Latent Syndrome

Chapter 146 145 Eternal Omen

Chapter 146 145. Eternal Omen



The bustling city and bustling streets.

In one of the most deserted and deserted parks.

Since he is now fully wanted in Australia and his traces are nowhere to be found, he has no choice but to wait here for the final battle.

As they attacked all the way, Hugo had forgotten how many people he had killed. The agents of Section 1 tried their best to intercept him.

But that is useless. Under the "cruel spirit" of the unity of knowledge and action of the will of the universe, no matter what kind of power it is, even the movement of celestial bodies is as weak as an ant.

Can't beat myself down.

He was dressed very plainly, with a gray woolen coat, ordinary sneakers, and his medium-length brown hair was quite ordinary. Although he was clean shaven, he still had a rough stubble.

Hugo is waiting here, waiting for the final sniper kill of Section 1. That is the ace agent of Section 1. After getting rid of him, he only needs to apply to SCT for a private jet to North America.

For SCT, the only thing that is not lacking is funds, which are just a numerical value.

Even Hugo had never dealt with the ace agent before, so he didn't know what his strength was. He just waited silently on the spot.


A cold human voice came, and a tall human-shaped black shadow appeared under the shade of the tree.

"You didn't choose to be in a crowded place. It seems that even a madman like you still has some sense left and will not attack ordinary people."

The ace agent said so. According to the information he received, Hugo was hunted down all the way and never killed innocent people indiscriminately.

Hugo slowly raised his chin after hearing the words, and looked straight ahead. He sat on a park bench, his elbows resting on his knees on both sides, and his fingers crossed. Under the shadow of the dim light of the street lamp next to him, he His face could not be seen very clearly, but his eyes were as gloomy as the deep sea, like a terrifying whirlpool.

The greening of the park area is excellent, and there are even insects buzzing and faint hissing.

The extreme silence turned the atmosphere to freezing point.

After five full seconds.

"Are you afraid of me, Agent?"

"Even if so many of your companions die in my hands."

"You still choose to argue with me instead of directly attacking me. You may also have a... cruel spirit."

"Let's talk about the results first. There will definitely be a corpse in this park that no one cares about tonight."

Hugo said calmly.

"Really, you are a moral person, Pope... What an interesting hint. It means that you have a certain understanding of the mysteries of the world and the truth of the universe. It is not rare, but it is vulnerable to ignorant people. Most of them are vulnerable. That’s true of most people.”

"But you are different. You have thoughts, but you are doing the wrong thing, teaming up with SCT, going against wisdom and truth, and becoming anti-intellectuals with those madmen."

The black shadow revealed its true form from the shadow of the leaves. It was a tall figure, wearing a black coat, and his head was wearing...a medieval chain-covered hood, which was extremely weird.

"Sounds like you have a better idea."

Hugo was unmoved and still maintained his previous sitting position.

"SCT wants to destroy the symbolic world, using a crazy and free banner to despise universal values, ethics and morality."

"That's a contradiction in itself."

"In my opinion, free will and morality are the same thing. All actions of the will are its own laws, and the criteria followed by the actions must be criteria that aim at its own universal laws. From a biological genetic perspective, no one The longing for one’s own demise, along with pain and hunger, has created today’s civilization.”

"If it is purely anti-intellectual and goes against life itself to do evil, freedom under this banner has lost the law of will itself, so free will and the will that obeys moral laws are completely the same thing."

"This is rationality. You have lost your rationality and become a madman."

In Agent Ace's view, the Pope is just a lunatic with cognitive perversion. If corrected, he will be a powerful weapon against SCT.

"Are you citing 'Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals'?"

There was a hint of mockery on Hugo's lips.

"It's really interesting."

"I think that's where his naivety lies."

"As a lobbyist, you are only limited to this extent."

"Maybe you really should consider using force."

Hugo remained unmoved, still maintaining his original sitting position, with his fingers crossed and his elbows resting on his knees.

"Are you denying the wisdom of previous sages?"

The ace agent's eyelids twitched and he couldn't believe it. Maybe Hugo was not a logician, but a madman more crazy than anyone else.

"It can be said like this."

"His weakness lies in when he eliminates all interference from the laws of reason and defines morality as eternal, absolute, universal and pure form."

"In fact, it empties out all the specific content of morality and denies all goals other than reason."

“When demagogues equate life safety and racial destiny with rationality, it will also become a universal law of will and massacre other races. When this completely perverse sadism becomes universal, After evolution has become the same type of experience gene retained by inheritance, can you still say that free will and moral laws are the same thing?"

"Since reason has no substantive goals, all emotions leave it and become purely natural. As reason formalizes, reason itself becomes an incomprehensible concept, and thought becomes useful only when it loses its meaning. Full of meaning.”

"Of course I know that SCT is just a puppet under great power."

"In fact, their dissatisfaction with the world has become a controllable object of the world itself,"

“This is the human world, the unfathomable ‘abyss of freedom’, a game of constant input and output of various ideologies.”

Hugo's eyes stared at the ace agent without any disturbance.

For a moment, this ace agent felt a little creepy. Those eyes were like the surface of the sea, with something indescribable hidden deep beneath them.

"Since you are not interested in ideological disputes, you don't have the desire for violence like other murderers."

"Then why do you still work for SCT? You have become a pawn of Chaos."

He couldn't figure it out.

"This is a well-paying job with considerable benefits."

"But that's only secondary."

"You are wrong about one thing. The reason why I am ranked eleventh is because I only have a cooperative relationship with SCT, and my contribution is not high. I have seen those people in higher positions, and they are just mediocre. .”

"I'm not a minion, SCT..."

“Honor me as you worship God.”

Hugo said calmly.

"What's the main thing? What made you... go on a killing spree."

Agent Ace asked.

"You wouldn't understand."

"The unity of universal will and physical body."

"A cruel spirit."

"But who knows, because I may be wrong. Maybe I am just following the law of the universe's extinction."

Hugo looked at his watch, hoping to end this quickly.

Ace Agent no more bullshit.

All the offensives erupted towards Hugo.

First, there was a tentative thermal weapon shot, which contained specialized ammunition that was enough to burn S-class infected people.

The firelight shone brightly, and the bullet shells fell off crazily, but those bullets.

He couldn't comprehend what he was seeing.

When those bullets hit Hugo, they penetrated him directly without causing any damage. Instead, they shot directly into the grass behind him. In an instant, earth and rocks spattered, creating chaos, but Hugo still sat unscathed. There, a highly relaxed attitude is maintained.

He didn't know that even if he hit a virtual shadow, he could still detect some changes in the arc of light, but... Hugo was just like a picture, a picture that transcended the layer of reality and was in another dimension.

The ace agent didn't dare to neglect and directly took out his trump card.

All of a sudden.

The wind was strong and the sky was thundering.

His allusion is the Emperor, and his corresponding deity is the main god, Zeus.

Black clouds pressed down on the environment, the stars were annihilated, and the night changed drastically. Countless lightnings swam in the sky, and the silver snake thunder pouring from the sky spread countless distances and hit Hugo.

Although the earth has become a scorched earth.

But Hugo was still unscathed and still looked like the weird scene just now.

"How can this be?"

The ace agent was a little at a loss. If it were just a thermal weapon that couldn't kill him, it would be okay, but even visions... couldn't hurt him at all. You know... visions also transcended material and spiritual things and could penetrate reality. He couldn't understand it. .

"It's my turn, isn't it?"

Hugo's figure gradually faded, disappeared and disintegrated into pieces of feathers shining with holy brilliance, dancing in the strong wind.

The ace agent instinctively avoided this unknown risk, but he could not withstand the overwhelming number.

One piece.

It slowly fell on his shoulder.

dilapidated wooden house.

He was placed on a cracked wooden table. The scene around him looked strangely medieval, with pitchforks and sickles hanging on the walls, as if it was an ancient farmer's home.

He has forgotten how he got here. Is this some kind of illusion? Yes, the Pope’s vision itself is related to spirituality and psychology.

As for the previous information, those gold, silver, gems or temples may be just an illusory realm.

The awls made of rough iron nailed his limbs, making him unable to move. When he wanted to expand his territory, he found that he... couldn't do it at all.

"You will definitely be confused as to why you can't use the field."

Hugo was dressed in extremely simple medieval peasant clothing. He caught a few mice from nowhere and clamped their dirty and ugly pink tails, causing these creatures to emit the unique shrill screams of rodents.

"There is such a saying, in the demon hunter organization, it is called the radiation index."

"Every time it breaks through an integer, it means that it has crossed a shackle. For example, if it reaches 1, that kind of will is strong enough to penetrate reality, tear the real world apart, and form a domain."

"As an ace agent, you must have reached 2."

"What's interesting is that this decimal is not a suffix, but represents geometric arithmetic or a more abstract concept."

"If it is the realm of 1, for each decimal point, just multiplying 1 repeatedly will not get a qualitative change. Most of them are in a relatively stable strength framework, and various restraints and strategies are still effective."

"But if it reaches 2."

"Multiplying 2 a hundred times is a completely different concept than multiplying 2 a hundred times."

"Every time it exceeds 0.1, it can be completely suppressed. When you first meet me, you will be dead."

"Is this the ace agent? It's nothing more than that. There is an insurmountable gap between us."

Say it.

Hugo put the rats into an iron bucket and placed it directly on his abdomen.

Immediately afterwards.

Another Hugo appears, looking exactly like Hugo, but wearing other clothes.

"Do you think hallucinations will work on me?"

The ace agent was a little disdainful and even more convinced that this was an illusion.

The other Hugo didn't answer, lit a torch, and burned it on the iron barrel. Because they couldn't stand the high temperature, several mice scratched the holes with their claws desperately, trying to escape from the iron barrel.

However, there is only one entry point, his abdomen.

Even if a mouse entered his body and crawled around, he endured the severe pain without saying a word.

Hugo spoke.

"Pain is a bad thing."

"Such an illusion cannot destroy the strongest."

"But this is indeed a kind of trust in time."

"Eternity is valid."

In the wilderness.

He was placed on a fire full of firewood. One Hugo picked up the torch and lit the firewood, causing him to be burned to ashes, while the other Hugos were watching him indifferently.

An endless river.

He was smeared with honey and cheese, and then Hugo put him in a sealed box and put him on a lonely boat to drift.

Until ten days passed.

He was squirming with secretions and maggots, and endured the pain of crawling under the extreme heat and humidity.

Sometimes it's also a more direct way.

Like the Crusades, one Hugo after another was wearing heavy armor and holding a mace, smashing him to pieces.

Sometimes it's too long.

Even for several months, he hung in an iron cage hanging from the branches of the cliff, exposed to the wind and the sun. His extreme thirst made him drink rainwater. In the end, the birds hovering in the sky slowly pecked at his increasingly weakened body.

He couldn't tell the difference between years and decades, he only relied on his strongest will.

"Actually, I am a PT-type infected person, Mr. Agent."

"And as I get to know you more and more, this time will become even longer."

Those precious things were transformed into all kinds of grotesque and blasphemous things, humiliating him both physically and mentally.

The seventy-two grotesque demon gods, the twisted and terrifying naked Arhat with the angry eyes of the King Kong, the blissful music of the church organ, and the evil Sanskrit sounds that pour into the eardrums.

He was tortured in the most deformed and hideous way.

Day after day, year after year.

Inside the park.

With a plop, he knelt down on the ground in despair, but there was still unyielding expression in his eyes.

And Hugo.

Still just sitting on the bench, with his fingers crossed and his elbows resting on his knees, he looked at his watch and saw that less than twenty-five seconds had passed.

And my limit is thirty-three seconds, and I still can't break the shackles of 3.

"You are too strong, Mr. Agent."

"But your power has long been exhausted in eternity."

"No one can resist eternity."

"Extreme pain, like extreme joy, cannot last because it is too violent."

Hugo took out a pistol from his gray woolen coat in the most simple way.

A pounding sound.

The ace agent of Section 1 died like this.

And Hugo himself.

He just left the park without saying a word, without even looking back, and went to the designated location to board the SCT private jet that was booked in about half a minute.

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