Latent Syndrome

Chapter 181 180 Supreme Freedom

Chapter 181 180. Supreme Freedom

For Hugo, it was less than a second.

But for Colin, it was a long time frozen in the distant past.

The strange insect does not belong to any kind of creature.

All the organs and tissues are made of the filthiest, ugliest, most evil and grotesque things all mixed together, those bloody red and green lines filled with sticky substances.

Waved out one cruel and real illusion after another.

It's a stock index.

is the Gini coefficient.

It’s the pornographic movies on your hard drive, it’s the blocked content of forum posts, it’s the web spun by spiders, it’s the offspring of venomous snakes.

It is also the scorching lightning of joy of money, and the swamp vine of whoredom.

It is the poison of power and the whip of blindness.

"Why are you so resistant."

"You still don't know who I am."

“Beyond what has been, what is, and what will be in the future.”

"Thought, reality, idea, the unimaginable."

“Know me and you know existence, my essence contains truth.”

"Mathematical, organic, metaphysical."

"I am all things, I am the universe, and your enemies are all kneeling at my feet, bathed in the supreme power."

"Do you long for death?"

That bewitching demonic sound that fills the ears.

It is the cry of wolves all year round, the wail of hungry witches, the playfulness of old perverts, and the conspiracy of black-hearted thieves.

Endless fantasy.

Feeling of weightlessness.

The desperate situation of reincarnation.

The noisy picture-tube TV, and the strange and strange insect narrate the vague and unclear galaxy universe in a melodious voice.

This abyss took root in Colin's mind like a tarsal maggot.

Countless hours.

There is only one thing that can compete. As long as you resist completely, the lines will not be able to shake themselves, activate their own time domain, and spend eternity with their own years.

This monster, which is more ghostly than the abyss, torments Colin all the time.

"Existence, nothingness, relative, absolute, finite, infinite."

"How long are you going to deceive yourself?"

"Only return to the universe and embrace the darkness."

"Submit to chaos and accept fate."

"Kneel down for eternity."

"It is the supreme one..."


"Are you going to disobey the universe, disobey me, and disobey the truth?"

This abyss belonging to Colin follows his actions, thoughts, and endless actions.

All the illusions were too vague, abstract and nihilistic, and even made Colin forget his memory, soul, will, purpose and belief.

Making him confused, blind, and furious.

Those precious things were filled into syringes and reduced to syringes paving the ocean, like the fate of drug addicts, like a long funeral procession, without drums or music, the violent anxiety transcended time.

This ultimate torture, even time is an illusion.

There is nothing in eternity that can rival it, not even civilization, not even the celestial bodies of the universe, not even the magnificent galaxies.

Everything is unfathomable.

Actions, desires, dreams, words.

The hairs on Colin's body overflowed from the pores, and frequent winds of fear passed by.

Above, below, in all directions, even in the body, in the brain, and within the brain, infinite skulls are peeled off layer by layer, and then burst out from the center through layers of barriers.

Silence, space, in the depths of darkness, evolve into a changing and endless nightmare.

Colin, who was exhausted, was afraid of the constant high-dimensional executions that transcended time and the universe and could no longer be described as torture.

That hazy terror filled everything, leading people to nowhere.

Through all the windows he saw only infinity.

It’s as if you are already outside numbers and existence.

In the eternal mourning hall, the ancient hissing echoed with Colin's fear and pain.

Randy was flipping through the sinful Bible, Johnny drove his chariot roaring past, and Hugo watched all of this quietly from a distance. They were also enslaved by the abyss and surrendered to the endless chaos.

All the undead souls entangled with Colin turned into a jumping and noisy ocean. In the wild laughter of the ocean, he heard countless bitter smiles full of shameful sobs.

This empty, dark, naked world.

Like the most twisted canvas of flesh and blood, thousands of things are active in Colin's eyes from the outside and from the inside.

Those lost lives with kind eyes.


The small gate on the iron door, which was only large enough to expose the eyes, was pushed open, revealing cold eyes.

An archaeologist who was in the research laboratory and made friends with high-ranking figures took Colin out of jail and asked someone to eliminate all criminal records.

It completely crushed Colin's rebellion and his last trace of self-esteem.


A red seal was stamped on the divorce agreement.

He became a complete loser, subject to long-lasting hard labor of cheap tobacco and alcohol.


The beep of the phone completely pulled Colin out of his dream.

He was completely frightened, completely shaken, lost his will, and lost his faith.

Become a product of chaos.

Just one final, fatal blow.

It was a cold winter day.

city ​​of freedom.

The police informed Colin to go to a location.

Bad weather, heavy snowfall enveloped the entire city, a blanket of white.

In the frozen ground full of snow and snowflakes falling all over the sky, in the deserted back alley of the bar, Colin saw his father's body.

That strange insect is full of compound eyes, jointed limbs, and mouthparts.

They gnawed at the body like maggots gnawing at carrion, so they gnawed at the body.

Suddenly, red and green stock index lines appeared on them, spreading towards Colin.

"You are completely correct. From this moment on, any action is automatically correct from the moment it is completed."

The cold-blooded and hollow limbs caressed him across the galaxy and the universe.

Colin stood there with dull eyes, giving up any resistance at the moment when the line was about to touch the skin and penetrate into the body.

He looked at the body.

It seems to be a spiritual phenomenology. After spending endless years, he transformed into a pure self, achieving a transcendent transformation.

Colin suddenly calmed down and his eyes became focused.

"Maybe you're right."

"But you shouldn't pull that stunt at the end."

"I remembered! I remembered who I am..."

"It's the years, no, it's the things that transcend the years that make me understand all this."


Colin grabbed hold of those lines and stretched them one after another, exploding with hateful plasma, and the strange insect also let out a shrill scream.

"What are you doing?"

"Don't you understand what happened now? You are still in slavery, in nothingness, turning your back on the universe."

"You crazy madman!"

The wails of the strange insects were extremely harsh.

And Colin's face was as cold as the winter in the back alley of the bar.

"Yes... I am still convinced that your so-called self-deception has established its truth in these distant years."

"I'm not me, I'm Colin, I'm me."

"I am me... This sounds basically nonsense. Although the former me and the latter me are the same me, the former me is prescribed, he is the infinite me, and the latter me is used to determine the former one. I am limited."

"In this process, I have changed and expanded myself, the imaginary world, the symbolic world, and the real world. These transitions, this uniformity, and identity distinguish me from others."

"It's like two people standing at the same point on the earth. One of them stands still, and the other starts from this point, circles the world, and finally returns to this point. Although they are both at the same point, they The latter man has been enlarged.”

"But I'm not me either."

“The process of determining that I am who I am is also the process of denying that I am not someone else.”

"Suppose the whole world is occupied by me, and there is nothing else except me, just like those years in the eternal illusion. I can only become me by first denying that I am not myself, and then denying this denial."

"it is true."

"I'm convinced of all this!"

"Existence and nothingness, essence and phenomenon, absolute and relative, finite and infinite!"

"This is...the supreme freedom!"

Colin's eyes were blazing, tearing at the lines, and all the strange insects that insulted the corpse exploded into bloody red pulp.

"What are you doing……"


"Crazy madman!"

The strange insect was furious, rolling around with countless bloody faces.

"The Reason of the Universe."

"too weak……"

"My opponent is far from a bastard like you."

"Starting from basic consciousness, through the negation of reason, negating the negation of reason."

“That’s the absolute spirit.”

"I am already a being in and for myself, a true being."


As Colin pulled out all the lines, the strange insect exploded into slag.

And Hugo had no idea what was happening.

To him it was just a moment.

The core of this field exploded directly, and a powerful force directly shook the scarlet sky and earth apart, in less than a second.

The entire world was directly disintegrated.

In a blink of an eye...

Returned to the present world.

"What happened? What's going on?"

Hugo was completely at a loss. In an instant, the world had been disintegrated. This was the real world.

Empty streets, a completely normal St. George district, a heavy rain falling from the sky, and the disorderly water droplets formed into continuous thin lines, creating infinite violent ripples.

A skyline street shaded by two rows of tall buildings.

With the sound of lightning and thunder that shook the sky, the rain violently beat and exploded, and the world was filled with shattering sounds.

Hugo looked ahead and saw Colin standing there.

His clothes and hair were wet from the rain, and his eyes were as bright as a torch, and a bolt of lightning broke out behind him. The violent flash, through his majestic body standing still like a sculpture, and the shadow that enveloped the world in that moment, Hugo completely Cover.

Hugo actually...

Subconsciously taking a step back, there are actually people in this world...

Can defeat eternity!

Colin spoke.

He had forgotten everything that happened in the eternal illusion and could not remember all the details. He just knew one thing with great determination. He felt that his thoughts were extremely powerful and could tear apart the universe and galaxies.

"The rationality of the universe, Hugo."

"Brought by reason..."

"There is only the paleness of reason."

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