Latent Syndrome

Chapter 225 224 Crazy Dream

Chapter 225 224. Crazy Dream

No matter what, Colin is one step closer to the truth.

It's still early, it's not even eight o'clock in the morning. If you contact the second department now, it will definitely arouse their vigilance.

He planned to have a showdown with the second department directly, and he would see her no matter what, even if he didn't enter the ward, just for a visit. If such requests were rejected, it would mean that there was something evil in the second department, which was actually the case.

As long as the second department rejects her again, she will have a legitimate reason to warn her, but she cannot go too far, such as joining SCT, which will harm her.

In short, as long as you know where she is, you can use your ability to stop time and space within thirty-three seconds and bring her out unscathed.

As for the people who deliver supplies to the refuge huts.

The person Colin currently trusts the most, after thinking about it, is only Irina, who was once a researcher in the 11th Section. After the Los Angeles Incident and the replacement of the 11th Section, he did not know her current situation.

Although there is still a candidate who can be called a reluctant candidate, I still want to ask her first.

Transporting supplies may seem like a trivial matter, but the key is... the impact and involvement are too deep, reaching a level that can interfere with the operation of the world. No matter how careful you are, you can't be too careful.

Colin dialed Irina's number and was connected within a moment.

Considering the pervasiveness of the Countermeasures Bureau, Colin believed that there was a possibility of being monitored, so many things were best discussed in person.

"Where are you now?"

Colin didn't say anything nonsense. He trusted the people in Section 11. Gray was not completely at the mercy of the high command. At the last moment in Los Angeles, the high command required a complete lockdown and no one could be released.

But Gray disobeyed this order. If it weren't for her final evacuation order, more people would have died in the SCT's terrorist operations.

Now that things have happened, the negative impact of this decision has also been revealed. Those who have experienced the riots and the latent disease route released by Di Biao have confirmed each other, bringing the infected people completely into the public eye.

Panic and distrust of the government have formed a powerful undercurrent, intervening in everyone's thoughts. It will not take long for this private discussion to evolve into a formal demonstration.

No one could predict what would happen next. The original manuscript only had fragments of pages, and it was not possible to decipher all events, only fragmented information.

But according to Opal, there are only two situations, either volunteering to become a new force in the fight against latent disease, or actively seeking high-pressure rule and high-intensity psychological testing to eliminate all people who deviate from society.

Opal guessed that ninety-nine percent of the time it was the latter, because these were useless people. In the past, people looked for stimulation through pornographic pictures, but now the bigger stimulation is product catalogs. They don’t care about imagination, symbolism, or reality. They only Caring about movie stars endorsed on cans, hair tonics, Viagra, venting video works, IKEA furniture, digital equipment, there is no more powerful motivation than sinking.

There was a faint voice on the other end of the phone.

"Is it...Agent Colin?"

Irina was extremely surprised by this call. Although only about a month had passed, the situation had changed dramatically.

"Of course it is me."

Colin thought for a while, he couldn't talk about business on the phone, he had to find another way.

"Are you still in Luo City?"

"I killed some more infected people and also found their tokens."

"I hope you can help me debug it."

"Of course it's paid."

When Colin was still thinking about how to ask her out.

"Two o'clock this afternoon."

"Come to this place to meet me."

After saying that, Irina hung up the phone and sent Colin a location.

Colin was a little stunned, what's going on? It's like she...knows what she's going to do.

2 p.m.

Liberty City, Manhattan, a bustling commercial street with people coming and going, there is a drink shop with a very fresh and refreshing decoration.

Because it has already entered winter, the business of the beverage shop is quite average. Most of the people who come to buy drinks only buy coffee and hot drinks.

The wallpaper of small light green leaves has fairy-tale style lighting and various furnishings.

The four people's attire is incompatible with this place.

Whether it's Tank, Rocket, or White, it's obvious at first glance that he's not a good guy. Just like the scoundrels in all vulgar gangster movies, his appearance and temperament are dangerous.

The most normal one is McConaughey.

Due to identity issues, the two Tank Rockets couldn't speak at all and could only act as horse boys, responsible for observing the surroundings and acting like watchdogs.


"I've never tasted this taste before."

"Did you add anything illegal in it?"

"It's so refreshing and fresh, it feels like my brain is clearer."

A fashionably dressed urban beauty took the drink handed by the clerk, inserted the straw and took a sip. There was no mint component, but she had a similar experience. The taste was not irritating, but slow and gentle. Engaging the senses.

The clerk at the beverage shop, with a more professional smile than the flight attendant, patiently answered that it couldn't be more official, it's just a new formula, but it has passed the inspection of the Supervision Bureau and is completely harmless and good for the body. Beneficial and organic.

Urban Beauty often uses this taxi company's ride-hailing software and finds it very easy to use. The driver gives people a very special sense of security. Once, right after getting off the car, she was followed by some perverted colleagues, and the driver was very harsh. Not much, I got out of the car and gave the guy a good beating, as if he was beating a chicken. Since then, the guy has not bothered me anymore.

Since then, I have had a good impression. I saw on the Internet that they have recently dabbled in catering. I happened to pass by this store and just wanted to give it a try. I didn't expect it to be very delicious, so I decided to recommend it to my friends.

After she left the cold drink shop, she suddenly felt that her mind was clearer than ever before, as if she had found the true meaning of life. She actually turned back and ordered a few more drinks, ready to give them to her friends to try.

Until she left completely.

"that's all."

"You planted a seed in her brain to strengthen the so-called TAG?"

White doesn't quite understand. McConaughey boasts so well that he strengthens his label and releases his true self, so-called sinking to the bottom.

"It's not entirely correct to say it's manipulation..."

"But I did interfere with their thinking."

"The vast majority of human beings are neither good nor bad, mediocre and boring."

"Most music and most books are always in the most correct middle."

“Never make a mistake, never fail.”

"Use drugs to synthesize emotions, use advertising to wage psychological warfare, and use education to change thinking."

"Use the media to brainwash, and use social networks to create a bubble that is isolated and controllable from each other."

"They merge into the so-called symbolic world, turn off reality, take out the batteries, live in the ups and downs of big company trademark houses, jump up and down on the electronic screen, and hypnotize themselves into the most absurd dream in human history."

"You have to dig deep to see the truth. In this kingdom of complete nonsense, their thinking has become deeply ingrained."

"Since it's a dream."

"Why not be a little more violent?"

"Even if I don't know what will happen if I do this, I will strengthen each TAG to the maximum extent."

"This kind of complete sinking..."

"Crazy dream."

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