Latent Syndrome

Chapter 195 194 Original Transcript

Chapter 195 194. Original Copy

Today, Colin has reached the rank of transcendent, and has developed all the visions in his body into realms, demons, chariots, and gods of death.

Not only can he condense demon dogs and centipedes, but he can also transform into more weird things.

Chariots can cover more than just vehicles and weapons.

The fusion of the God of Death and the Pope can even directly separate the body and soul.

It is already a high-latitude existence.

And this evil eye is not just as simple as vision, it has synaesthesia, including hearing, taste, smell, and even touch.

That feeling.

Too wonderful.

Not only that, after Colin reached the point where he was free and self-contained, the evil eye went a step further. It was like penetrating the mysteries of the universe, and could even perceive all physical effects, chemical reactions, and even more deeply, it could perceive human beings. emotions, every secret of your body, and even some of your thoughts.

Time starts to flow.

Maggie was about to start the engine. She obviously underestimated these powerful people at the top of the world. Colin was like a ghost in a horror movie. There was no warning, not even a shadow. Unknowingly, Already sitting in the passenger seat.

Her heart palpitated violently, and her pupils shrank. Was she... going to die?

"Fear causes the brain to secrete transmitters."

"This intense fragrance attracts predators."

"It's like a poker game. Once you show your bad hand, you're out."

Although dangerous items were found behind her cargo compartment, it cannot be concluded that she is a member of the SCT. Colin did not kill anyone rashly, but what she said was full of loopholes. As a street girl, it is not realistic at all. health condition.

Colin planned to scare her, but seeing that the woman was already a little scared, he started to show off.

"I can smell human brains."

"In fear."

"You can even taste the happy and unfortunate lives they lived."

Colin was totally bluffing, but he still took a deep sniff.

"You are shaking..."

"I smell it."

Colin flipped up his icy blue hair. This woman was indeed here for him.

Maggie came to her senses, is she a psychopath? How on earth did he get into the passenger seat? Even so, Maggie still pretended to be calm and gave herself psychological hints. No matter how good Colin was, he would not find out that she was Johnny's sister.

"what do you want to do?"

Maggie didn't believe that Colin would kill her. Since she was a member of the Countermeasures Bureau, she had a certain bottom line no matter what. She would not go on a killing spree before she understood anything. Now that her lie had been exposed, she still had room to go.

"You are not a street girl at all."


"You've never experienced this, right?"

"I should be the one to ask you this question. What do you want to do?"

Colin took out the madman's cerebral fluid from the storage bin. Although this vessel was a bit weird, he couldn't identify it for a while. It was also mixed with black and purple. Could it be that this SCT killer was a warlock or something?

Maggie felt uncomfortable all over after hearing this. She subconsciously closed her legs and frowned.

Now that the street girl can no longer fool her, what should I do now? A direct showdown? Or... push Colin out of the car before he enters combat mode, and then activate the chariot phenomenon to increase the speed to the limit, maybe you can get rid of him?

No, this person is too ghostly. It’s hard to imagine what kind of method he uses to travel through space?

Seeing that Maggie was so frightened that she couldn't speak, Colin was a little moved. Is Randy just immersed in this kind of pleasure?

It's really boring, but it's more important to solve the real problem.



Colin also began to count, and took out the pistol from his arms. The blood vessels spread on it, and the muzzle of the gun was burning with blood-red Howling Karma Fire. A single bullet can cause extremely powerful damage.

"You are investigating the outbreak of Abyssal Syndrome, right? I know the whereabouts of the Book of Origin."

Maggie didn't know how to save her life, so she had to reveal her biggest trump card.

"What Kiba book."

Colin didn't care at all and was ready to give her a ride.

Right now.

Colin's phone rang instantly, it was Violet calling.


This woman beat her at the right time.

"Don't play any tricks."

Colin pointed two fingers at his eyes to indicate that he was staring at her, and then answered the phone.

Unexpectedly, Violet said: "Don't hurt her, bring her to the hotel."

Colin: "???"

What's happening here? Has this woman been spying on him or something?

In a resort hotel room.

Violet was only wearing a bath towel and was sitting on the sofa. Her hair was still wet and her skin was full of dew. She had just gotten out of the bath and hadn't had time to wipe it off.


Colin didn't know what kind of evil he got into today. It was a street girl, and it was this kind of drama. Although resistance was selected, these women seemed to have magic penetration.

"Are you fucking spying on me?"

Colin didn't know what voodoo trick Violet used. There was a very tiny creature lying on his shoulder, smaller than the nail of his little finger. It was just a small black ball with eyes and very mini legs.

"Familiar, creature from the deep, you can understand it however you want."

I saw Violet taking out a metal box from the four-dimensional gap on her chest. The little thing jumped into the box. Violet covered the box and sealed it, and stuffed it back into the fourth dimension.

Colin gasped, it was so weird.

Maggie's heart was filled with thunder. She didn't expect that she would fall into... such a ridiculous thing. As long as Colin was a normal person...

"What is the Book of the Original...? It sounds ridiculous."

Colin was puzzled. It was like a magic book containing all the black magic in an RPG game. At first glance, it sounded like the ultimate prop that was praised to the extreme.

Violet replied: "The original book, also known as the original manuscript, is important to find the scholar who has been to the scene in person, but if you find this book, you may be able to bypass all the puzzles and get to the root of the problem."

Colin still didn't understand: "So, what is it writing?"

Violet shook her head: "No one knows what was written, but this book does exist."

Colin's eyelids twitched, he didn't even know what he wrote, just say it.

"Rumors say that this book records everything, and even predicts the Abyssal Syndrome."

“All that is comprehensible to man, and all that is incomprehensible to man, is entered into what exists, what was, and what will be in the future.”

"Thought, reality, idea, something beyond imagination."

"It has passed through the hands of countless great warlocks, because no matter how powerful the warlock is, they will die suddenly after reading it."

"When it's just a book, standing alone, it's just words, symbols."

“When it can be integrated with everything, it contains the power of the universe.”

"Even the things at the end of the deep world are recorded in it, which is extremely mysterious."

Violet said.

Colin was speechless, feeling like he had heard these words somewhere before.

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