Latent Syndrome

Chapter 243 242 Hell Speedster

Chapter 243 242. Hell Speedster


I heard the sound of a car's engine coming from the other end of the phone, but the violent roar didn't look like something a car's on-board fuel device could produce. It looked like a terrifying instrument from the aerospace industry.

White couldn't help but swallow his throat. Although his suggestion was invincible and never went wrong, it was always probabilistic. He himself had never dealt with an extraordinary person like Colin.

Often the battles of such people will change the direction of the world situation to a great extent, so the Countermeasures Bureau and SCT treat them very cautiously and will never let them take action unless it is absolutely necessary.

"Didn't I tell you to calm down?"

"You fucking mad dog."

The phone is still open.

White was a little depressed, and Colin was a little unreasonable. Maybe he was an enemy of both sides, and he no longer had any worries. He was a complete mad dog.

Today, Liberty City's social network software had Christmas ahead of schedule. Even though no actions such as bans were removed due to the intervention of Section 4, the huge amount of information still caused some website servers to crash.

Following the economic crisis, meteorites, and rain of people, another strange scene appeared.

That is a weird vehicle that can climb 90 degrees on buildings and burn with flames. It is like a live broadcast. Photos of that vehicle are posted on the website. They were captured by netizens after hearing the strange roar. However, due to the speed, it was too fast. Almost only a ghost image can be captured.

The only clear photo is of the car when it comes to a stop.

On sections of road where traffic is too congested, the car will stop directly, and two extremely thick iron blades will extend from it, spreading to the entire road, violently entangling the vehicles on both sides, and rolling them aside to let them go. It cruises down the road unimpeded on its own.

It was already evening, and the blood-red twilight of the setting sun was intertwined with the car.

The headlights of that car and those weird eyeballs emitted an even stronger evil light, scanning everything indiscriminately.

At Colin's current speed, he could scan all the main areas of Liberty City in less than half an hour. The overwhelming amount of information was enough to make Colin's brain explode. He filtered out all the invalid information and only collected it. Now that the target is on White, I feel a lot better.

In any case, White was unlikely to be able to get close to or even exceed Mach's speed, and it was only a matter of time before he found him.

At this time, Section 1 was frantically calling Colin, because Colin's actions caused panic, which further proved the authenticity of the accident reported by the daytime news anchor, and also provided disguised information for the documentary filmed by Di Bong in Los Angeles. Valid evidence.

No matter how Section 1 tried to get Colin to stop, he rejected it directly. The only reason was that it was extremely legitimate, and that was that he was hunting and killing the top ten powerful madmen in the combat catalog.

Today's Colin is no longer the useless person in Los Angeles who can only follow the wave of madness. Now he can set off the wave himself.

The underground world also exploded. The strange chariot and the bloody fire of karma could only be one person, and that was the murderer K. Has he started hunting down the extraordinary people who stand on top of the world again?

White scoffed on the phone.

"You may not know the consequences of doing this."

"Your behavior will quickly collapse the symbolic world, and the latent abyss disease will spread even faster."

"This is paving the way for SCT."

The overwhelming news came, which even made White a little worried. The devil had gone completely crazy. He would go to such an extent to keep the secret.

White is not a god. Even if he is so-called fooling fate and controlling the universe, these powers are drawn from another space. Excessive use will lead to the exhaustion of his power.

And because of the particularity of White's hint, he would never consume less than half of his strength. That was a dangerous threshold, and he had to reserve part of his strength to resist the ensuing misfortune.

He always turned it on for a while and then turned it off immediately. However, in this high-intensity battle, he had to continue to activate his power, and now he was about to approach this threshold.

Because of White's suggestion, the entire universe was preventing Colin from finding him. Colin's power was also rapidly consumed under this violence.

More and more chaotic and absurd spectacles happened in front of Colin. Trains appeared directly from the void, accompanied by the buzzing of whistles, cutting off Colin's path laterally, or crashing directly into Colin.

After hearing what White said, Colin was slightly shaken, because the more latent disease spreads, the faster his wife's condition will deteriorate.

But there is no other choice but to drink poison to quench thirst. If the matter is exposed, not even delaying the matter, with everyone in the world against him, he will die violently the next day.


There was a loud bang.

Colin strengthened the body of the car and penetrated directly through the train carriage, creating a large hole burning with blood-red flames, and continued to speed on the road.

Because the strange vehicle had spread throughout Liberty City, people received the emergency dispatch from the on-board radio and left the vehicle one after another. Their lives were in danger.

Only Colin is fighting a fierce battle with the bad news of the universe in this urban maze.

It’s not just one train, White is working with all the trains running around the world, even high-speed rail trains.

The entire Queens borough became a chaotic hell. Those trains penetrated the dense sphere, crossed the ocean, shuttled across continents, and appeared on the other side of the earth to intercept a crazy madman.

Even S-class infected people and people with domains cannot survive such natural disasters.

But Colin was already too strong, and the cold steel of death stirred randomly.

His car was running sideways on the outer shell of the office building at a 90-degree angle. Those trains even fell from the sky, ran straight through Colin, and even crashed into him from all directions, blocking him from moving. With the starting speed limited, how could he fight? No matter how powerful the car is, it cannot escape from it.

The crazy Colin no longer cares about the symbolic world. From the first moment Opal explained the truth, he may have been an enemy of everything.

Because it’s not just SCT.

It is this corrupt world that makes me want to sink.

Everything was already crazy, but the latent abyss disease ignited all the long-simmering resentment.

On the 90-degree surface of the office building, Colin, who was unable to move, got out of the car, and his legs were stuck to the building through the flesh and blood proliferated by the demonic suggestion.


He got directly into a postal train coming from another continent. The driver of the train had long since disappeared amid the violent turbulence.

Although Colin had no experience driving a train, he still sat in the driving position and hinted at the chariot...

applied to this train.


The train carrying many carriages was deformed by the blood vessels, like a centipede, with thousands of legs growing on both sides, but they were all rotating steel saw teeth.

There was a loud crash.

All the carriages burned with blood-red flames. Under Colin's control, they surged like a long steel dragon, smashing all the trains roaring from all directions.

White was imagining Colin through the blood ruby. At this moment, he was a little dazed when faced with this crazy scene. He activated his suggestion in another form. He could not only enhance his own good luck, but also reduce the luck of others. Luck, increasing misfortune.

"You asked for this..."

"Agent Colin."

White raised the hint to the maximum, regardless of half of the threshold, and cursed Colin to the maximum extent.


Colin will perish under the squeeze of the universe.

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