Latent Syndrome

Chapter 160 159 Stock Index Lines

Chapter 160 159. Stock Index Lines

St. George District.

A room in one of the high-rise buildings in a densely populated middle-class neighborhood.

Dozens of people had their limbs chopped off to prevent them from any movement.

Ash also sealed his mouth with tape so as not to disturb him while working, and also covered his head with a black plastic bag. The sight of these people crying made him feel a little uncomfortable.

The floor was covered in blood and the remains of sawing work.

And Ash also failed again. He didn't expect that it would be so troublesome to activate this forbidden object, so he had to open the manual and continue reading.

Hugo: "..."

Because Hugo wanted to observe the spiritual outlook embodied by universal values ​​as a reference, he came to Ash's construction site, but it didn't go very smoothly.

"I didn't expect there was an instruction manual."

Hugo was a little surprised, because the manual was bound like an air conditioner or TV manual, which was too weird.

"Of course. Although I also know some techniques, I'm not that professional."

“How-to guidelines drawn up by industry insiders are essential.”

Ash flipped through the manual carefully, looking for his mistakes, but the sentences and vocabulary in it were also ambiguous, making it difficult to figure out.

"What problems are you encountering now?"

Hugo thought he might be able to help.

"It's like this. Manifesting matter requires a main body to bear the initial expansion, but I chose many main bodies and they all exploded and couldn't bear it."

Ash pointed to the broken pieces that he had sorted with a broom, puzzled.

"As long as this step is successful, there will be no problem next. This manifestation field will slowly expand, automatically capturing humans and spreading like a snowball, forming a self-sufficient... um... ecosystem, I guess, like this Said there should be no problem.”

Ash handed the operation guide to Hugo, but to his surprise, Hugo took a step back.

"Can you wipe the blood on it with a tissue first?"

Hugo said.

Only then did Ash realize that because there was too much blood on the ground, Hugo had put a plastic bag on his shoes before walking in.

"no problem."

Wipe away the blood and give it to Hugo.

Hugo also took out his glasses from his breast pocket, put them on, and began to read the above process carefully.

Half a minute later.

"Did you find anything?"

Ash was a little anxious, because the level of riots in Los Angeles was much faster than he imagined, and more and more people were siding with the puppet organization he supported, which meant that the countermeasures bureau had to start a counterattack to determine the outcome. Once you take action, you cannot sit still and wait for death. The use of taboos is crucial.

"It's definitely blurry in places."

"It just means that you need to choose a strong-willed person as the subject, and you must have done this before."

Hugo pondered for a while, thinking about the mystery.

Ash nodded. He found some ruthless characters, even people within SCT, including some infected people, but it was ineffective. It was too strange.

"You said this guide was written by a warlock, right?"

"Maybe we have to understand the semantics according to the way of thinking of a warlock. The strong will that the warlock talks about does not necessarily have to be mental toughness."

"According to this kind of person's understanding, it probably refers to a person with a stable ideological framework."

"The people you are looking for may have strong mental powers, but their ideologies tend to be biased toward certain extremes."

"And the reference standard for manifesting matter is the symbolic world, so a moderate person is needed as the subject."

"A lawyer, or a stockbroker, might be able to succeed."

Hugo returned the manual to Ash and made this judgment.

"why would you say so?"

Ash was a little suspicious, because he had tried too many people, and he had the urge to let the warlock come over and do it himself. It was a pity that the weirdo had gone crazy or something. This kind of taboo object had too much to do with the deep world, and he often came into contact with it. If you do, your brain will show off.

"Often people only believe what they want to believe, while turning a blind eye to all the ironclad evidence and lacking the ability to think."

"These two types of people are deeply rooted in civilization, fully indoctrinated by elite education, and closely related to the symbolic world. At the same time, they also have stronger thinking ability due to their positions. They are the kind of people who can stabilize the symbolic world or even accelerate it. Progressive creature.”

“On the one hand, it blends with it, but on the other hand, it also maintains a logical skepticism.”

"I think this idea is the most reasonable as a standard for interpreting the concept of manifestation."

Hugo looked at the people on the side whose mobility was restricted, presumably these were the nutrients needed for expansion.

"What you said makes sense."

Although Ash is not sure this is effective, there is currently no other better method.

He immediately called his people and asked them to recruit a few lawyers and stockbrokers, preferably both, the more the better.

More than an hour later.

The efficiency of SCT members is quite high, because now the military and police are on guard for attacks and have no time to care about the safety of citizens.

I tried several lawyers, but it still didn't work. The moment the metal box was implanted, it exploded.

Ash had given up any hope.

But there is still one stockbroker left. He has done it so many times that he is already familiar with it. He anesthetizes, opens the skull, implants the metal box into the center of the brain, and then twists the rotary valve half a turn to slightly crack the cube metal box. .

No one knows what is in the box, they only know that it is a forbidden item, and the operation manual is marked with warning signs and red words. It is strictly forbidden to look directly at the contents of the box, otherwise there will be uncontrollable serious consequences.

Immediately afterwards, the stockbroker's body began to twitch and convulse unconsciously, as if he was being shocked.

Just when Ash thought it was going to explode again.

But a strange change occurred. As the cracks in the metal box became wider and wider, not only did the agent not die, but his skull began to heal, completely sealing the metal box in his brain.

Ya Xiu was overjoyed and knew it was done.

"It's worthy of winning many awards in the medical field. That's great, doctor."

After learning that Hugo was the one who was condemned this time, Ash naturally looked up a lot of information about him. Unlike Randy or Johnny, Hugo's reputation in the underground world was limited, and he only gradually became known after joining SCT. Before that, he had always been a leader in the psychiatric field and was active in the upper class circles.

"It's just some trivial results that can't be put on the table."

Hugo knew his own level, and all his achievements were not worth mentioning until he reached the level of his peers.

Immediately afterwards.

I saw ugly red and green blood vessels proliferating in the stockbroker's body, wriggling and twisting like maggots in the air, gradually wrapping around him, and then sprouting densely packed dirty compound eyes, as well as insect characteristics, antennae, joints, and mouths. Organ, chitin shell.

There is no flesh-and-blood monster more bizarre than this.

And red and green blood vessels slowly began to spread on the ground, spreading around.

Ya Xiu let out a long breath, finally done it, and immediately flipped through the operation manual. The next step was to add nutrients to this field. The best effect would be at a distance of twenty meters.

He immediately ordered several of his men to start moving those people, carrying them outside, putting them down every twenty meters or so, all the way to the bottom of the building. If there were witnesses along the way, they would also restrict their mobility and get more Assure.

"It's really a mysterious power. It comes from the deep world. It's an indescribable power. In the end, it can even cover an entire city."

Ash sighed, but this power is ineffective against S-class infected people, because these people already have independent areas that are isolated from everything.

"Yes, it's incredible... Have you noticed that these pipes look like stock index lines?"

Hugo held his chin and thought.

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