Latent Syndrome

Chapter 151 150 Self-directed and self-acted

Chapter 151 150. Self-directed and self-acted

Bars on the edge of Los Angeles metropolitan area.

Heath was so arrogant that he probably didn't have many days left to live. Every day was like walking a tightrope. If he wasn't careful, he would end the game. If he didn't pull a little tighter now, he wouldn't have a chance when he died.

He put both legs on the table, held a cigarette in one hand and smoked it, and shook the wine glass in an extremely pretentious manner with the other hand.

Although the other customers in the store dislike him, they dare not say anything because the five or six people following him are all strong and muscular, and most of them are criminals with their tattoos and fierce eyes. .

"I don't understand. Where are you going to kidnap the mayor's daughter later? Los Angeles is such a big city, so it's not like you're looking for a needle in a haystack."

Sev asked tentatively.

Due to the intervention of the military police and the blockade of Los Angeles City, the SCT organized criminal groups composed of ordinary people, as well as less powerful infected organizations, and sent them to the central plains to wreak havoc before the blockade.

Those who are left behind are some main personnel, including himself, B-class, and even above infected people are eligible to stay. Of course, the necessary number of trash fish is also necessary to kill them.

"You can't stop pushing me, why do you have so many things to do?"

From the beginning, Sif's mouth was like a machine gun, asking what the next step was to be done and what the big picture plan was for Di Bong.

"Are you a fucking spy from Section 11?"

Heath said casually that if he couldn't hide his betrayal, he would have to find a scapegoat, and he felt that Sifu was quite suitable.

Besides, this person is also extremely annoying. His status is almost as high as his own. Now he is also a cadre of the Luo City branch. He is very eager for quick success and quick gains. He shows it all the time. He is appreciated by Di Wei and Ya Xiu, but he never goes further. , never told him the most important things, there is a gap.

"How can it be?"

Silver actually knew that Heath was now working for Section 11, but that was purely because he was threatened. Like this time, he didn't report the kidnapping of Jessica. If he hadn't been ordered to come over and kidnap Jessica together, he might really have let him do it. He succeeded.

"Now we have to wait until the information is known. It's time to have some fun and don't worry about it. We have people in Section 11 and it won't be long."

Heath didn't tell Gray this either. If the Countermeasures Bureau really won and Ash Di Di died violently, he would also be exploded. They had to keep these two guys alive.

Silver soon came up with an idea. On the way there, he would ask Section 11 to arrange heavy guarding, subdue Heath again, and reveal his identity to him so that he could be monitored in the SCT.

At the same time, the most impoverished area in Los Angeles, the Shusk District.

Construction of the quarantine zone is in full swing.

Since there are countless abandoned buildings in this area, people can live in them as long as they get some iron beds and quilts.

In the end, all we need to do is to pull up electrified barbed wire and build high walls in the surrounding area, and use obstacles to block traffic arteries to prevent the infected people inside from rioting at any time.

Military trucks are constantly coming and going, their roaring engines are rolling in, raising countless smoke and dust in this dilapidated urban area. They are also building sentry towers in case they need to set up crane guns to defend against riots.

And in the latest system.

Not only do brain virus patients need to be isolated, but a separate isolation area must be built to isolate people who fail psychological tests, people with criminal records, and even people with bad credit reports.

In the nightly TV reports, some medical experts specifically pointed out that for some reasons, people who go against ordinary people's logical thinking are more likely to be infected with brain viruses. These potentially susceptible people must be highly monitored to nip them in the bud.

In addition to the curfew system and isolation system, there is also a crucial system, that is, every Los Angeles citizen who is still in the city, once he or she is over 16 years old, must undergo weekly psychological tests. Whether the mental health level is up to standard.

Of course, such a system has aroused the anger of many people. First, they madly attacked and accused medical experts on the Internet. Of course, smart people know that this expert is just a scapegoat who was pushed up to attract firepower during a special period.

This means that something deeper and more circuitous is happening.

For a society that has always advertised democracy and freedom, this kind of spiritual castration, or even the purging of dissidents, has shaken the country. Even credit reporting has been taken into consideration, so what else can’t be taken into consideration? Alcohol? cigarette? An artistic aesthetic that is different from the mainstream?

It's hard to say who is normal in this situation.

Now a group of people have gathered outside the quarantine area, holding various signs and shouting the same slogan.

However, no matter how loud and powerful they were, they were ignored by the army.

Of course, the Countermeasures Bureau knows that doing so will inevitably lead to a strong backlash, but this is a helpless method, and citizens must be vaccinated in advance.

Recent data shows that the number of new cases of latent syndrome in Los Angeles is many times higher than the average in other regions. Under a series of SCT activities, people here are slowly sliding towards the edge of civilization, heading towards the guardrail of the giant ship, and may die at any time. Being dragged down into the abyss by an underwater evil spirit.

As a last resort, sociologists within the Countermeasures Bureau pointed out that they would not rule out building another shelter to allow all "normal people" to enter.

Then slaughter everyone else.


That's a last resort.

On a high-rise building outside the quarantine area, because there were soldiers patrolling everywhere, Di Wei had to kill several soldiers before secretly taking the photographer to the upper floor of the building with a better view.


Di Wei didn't know why those stormtroopers were so crazy that they actually wore casual clothes and blended into the protesting crowd.

At this time, he covered all his hair with a hoodie, wore flat glasses and a fake beard, which was not easy to identify.

"How many shots are left? Hurry up and shoot. I've already hired the highest cadres as your assistants."

After Di Wei hid the corpses of several soldiers, he urged the photographer. Now he was wanted by the whole city. Someone might report him if he didn't do it, and then a tough man would jump out and slaughter him into meat paste. That would be very bad.

"The completion rate now is... about 60%. The demonstration scenes will be completed soon. There are still some scenes of psychological testing and some literary dramas. We can find our own people to perform these. Then there will be the massacre of the Countermeasures Bureau. Representative of SCT He ran for mayor, established friendly communication between representatives and citizens, then fought together, and finally died tragically."

The photographer captured the protest scenes downstairs extremely professionally, and added that this should not be rushed, otherwise the effect would not be good.

Di Wei could only hold his ground, picked up the military telescope, looked at the scene below, and nodded.

"Aristotle said it."

"The ultimate value of life lies in the ability to wake up and think, not..."

"Fuck! Fuck!"

Di Wei's jaw almost dropped to the ground.

I saw the few members of the stormtroopers who had followed me when they came. After putting on civilian clothes, they forcibly pushed away one person after another, and arrived at the front of the parade, looking quite like thugs.

The crowd was instantly ignited by the battle of these people, and the momentum became even louder.

The men whose hair was shaved to less than a centimeter started pushing the soldiers, and the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder in an instant.

The army was ready to use high-pressure water cannons to attack these people.

Right now!


There was a gunshot.

He accurately hit a stormtrooper in the chest and slowly fell down.

The soldier who fired the gun looked very familiar to Di Biao. He seemed to be... someone who had participated in the trial and was also a member of the stormtroopers.

The streets, which had been filled with loud slogans, suddenly became quiet. They stared blankly at the body lying on the ground. Even the army was the same.

"Did you see it? Did you take any pictures?"

Di Wei asked loudly while holding a telescope.

"Fuck it, my girlfriend will definitely like it."

The photographer said so.

Di Wei was speechless and put down the telescope. This guy was playing a perverted game.

The entire street was silent in this deathly silence.

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