Latent Syndrome

Chapter 209 208 Prophecy

Chapter 209 208. Prophecy

Three days later.

A high-end suite in a casino hotel in Las Vegas.

The scorching sun was shining through the windows and it was necessary to close the curtains and turn on the air conditioner to make people feel more comfortable.

Violet was only wearing a cool vest and hot pants, sitting on the sofa. Both feet were bare, with clear outlines and perfect lines. Her toenails were painted with shiny blue nail polish, and she held a handful of mini file, repairing toenails.

Colin searched for her for two days and couldn't get through on the phone. He really didn't know where she was.

"Although you are a non-staff member of the first department, or have some kind of cooperative relationship, don't you think it is very impolite to disappear without leaving any message?"

Colin had just found her now. Regarding the man named Rhodes, he wanted to ask Violet for reference to find out what the situation was, but the most critical person was missing.

"There is something very important."

"But now I have some news to tell you."

"But you have to promise not to get angry."

Violet pretended to be cute like a high school girl, which immediately distracted Colin.

"You tell me."

Colin couldn't think of anything to be angry about.

“I took a trip to Utah next door.”

"The bitch said some of the transcripts were in a cult out there."

"Of course I went straight there."

"I didn't expect that that woman, Johnny's sister, was not simple, or that their entire family was not simple."

"He is a member of a secret organization in the underground world. It is not SCT. It is quite ancient."

"There are many warlocks. Indeed, as she said, that organization does have partial transcripts."

"I was ambushed and she ran away."

Violet spread her hands, expressing her helplessness.

Colin was speechless. There was nothing to be angry about.

Seeing Colin's unresponsiveness, Violet was happy.

"You have to think carefully. The one who will be chasing you next is not only the SCT, but also the secret cult. Johnny and his sister probably couldn't stand the control of that organization, so they came out to set up their own business. But now that Johnny is dead, he My sister is also back."

"And the Francesca family behind these brothers and sisters has a very high status in this secret sect."

"You are now under attack from both sides."

Violet explains the pros and cons.

"It's difficult, but it's not a big deal."

"The next thing I want to say is the real thing."

"The original codex you dreamed of was nothing more than a joke."

"It was predicted that I would go to Liberty City today, but I'm still in Las Vegas and everything is fine."

Colin has been having trouble sleeping and eating these past two days, always worrying that there are some force majeure factors that will drag him to Liberty City, which will fulfill his destiny.

This is no longer a question of horror or not, but a feeling of powerlessness enveloped by great power.

"Why do you say that?"

"You... found the book?"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

Violet is completely obsessed with this book, because the most efficient thing to solve all this is not to find those scholars who are wandering around the world, searching for needles in a haystack, but to find the divine book that records everything.

Although it is also very slim, once you find it, you can know everything, and even know what will happen in the end.

Colin told her everything that had happened, including the weirdo who was now under surveillance and the so-called Fool's hints he had uttered himself.


"Is there really such a hint?"

"The source of power for every infected person is his or her own spiritual drive."

"If he really has this kind of driving force, wouldn't it mean that... his mental state has reached the level of a god?"

Violet said that she wanted to see this person immediately, especially because he had a broken page in his hand.

The most important thing is that this person can interpret the manuscript, which is the most incredible.

Because everyone who has read this book has died violently without exception. Violet's idea is not to find it and read it himself, but to show this book to those scholars who have a strong desire to explore and even risk their own lives. Find out everything from the descriptions they made before they died.

But someone...can read the transcript and still survive?

Colin explained to her that what Rhodes had was not a genuine product, but a so-called copy.

"Can't wait any longer."

"I must go see that man immediately."

Violet was so excited that she stood up and her oversized vest fell down a lot, completely unaware of it.


"At least until the end of the day."

Colin told Violet about the agreement between himself and Rhodes. If he hadn't left Las Vegas today, it would mean that Rhodes was completely lying and he would go and kill him.

"Is that so?"

Violet also calmed down. Indeed, this was the best way to test the correctness of this incident.

She also looked at Colin with interest.

"Is there a possibility?"

"He is indeed playing tricks on you and using some ability to trick you into going to Liberty City?"

"This person doesn't tell the truth, he's so deep in the city, and he's operating all of this secretly."

Violet said from the most objective perspective.


Colin shook his head.

This morning, Colin received a call from his former father-in-law. He thought it was force majeure, but it turned out that his ex-wife was very emotionally unstable right now, and he hoped Colin would go and see her and give her some advice. Some comfort or something, maybe it will be helpful.

Considering the fate, Colin directly refused. In order to resist that fate, he must not leave Las Vegas now.

He hung up the phone on the grounds that he no longer had any relationship with her.

"No matter how powerful he is, he is not powerful enough to interfere with the entire world."

Colin thought Rhodes was completely lying.

Next, he asked Violet about her plan, whether she was going to wait here for that Opal to show up, because he didn’t know how long the waiting would be. The news had already been released. According to the information from the first department, those scholars would If everyone holds some items and is extremely eager to find other items, then he will definitely come.

Without waiting for Colin to answer.

Another call came in, and Colin's cell phone kept ringing. Looking at the caller ID, he saw that it was from the second department. It was probably those Frankensteins who wanted to collect their own samples for research.

Without even thinking about it, Colin hung up directly.

He was about to discuss the follow-up matters with Violet, and then went to kill Rhodes after a while.

Right now.

Another text message was sent.

It was also in the second subject. Colin looked at the content.

A long while.

"What's wrong with you? You suddenly lost your mind. This is not like your style."

Violet was puzzled. Colin seemed to have changed in an instant. If I had to use a metaphor, it was what I saw in the casino recently. Those people who lost everything and walked out of the casino had forgotten how to walk and were completely in a trance. state.

"Is this so..."

"That's actually the case."

Colin frowned, it was exactly what Rhode said...

Is it fate?

He couldn't help but think of Irina's grandfather's last words.

[Original Chaos. 】

【Abyss of Stars. 】

【The place of return. 】

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