Latent Syndrome

Chapter 171 170 Moment of Eternity

Chapter 171 170. Moment of Eternity

Just like last time, it was like a dream, and I had no idea how it started.

When I came back to my senses, I was already in it.

Colin looked at this alienated St. George area. The top priority was to find the core of this area. Just like the ugly tree in White Rock Town, there should be something similar here. As long as it is destroyed, this area will be destroyed. Collapse on its own.

The motorcycle beneath him was completely rusted, as if it had been many years, with only an iron frame left. Colin was no longer surprised and looked around carefully.

Just like the forest was alienated, this city has also fallen into some kind of basic conceptual confusion. Although all the high-rise buildings are still standing, they are already devastated. The blood-red sky is extremely scary, and a kind of red is spreading on the ground. The green flesh and blood tube network connects some...

Colin frowned, and connected to some huge crawling white worms, these pleated creatures were extremely weird.

When we look at the lines connecting the bugs again.

Bang bang...

Colin's heartbeat suddenly jumped a beat. Although those dreams and hallucinations were very vague and he couldn't remember the specific details, he had seen it before and had seen such things somewhere.

These red and green pipes look like...

The stock index lines are the same.

Those worms were no longer as docile as before. The moment Colin's sense of déjà vu came over, they seemed to have received some instructions from the red and green pipe network. The ugly folds on their bodies shrank rapidly and squirmed towards Colin.

Colin was also shocked. He no longer hesitated and turned his palm into a knife. The bone sand spurted out with high pressure of blood, directly tearing all the insects that came towards him into pieces.

To his surprise, these bugs were not filled with filthy slurry, but eye-catching bright red blood, the same blood as humans.

Thousands of red and green lines began to erupt from the bodies of these broken insects, and they were as dense as a giant net, covering Colin.

Today is different from the past.

His arm turned into a huge enamel sickle, and the white cutting storm only erupted for a moment, and he didn't know how many times it was cut in that moment.

This red and green pipe network was smashed to pieces, and it was all sprinkled on the ground like a rain of meat.

An unreasonable intuition came to Colin's mind. This place... seemed to have some kind of origin with him that spanned the universe.

At this time, a group of soldiers discovered Colin. When they saw him killing the monsters, they understood that he was an agent of the Countermeasures Bureau.

"Agent, there are still some survivors here, now how do we get out of here?"

"Agent? Agent?"

These soldiers are still resisting with difficulty, most of them are disabled, with a few survivors, those who are not connected by the red and green pipe network and deformed.

But Colin was in a trance. He felt that something more terrifying was surrounding him, not the Abyssal Syndrome, but something more demonic.


A soldier shook Colin's body, but Colin still didn't respond.

at this time.

In the center of the swirling blood-red clouds in the sky, a huge black shadow passed by, covering the sky, the sun, the city, the rows of buildings, and everything.

It was a strange insect that was about to break through the sky. It hunched its body up to the sky and slowly descended from the whirlpool. It had those abyss-like compound eyes, jointed limbs, mouthparts, and chitinous hateful carapace. Its body surface was rolling with flesh and blood. Those are faces.

Every face was extremely familiar, including Randy, Cohen, and Johnny. There were dozens or hundreds of them, staring mockingly at Colin on the surface of the strange insect and laughing wildly.

The people killed during the patrol, those who died by his own hands in the SCT, and the countless people who were burned to char by Colin in the fire, their pitifully twisted faces were begging.

"Are you a catalyst, an invention, or a useless bubble produced in the experiment?"

"Or maybe all three."




The meaningless, completely cold-blooded and hollow rubbing of the limbs rolled like thunder from the sky.

"Did you see it! That bug!"

Colin grabbed a soldier and pointed in the direction of the bug.

However, the soldier looked in that direction and saw nothing.

"I do not know what you're talking about."

The soldiers were a little scared, because these agents were also infected and uncontrollable, and could turn into monsters at any time.

Colin turned his head to look at the blood-red vortex, but found that there was really nothing there.

"This is impossible!"

"What about that sound? Did you hear that sound?"

Colin asked with some urgency.

The soldier shook his head, this agent was absolutely crazy.

Colin took a deep breath and glanced around again. There was indeed nothing. Was it just his own hallucination?

Now is not the time. There are more important things to do. Fortunately, the terrain here is not as complicated as Baishi Town. You can find the core by walking towards the center of the blood-red vortex.

"You protect the survivors and find a safe place to hide. I will help the other agents end this."

After Colin said this, he poured power into his legs and ran toward the center of the whirlpool.

What surprised these soldiers was that those strange creatures had an extraordinary desire to attack Colin. They followed him wherever he walked, but they were all killed by Colin in an understatement.

A thin strip of space between two rows of buildings.


Hugo had an idea.

The power generated by his thoughts alone directly cut off two buildings. The cuts in the sections were extremely neat, and they collapsed along the inclined surface, all of which fell on the hazy clone.

Bang bang bang...

It was just pure physical power. The dragon of flesh and blood swung wildly and attacked everything, completely disintegrating Hugo's offensive. All the buildings were destroyed into powder and billowing smoke rose.

Hugo's throat felt sweet and he vomited a large pool of blood. It was too strong. It could kill the fourth monster in the combat catalog. Even if he tried his best, he couldn't kill it. It was just a clone. With such great power, it is hard to imagine what kind of person he really is.

He could no longer maintain the state of isolation in space. That state was not complicated. It did not mean that it transcended the universe, but that it was integrated with the surrounding space.

It is completely useless when faced with a madman like Hao who destroys everything indiscriminately. He blasts everything around him to pieces.

The situation on Hao's side was even worse. The gauze all over his body had broken apart, exposing his entire body. There were densely packed bright red scriptures all over his body. It was like a parasitic life form wriggling on his surface, all leaking out. Bleeding.

"Isn't mind control ineffective?"

"What a boring beast."

Hugo hopes that no one will come next, and he will directly use his trump card, even though it has many side effects.

People infected with Latent Abyssal Syndrome not only have visions, but a few can even develop abilities. However, the abilities developed by these few people are completely useless. Only extremely rare people can manifest and use them.

As soon as he thought, it was as if time had frozen. The falling earth and rocks slowed down, first by half, and then almost froze, flowing at an inaudible speed. The rising smoke was also strange. The fixed frame includes hazy, plum, and everything around it.

Only Hugo was able to move freely. He no longer hesitated, and all his attacks fell towards Yun.

Thirty-three seconds, this is my limit and must be solved within this half minute.

Like the Holy See's treasure house that had been stored for thousands of years opening, countless shining precious treasures poured out, frantically strangling the hazy clones.

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