary?

"You don't have to worry, because you're already bad enough."

Ash comforted him.

"Haha!" Di Wei suddenly jumped up and said, "I'm just pretending."


Ash took a deep breath, his eyelids twitching wildly. Di Biao simply begged to be beaten and begged to attend the memorial service. He was begged to be beaten until he cried.

"At the same time, we have to hibernate recently, waiting for support from the headquarters."

"After I reported the situation here, I didn't expect..."

"They're quite satisfied."

"At the same time, let me tell you that you need to work harder on the movie. About half of Hollywood has been paralyzed by Johnny's destruction. This is the best time for you to exert your strength."

"In short, the Countermeasures Bureau has also entered a first-level alert state. The biggest problem at the moment is..."

Ash was silent for a while, because the population of Luo City was fleeing in large numbers. In that case, what SCT was doing would be meaningless. Controlling an abandoned city would have no strategic significance at all.

The symbolic world is like a boat. Under normal circumstances, only people on the fringe will fall into the sea. After a terrorist attack, it causes internal chaos. These people continue to push and step on it, so that more people can enter the water.

However, now that the isolation area of ​​the Countermeasures Bureau is being built, it is equivalent to removing all those who pushed and pushed, and the population is also flowing out. It is equivalent to many people in the pushing incident trying to stay out of the incident, which is not a good sign.

What SCT wants to do is to sink the entire ship, and Ashidibo needs to dig holes in the ship.

Ashi told Di Biao what he thought.

"Oh, well, don't worry. Do the SCT support so many infected people and ordinary people for food? After the last countermeasures bureau's breakout, I told my friends in Liberty City to encircle them on both sides. Under this situation, let these people go to the central region to continue to recruit members, and at the same time to cause destruction, there will be no peace anywhere, you know, in the end these people who fled will also roll back to Los Angeles, which is heavily defended by the army."

Di Wei said.

Ash was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Di Zhuo had such a big head.

"In addition, I found a good person to snipe and kill the relatives of those members of Section 11 who are out of town."

"These people need to know the consequences of working for the bureaucracy."

"That man is a killer. You should know that. You have done this job before. He is much more professional than you."

Di Wei lit a cigarette and looked out the window. Everything was pretty peaceful and peaceful, but the stage of undercurrents had passed, and the iceberg was about to begin to show its majestic body.

"Sorry? Are you more professional than me?"

Ya Xiu believed that his previous level in the industry was at the top level.

"I'll scare you to death if I tell you. He provoked an organization of infected people in Europe at that time. He was fighting guerrillas in the mountains alone, you know, like the first drop of fucking blood, I fucked him, and an ordinary person fucked dozens of them The infected person is not left behind. A friend of mine fished him out and gave him some equipment. This guy is too fierce."

Di Wei hissed deeply at the smoke.

"who is it?"

Yaxiu was also extremely shocked. Is there such a person?

"I don't know the name, but others call him Hades."

Di Wei said so.

"Uh...then it's okay."

Ash was speechless, he was truly a godfather-level figure.

Right now.


The door was kicked open.

It was a man whose hair was shaved to just one centimeter, standing in a military posture and holding a submachine gun. It was obvious at a glance that he had passed the test.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

Di Wei was a little confused, because these people were beyond his control, completely out of control, and he didn't understand what kind of aircraft they were doing, as well as those military-grade surveying maps and strategic signs. It was so damn crazy.

"SIR! The second rule is there can be no doubt! SIR!"

His eyes were as firm as a sculpture.

Then three more people came in and stood silently at the door, as if they were standing guard.


Di Wei knew that as the snowball grew bigger and bigger, this was the ultimate killer weapon.

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