Latent Syndrome

Chapter 192 191 Blood debt paid with blood

Chapter 192 191. Blood debt must be paid with blood


Like every serial killer, Maggie Francesca, drove a pickup truck with the contents of the bed covered by canvas.

Rolling down the car window, one hand was placed outside the car window to hold a cigarette, and the other hand was holding the steering wheel. The deer antlers tattoo spread on his neck, almost to the edge of his chin. The strong wind that poured in through the window swayed his ice-crystal blue hair. She threw the cigarette butt on the highway without any quality and methodically followed the Jeep SUV in front of her.

On such a main highway, being on the same road for a long time will not arouse suspicion. From this direction, the other party should be going to central or northern California, most likely San Francisco.

There is no doubt that Johnny is an absolute leader even among scum, and Maggie instinctively does not have any favorable impressions.

But rules are rules, family is family, and whoever kills a member of the Francesca family must pay with blood.

This is undoubtedly the most difficult enemy Maggie has ever encountered. Killing the Pope caused a storm in the underground world. In front of such a powerful person, her own moral character was completely inadequate, so she had to use external forces to let the SCT combat catalog. Just come and kill Colin.

Although Johnny is dead, the phone number of the mining company controlled by SCT was found from his belongings, and Maggie also followed the clues to find the contact information of SCT headquarters.

However, only high-level officials can do such things as dispatching combat directories. The SCT headquarters has reservations about Maggie and does not fully trust the woman who took the initiative to follow Colin and be responsible for erasing him.

But Maggie doesn't care. Once the SCT investigates that she is Johnny's biological sister, they will definitely support her actions. Colin is also a serious concern for the SCT.

She wasn't worried about what SCT would do to her. Although it couldn't deal with people like Colin head-on, it still had no problem dealing with some little losers.

It's just the front. There are many ways to kill people. Reckless fighting is just a clumsy trick. You can kill Colin with poison, or give him a fatal blow while he is distracted.

She opened the storage box in the car and felt relieved after confirming that the poison was still there.

It was a palm-sized glass vessel with a metal base. It contained a mixture of jet black and gray liquid, as well as a purple-red color like blood vessels.

It is said that this thing is called the brain fluid of a madman. It is extracted from a mad scholar who died suddenly while exploring the deep world. After being injected into the human body, it can have an experience beyond the universe.

But after mixed with some special impurities, it will become the ultimate poison with miraculous effects, especially for the infected. This stuff will accelerate the infected person's rampage, become a monster dominated by hysteria, or directly die violently. Even the most powerful infected person cannot resist the power of this thing.

All he had to do was put in Colin's food when he wasn't prepared, or inject it directly.

They can't reach San Francisco today, so they will definitely find a hotel to stay in. That's the time to take action.

Since it was not too late to set off, we arrived at Monterey County in central California, which is also a coastal city.

But this is not a big city like Los Angeles. Relatively speaking, the economic development is not very good. Even the city center only has a small area with few high-rise buildings. Even a quarter of the independent urban areas in Los Angeles are incomparable. superior.

Colin and the two of them had no plans to go to the city center. If the weather continued to drive, they would have to arrive early tomorrow morning. Colin did not intend to waste time. He was driving now and planned to drive directly to San Francisco. .

She doesn't know who Violet is going to see. It's mysterious, maybe the real owner or something, so she doesn't tell herself.

Under the cover of the street lights, Colin drove cross-country at high speed, preparing to leave Monterey County. It didn't matter whether he slept or not.

"Hey hey hey...where are you going?"

Violet tells Colin to get off the highway.

"Where else can you go, isn't it San Francisco? You have to meet someone and get some errands on the way."

Although the scenery in Monterey County is good, and I am used to living in the city, the unique ancient scenery of this remote town seems a bit strange. Most of the buildings are made of wood and are spliced ​​with sauna panels. The coastal pastoral style is really pleasant. .

But Colin didn't care at all.

"You mean you have to drive while fatigued? This is against traffic safety."

Violet said seriously.

"Stop fucking talking and go to sleep in the back."

There is no such thing as fatigue for Colin now. Although he hasn't tried for more time, he once didn't sleep for three days and didn't feel anything at all. He ate and drank when he should. Maybe he didn't need to sleep at all. This is true biologically, but psychologically, you still occasionally feel tired and want to fall asleep, which may be due to conditioned reflexes.

"Please, winter is coming. Although it's spring-like all year round here in California, it's already a bit cold."

"Besides, how is it possible to sleep on that kind of seat?"

"Even if you don't sleep, at least consider the lady's feelings."

Violet opened the mobile app and searched for hotels in Monterey County.

Colin couldn't stand it anymore. He had never seen such a pretentious demon hunter. Logically speaking, he should be a tough man to the extreme, like fucking Rambo, fighting guerrilla warfare in the jungle, picking off dozens of people at a time, using daggers. Sharpen branches to make traps and hunt deer for food, killing people like hemp, human weapons.

If you are left here, you will become the fucking Princess and the Pea.

"The fact that you can't sleep means you're not tired at all. I can provide you with services."

Colin believed that a woman like Violet would not have so many troubles if she made her feel better.

So much for that.

Violet pretended to be mysterious, turned on the flashlight of her mobile phone, shined it on her chin, and told horror stories.

"Roads in remote areas like these are often haunted by serial killers."

"Have you ever heard of...the Highway of Tears?"

"On that highway, at least 49 young women were missing, and the victims ranged in age from 12 to over 30 years old."

"There were rebellious girls who ran away from home, ordinary female students who hitchhiked, and prostitutes who solicited customers on the highway. Among such a huge number of missing people, the police finally found only 20 bodies."

"It's hard to say whether they were buried by the sand or..."

Violet makes chewing movements, implying that they have been eaten.

"Those rednecks with pickup trucks, some backward customs..."

See Violet is still beeping.


It wasn't that Colin was scared or anything, it was just that this big girl was so damn annoying that he had to drive the car off the highway and let her go to the hotel to have a good sleep.

"I'll give you navigation. The location is here..."

"The hotel even has a sauna."

"Swipe your card when you check out later. Since the First Section and I are only cooperating on a temporary basis, we do not have consumer sponsorship provided by Congress."

"You know the highest standard, you're not short of money anyway."

Then Violet ate the food from the bowl, looked at the food in the pot, and even started to visit some super high-end shopping places in San Francisco, some celebrity restaurants in resort cities, and the like.

Colin only felt his scalp numb, and he was regarded as a traitor.

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