Latent Syndrome

Chapter 207 206 Universe Time and Space

Chapter 207 206. Universe Time and Space

Inside a house in a civilian community.

Pim noticed Colin's arrival, but did not stop what he was doing, monitoring the people on the opposite side through the gap between the blinds.

It was noon, and the sun was shining brightly, causing the asphalt road to evaporate into a dense heat wave.

"Have you found the infected person?"

Colin felt extremely hot as soon as he entered the room. At least there was air conditioning in the car. Only the ceiling fan was spinning feebly.

"This is that person's information."

Pym handed a paper document to Colin.

Colin flipped through the pages and found a person named Rhodes. He had been infected for a long time, but he just hadn't taken any action. He was a data engineer. What a fucking job. His interpersonal relationships were also very simple, and he didn't have many friends. I only get close to one female doctor.

"Take me to him."

Colin closed the document, quite unconcerned.

"Take it easy, Tough guy."

"You can't act recklessly. This person's strength is unknown."

Although Pim believes in Colin, it is most reliable if everything goes according to plan.

More than ten minutes later.

Colin was already quite impatient with waiting.

"Is it on the opposite side? I went directly to him."

Colin didn't take this person seriously.

at the same time.

Scarlet blood overflowed from Rhodes' nose, but he didn't feel anything and just wiped it away with a tissue.

Then he closed the copy of the original manuscript and did not take out the pistol in the drawer.

Just sitting there quietly waiting for Colin to arrive.

Time freezes.

When Rhodes looked over again, a man was leaning against the door like a fool, staring at him in disbelief.

"Are you fucking zazen?"

Colin spoke with elegant words. If there were other people around him, it would be fine. He would sit and do nothing, meditate or anything like that, pretending to be beyond the ordinary, but why would he still put on that pretense when he was alone?


"But this is just a false eternity."

“True eternity is all-encompassing and encompasses all time and space in the universe.”

"If you could go back in time, do you think you could change everything?"

"Agent Colin."

Rhodes said expressionlessly, the experience just now was really wonderful, but it still lacks something. No, it is not so much lack, but it is over the limit to the point of rebound, and it does not have a truly cruel reconciliation.

Colin thought this person was just a trash fish. What is this? A mind reader like Randy? Or... some magic formula, about the soul, the universe, time and space, and existence.

The chariot is prompted to start instantly.

The blood vessels spread onto the pistol, and its outline was deformed extremely roughly, burning with blood-red fire.

Each bullet was equivalent to half a ton of TNT explosive, enough to level the house.

"Explain it well."

Colin was a little stunned. What is the origin of this most powerful infected person in the casino who suddenly appeared.

"You are cursed."

"This is the most cruel curse."

"From everyone, your friends, your enemies, in this abyss."

"This way hatred and pain can last forever."

"But you are not even qualified to suffer."

"Because you have..."

"A cruel spirit."

Rhodes believed that he had found an extremely critical node, such as Di Wei, the top cadre of SCT, the butcher of Los Angeles, and the number one in the combat directory.

"Give you ten seconds, why do you know my name, and... and these."

Colin's brain is a little confused. He has never encountered such a magician. Nowadays, abyssal syndrome, warlocks, terrorists, everything is strange, even those violent madmen on the combat directory are the same. Nothing new.

But this time, he was a little unsure, not even mind-reading, like he... knew everything.

"It's the original manuscript, and there are records in it."

"It just so happens that I have here some fragments of pages that were traced by scholars."

Rhodes answered extremely calmly.

Colin took a few steps forward, and the flaming muzzle of the gun was about to touch Rhodes' head.

"Take it out and show it to me."

Colin said in a commanding tone.

"Of course, you don't have to be so excited. We are not enemies."

He raised his hands in a sign of surrender, and then gave Colin the "heavenly book" that was roughly bound on the table.

Colin took it and opened it and glanced at it a few times. Like Braille, they were all weird protrusions, but they were different.

"This thing only has a few pages."

"What's happening with recorded in this?"

Colin was sceptical. This was awesome.

"you are wrong."

"Just these few pages record the events of countless people, countless universes, and countless time nodes."

"When these words exist alone, they are just symbols. When integrated with everything, they contain the power of the universe."

"It's a pity that this is only a fragment of the page, and it's still an inaccurate depiction."

"As long as you find the complete book, you may be able to... be omniscient and omnipotent."

Rod held nothing back.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Are you kidding me?"

Colin laughed, more like a twitch of facial muscles than a laugh, and he threw the original copy to the ground. All of this was so fucked up and ridiculous.

"These are the rules of the game now."

"Every time I ask a question, you must answer it truthfully."

"I know who you are and what your relationships are, you beastly lunatics and your fucking psychiatrist bitch."

"What if I find out you're playing tricks on me again, or I don't think you can be trusted."

There happened to be a landline telephone on the desk.

Colin knew the person who was close to him from Rod's information sheet. He picked up the phone and started dialing the number. The woman should be his girlfriend.

"First I will scare her so that she will live in unease for the rest of her life, and then I will kill her like a butcher in a slaughterhouse."

"Securing terrorists like you is already a crime worthy of being cut into pieces by Ling Chi."

Colin has already finished entering the number. He only needs to press the dial button to get through. He was threatening Rhodes.


"You have also gradually slipped into the trap of irreversible cognition."

Before Rhodes could finish speaking, Colin interrupted him. Unexpectedly, Rhodes was completely unmoved, as if he didn't care about the woman's life at all.

"That person just now."

"The agent who came to kill you."

"What method did you use to make him... lose his memory?"

The beeping sound of the phone not being dialed was extremely harsh, and Colin said seriously that it was really possible for him to do that.

"I said, we are not enemies. I have a reason why I can't kill you."

"This involves some basic concepts, called the return of everything."

"What you think has passed has not actually passed, and what you think has not happened yet has actually happened."

"I extracted him from the time nodes in the past, and then spliced ​​him into the present."

"Actually, this is not what I want to do..."

"But I had to do it, and I haven't changed anything because of all this."

"It's all recorded in the original manuscript."

Rhodes said calmly.

Colin was stunned. Irina's grandfather, Violet, and this person were all explaining the same thing, an extremely terrifying thing.

You can't change anything, you can only accept your fate.

"Your death omen..."

"Getting closer to you."

"Agent Colin."

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