Latent Syndrome

Chapter 169 168 The Rational Side

Chapter 169 168. The rational side

Countermeasures Bureau surface base.

The news coming from the communication terminal made the people in Section 11 feel a little desperate.

The strange black fog has engulfed most of the St. George District, and hundreds of thousands of citizens have been buried in it, with their whereabouts unknown.

It is still continuing to expand, and no one knows how far it can reach. In the end, it may be able to annex the entire Los Angeles City.

Gray was sitting on a camouflage jeep, patrolling the streets. Santa Maria, Hollywood, and St. George, these three districts were turned into purgatory by the SCT, and Shusk District was also turned into a quarantine area.

And one infrastructure after another has lost contact, and there is no other possibility except being occupied by SCT.

Half of Luo City has fallen.

The citizens are getting more and more crazy. Even ordinary people have lost their minds and started burning, killing and looting.

Just when she was about to return to the stronghold for the next step of planning.

I accidentally saw a car accident, which seemed to have happened some time ago.

The perpetrator had already escaped, leaving behind a woman holding the broken corpse and crying. Her hair was disheveled and her face was beyond recognition. Her crying mouth was wide open, and her palate and tongue could even be seen. It was a kind of despair mixed with The screams were even more piercing than those of the resentful ghosts, as if they were vomiting out their souls.

There is also a pair of glasses with a distorted frame on the ground, the lenses are broken, and one side is covered with blue cloth.

The soldiers were driving her away, which might have had a bad effect.

Gray didn't say a word and returned directly to the stronghold.

In a gloomy white building with no aesthetic color, Liszt was sitting on a writing chair. His neck was covered with strange light spots, like dirty oil floating on the surface of a ditch. Part of the skin disease-like light spots had spread to his face. It made him look a little strange and ferocious.

Gray knew that this was a sign of the worsening of the abyssal disease. The body was being backfired by strange phenomena and was slowly approaching the edge of collapse.

"According to Sif's intelligence, both Pope and Ash are in the St. George District, and only Di Yi is left, leading his troops to launch the final general attack."

"I have set up a perimeter around the city hall building."

"What are the people in the city going to do? This turmoil will definitely affect them."

Liszt said calmly, the most important thing now is the battle situation in St. George District, where the victory or defeat will play a decisive role.

Gray no longer hesitated and called the Countermeasures Bureau's high command.

Within a few seconds, the call was connected.

Gray also went straight to the point.

"Now the citizens of Los Angeles are no longer able to maintain the normal operation of the city and have completely lost efficiency. They should relax the policy of leaving the city and evacuate quickly under the dispatch of the military."

After the other end of the phone responded.

Gray hung up the phone, folded his hands and said to Liszt.

"Shangfeng has agreed to evacuate. Please tell me to go down and have the military begin to evacuate all women and children in the city immediately."

She commanded expressionlessly.

Liszt slowly lowered his head, and then slowly raised it, his eyes looked a little vicious.

"Colonel Grey, are you disobeying the command?"

"Because not long ago, I received a notice from the headquarters that even a fly cannot fly away from Luo City."

"The symbolic world... is like a ship. If these people are pushed out, they will only continue to push others."

"Make everything fall apart faster."

"You should understand this."

Liszt said.

"You are crazy, Liszt, you are talking to the top person in charge of Section 11."

Seka, who was following Gray, scolded him. He understood Liszt's situation and could not let him participate in the next action.

"I'm just stating objective facts."

"Children are more susceptible to influence than adults. After all this, children who have lost their families and lacked proper education, after they go out, do you think they will continue to become cogs that keep society running?"

"No, they don't even know that SCT did all this. They will only think that we killed people in the entire city, and they will even join SCT."

"No one can escape this unsolvable paradox."

The dirty light spot on Liszt's neck changed and expanded a few millimeters, causing severe pain in his head and veins on his forehead, which he endured with difficulty.

"Do as I say. You understand the consequences of disobeying military orders."

Gray took out the pistol from the holster on his waist.

"I'm just a little confused. Since it's the order from the person in charge of Luo City, I'll just do it."

"I'm dying, Grey."

"I'm just trying to figure out... what's right and what's wrong."

Lister conveyed the order and asked the troops in the quarantine area to start taking action.

"Find the mayor and ask him to announce the evacuation over the radio, and ask the women and children who are still in Los Angeles to cooperate in the evacuation."

Gray continued to order.

Liszt gave out a somewhat menacing sneer. He walked to the nearby warehouse and dragged out a man with a towel stuffed in his mouth and tied up with a hemp rope. He wore a suit and leather shoes with a fleshy face.

Surprisingly, he is the mayor of Los Angeles.

Saka no longer hesitated, and had already expanded his territory, ready to kill Liszt to a pulp at any time.

"If your next explanation is not satisfactory, I will have to send you on your way."

Seka's tone was extremely cold.

"Are you satisfied?"

Liszt looked a little confused.

"I just want to understand what I've been doing this year."

"This man claimed that he wanted to advance and retreat with the citizens of Los Angeles. Two hours ago, I found him sitting in a helicopter preparing to escape, so I killed his bodyguards and dragged him back."

The warehouse was oozing with red, and when he dragged the mayor out, he also left an eye-catching mark on the pool of blood.

"We wasted too much energy on this guy just because he provided operational funds to the Countermeasures Directorate."

"So we had to gain his favor, protect his family, and cover up his evil deeds."

"I gave the order!"

"I asked people to kill the lawyer who defended him back then! I asked people to kill everyone who knew about this!"

"I was the one who went to rescue his daughter, and at this moment, I still have the energy to be wasted on that worthless woman, protecting her."

"And this coward... he wants to run away! Run away at a time like this!"

"Tell me! Gray! What on earth have I been doing this year!"

Liszt asked almost angrily.


There was a gunshot.

Gray directly blew the head of the mayor of Los Angeles. Anyway, he has lost his value and his influence can no longer be used to stabilize the mood of the citizens, because everything is almost over.

"You're doing the right thing, Lister."

It doesn't matter who issues the evacuation order.

Liszt let go of his hand and stood there blankly, staring at the mayor's body. Seka quickly controlled him and gave him a powerful sedative.

He is already on the verge of madness and may lose control at any time. Letting Lister continue to act will only add more trouble.

Gray used the command phone to call the emergency radio station, activating the city's wartime broadcast, and asked the radio station to rebroadcast everything he said next.

The content is that all women and children in Luo City are ready to wait for the evacuation of the army, that's all.

She wanted the wartime radio broadcasts to repeat this phrase over and over again.

At the same time, an order was also issued to the military headquarters. During the evacuation process, some men who were greedy for life and afraid of death must also try to leave, so that the army could directly suppress them without mercy.

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