Latent Syndrome

Chapter 228 227 Wedding

Chapter 228 227. Wedding

Three days later.

An unprecedentedly grand wedding banquet was being held on the grassland by the Hudson River. Prominent businessmen and politicians in Liberty City gathered here to bless the newlyweds.

The ring exchange ceremony begins in just a few minutes, when the state lawmaker will lead his daughter to McConaughey by the hand.

Although in the eyes of all the guests, the wedding was quite intriguing because McConaughey appeared to be a real estate tycoon from Europe.

But that place has almost fallen and has become a den of madmen. No matter how much financial resources he has, he will not be able to get into this relationship without background.

Or the answer is already obvious. This guy is ambitious, maybe running for president, and using his daughter as a bargaining chip to obtain considerable political donations.

All the guests had their own agendas and hidden agendas.

In fact, everyone guessed wrong. The answer was extremely simple, not that complicated at all, just...

McConaughey manipulated their minds, not only his wife, but also his father-in-law, who had seeds planted in them, constantly strengthening the hint that he wanted to marry him and marry his daughter to him.

It all comes naturally.

The toilet in the bathroom is very softly lit by downlights.

McConaughey, wearing a custom suit, turned on the faucet, washed his face with water, and patted it to refresh himself.

He felt a little nauseous for no reason.

As more and more people are connected to him, he shares the spirit of too many people, which is ugly, filthy, and unspeakable.

The negative effects of this ultra-large-scale binding were far beyond his imagination. He had to use psychotropic drugs to numb some connections and isolate the influx of emotional perceptions before he felt better.

This also caused him to lose the ability to completely control people's thoughts, and could only strengthen everyone's TAG.

As for his father-in-law and wife, they have been irreversibly affected and are not worried about what will happen. They just asked McConaughey to donate a sum of money to the foundation under his management to support the construction of public schools in poor communities. Then It's one of his gimmicks.

When the resources of private schools exceed those of public schools, this is a sign of ideological capitalization. In North America, only the poor will attend public colleges, which can provide votes for their future great undertakings.

McConaughey didn't take it seriously. He had more money than he could use.

It was only after thinking deeply about the logic behind this that I realized the horror of it. Fortunately, it was me who donated the money, rather than a wealthy businessman. In that case, the blood tax would be used as charity, and others would be deprived of what they should have and then returned. Instead, he would thank them and fall into a vicious cycle.

McConaughey believes he has found the crux of the problem. Within these black communities, they know the truth but lack wisdom. Even if they sell hallucinogens and gang fights, it is only a negligible resistance.

The evil thing about Hollywood movies is that they know this fact. The reason why there is so-called street culture, underground, and HIPPOP is because these people have no roots and no accumulation of national culture, so they even made films that transcend technology. The most advanced African country on earth.

What is puzzling is that this extremely evil satire and ridicule even triggered a carnival.

All these methods are too clever and superb. For McConaughey, what they need is not a school, let alone HIPPOP, but a program of action and a soul figure, and of course AK47.

But that's none of your business.

McConaughey took out a paper towel from the toilet paper box and wiped his hands. He just speculated like this, without any resonance. From the moment anything is completed in this universe, it is automatically correct, reasonable, correct, and irreversible. of.

"Your mental state is very bad."

"Mr. McConaughey."

At some point, a person stood near the bathroom door. McConaughey looked over and saw that it was Harris, the top person in charge of Section 4.

He was also wearing a suit, with a handkerchief pretending to be in his breast pocket, his spine straight, and a horizontal scar running through his forehead. It was hard to imagine what kind of injury he had suffered at that time. It was so hideous that there were even vertical stitched scars. It was also clearly visible, as if the skull had been opened with an axe.

McConaughey frowned. For some reason, if he directly killed him, he would feel at ease. This situation was too weird.

"How will you be here?"

McConaughey looked at his watch. There were still a few minutes until the ring exchange ceremony. This was quite ominous.

Tank and Rocket also appeared at the door. They also brought a group of fierce "security personnel" to prevent anyone from coming to cause trouble.

But those people were not brought over by them, they just came in to see the situation. McConaughey didn't come out for a long time, maybe there was something wrong.

Rocket has already begun to draw his gun. If he kills this person, the fourth department will be in chaos and the SCT will have more opportunities.

"Tell your men to calm down."

"Your father-in-law is one of the strongest supporters of the Countermeasures Bureau and has provided us with a lot of conveniences."

"Because of the sentiment and reason, I should also come to support you."

"We are on the same team now, aren't we? Strictly speaking, part of the funding for Section 4 even comes from you."

Harris also came to the bathroom mirror, and both of them looked at each other in the mirror.

"Who the hell is the same as you?"

"I know where you live, I can kill your whole family."

Rocket said fiercely.

"This is not a place for minor characters to chime in."

Harris turned on the faucet, pretended to wash his hands, and pumped the hand sanitizer bottle a few times for deep cleaning.

Rocket was about to kill someone, but McConaughey told him to retreat. At this time, only the two of them were left.

"What's the matter with you? Harris...sir? Or it would be better to call you agent. You managers of the Countermeasures Bureau always like to go into battle in person."

As of now, everything is under his control. Only this person is an uncertain factor. Do you want to get rid of him? Now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

McConaughey thought, but did not dare to take action directly. Anyone can be an idiot, but only the person in charge of the Countermeasures Bureau cannot be. He must have complete considerations.

"if not?"

"Did I come here specially to invite you to go hiking?"

"Hey McConaughey, it's a nice day, let's hang out."

Harris' level of bad jokes is pretty bad.

Although McConaughey didn't find it funny, he still felt a chill.

"We are actually conducting ideological surveillance on the entire North American population, and indeed the entire world."

“Everyone’s browsing history, online communities, and consumption bills, even data as small as one byte, are recorded.”

"Through profiling, you can always get good feedback on your mental state and the group you belong to."

"But something strange has happened in the past few days, and it happens to only happen in Liberty City."

"Although many people's speeches are logical and can be said by their group, they are too intense, so intense that they have become a form of... terror."

"Well... after reviewing all the data, I discovered something particularly interesting. There are really amazing similarities."

"They all bought the same brand of cold drink shop products."

"Do you know what this is about?"

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