Latent Syndrome

Chapter 272 271 Reaction

Chapter 272 271. Reaction


Behind a low peak, Arnold held military binoculars in both hands and observed the dark buildings on the plain. These guys who were carved from the same mold were too weird and could not be killed no matter how they were treated. What was even more astonishing was their willpower.

Arnold pulled the teeth of a short-haired man out of his mouth one by one without using any anesthesia, along with the horn-shaped roots.

But this kind of person...

Not even a frown.

Arnold found a way to temporarily deal with these "undead people", which was to use a revolver to open a large pit five meters in diameter and five meters deep in the extremely low permafrost.

White had never seen such an amazing skill. There was no explosion or any sound, just an ordinary revolver bullet. After the gunshot, a huge crater was punched out in the ground. It was so terrifying.

"Help me bury these people."

Arnold continued to look through the telescope, trying to find more clues. There were too many of these cubs, like a cockroach nest, which was a bit tricky.

"Brother, I'm almost freezing to death, okay?"

White's physical fitness is not even as good as some Class A infected people. There is nothing he can do in this situation. He must suffer misfortune and get rid of the side effects before he dares to continue giving hints.

Couldn't see Arnold's eyes clearly.

"Your abilities can transport you to other places."

"I have a similar approach."

"It's just designated."

Arnold thought White was rather stupid and not good at performing such a task.

"Are you telling the truth?"

White was overjoyed.

But after hearing about Arnold's method, White became Spartan.

Arnold also has a method, but it has nothing to do with hyperspheres or wormholes. That is to use a revolver to penetrate the earth. White can jump down through the hole and then reach the North Pole.

"Do you want to try it?"

Arnold said emotionlessly while holding up the binoculars.

"Are you kidding..."

White's throat rolled, punching through the earth, are you fucking serious? But White also secretly cursed, and did not dare to say it in front of the third person in the combat catalog.

"Even if it's really like that...gravity or something..."

"Would I be stuck in the center of the earth? It is said that it is filled with magma and the like."

White retreated.

"Don't worry, I will give you another shot to make you break through the first cosmic speed, enough to survive gravity."

Arnold's cold tone did not mean the slightest bit of joking.


"forget it."

White thinks it is quite unreliable, and his hints are already unreliable, which is even more mysterious.

"Then work quickly."

Arnold put down the telescope, kicked an inch-headed cub into the pit, and continued to observe with the telescope he took from the enemy.

White had no choice but to act as a free coolie, throwing these "undead people" one by one and burying them.

He was only wearing thin home pajamas, and the snot from his nose was frozen into icicles. His face was covered with frost. He couldn't survive after burying dozens of people.

What a damn unlucky person. I was supposed to have a party with the dreamy goddess in the Alps on a pleasant night in the Alps until my muscles ached, I was exhausted, and all the sweat and sweat were gone.

At this moment, he was being watched by the ultimate macho man doing hard work in Antarctica. There was probably no combat catalog officer who was doing worse than him. He estimated that those in the 70s and 80s were living a better life than he was, and they needed funds and funds. There are no side effects, traveling around the world at public expense, and myself...

Like a fucking idiot.

It’s all that man’s fault, Colin. Even though I had memorized it a little bit before meeting him, I didn’t memorize it to this extent.

"Mr. Arnold, can you kill someone for me?"

"Thank you very much."

During the SCT mission, White was still assassinating Colin, but he couldn't figure it out and couldn't directly kill him, otherwise he would be chased by the guy next to him. It would be better to kill three birds with one stone and let Arnold kill him directly. There is no better idea than this.


Arnold didn't care about him at all. He put down the telescope and thought about something, and seemed to have an idea.

White felt very embarrassed. After all, he was considered a powerful person, so it was okay for him to give you face.

"The strength of an infected person is often related to mental strength."

"I'm really curious... what the past of the third person in the combat catalog was like."

White tried to communicate with Arnold on an equal footing.


Arnold fired a shot into the ground, and a large, dark, bottomless hole appeared, and then kicked White directly into it.

"What the f..."

Before White could finish speaking, he had already fallen into the abyss of infinite darkness.

Arnold fired a few more shots into the large hole, until the revolver's magazine was empty, and then he retracted the holster.

This person is too much of a hindrance.

He probably figured out what these little guys were doing, and it was far more serious than the intelligence provided by the Foreign Affairs Department.

Arnold walked slowly toward the dark buildings. Many people on the sentry tower spotted him and immediately sounded the alarm, but it was completely useless.

The machine guns on the two sentry towers fired wildly at Arnold who was walking across the ice, raising countless ice shards. Those bullets did hit him, but he himself was like a sandbag, still walking straight over. .

He completely lost any desire to attack and just let the firepower of these people pass through until he walked into the center of the building. Only those who tried to approach him would be opened by him with his gun.

Arnold has only one goal.

That is all the scientific researchers here, the physicists who are controlled by these bald people. He only kills people in white coats, or people who have not shaved their bald heads, are not wearing uniforms and are wearing casual clothes.

Sure enough, these guys would die in one hit, and their heads would explode without reason.

He turned a blind eye to being hit by countless firepower, and walked to a barbed wire fence with a warning sign saying radioactivity, prohibiting unauthorized persons from entering.

Arnold tore open the iron fence and walked in.

Those people also realized that something was wrong and closed all the gates of the experimental base. Suddenly, the entire base was blaring with piercing air defense sirens.

But this was useless to Arnold. He used his revolver to blow out holes large enough for him to pass through the thick solid iron doors, and slowly walked towards the core of the experimental base step by step.

The passage is long, narrow and dark, made of rough and unpainted cement, with only the red road sign of the emergency light emitting a purgatory-like light.

One after another, the immortal Inchheads in the passage came to intercept him, but Arnold had no desire to attack, just...

He picked up their clothes and smashed them into the solid wall, trapping them one after another.

He found a staircase, walked down the road, and used his revolver to blast open the last, extremely thick door.

inside of.

The rough instruments are like products of the Cold War era. There are thick and cold instruments everywhere. All the scientific researchers are trembling, and the people with short heads always have the same dead faces.

"SIR, please stop your dangerous behavior immediately."

The short-haired man with a birthmark on his face stared at Arnold indifferently, completely fearless.

This gave Arnold a strange feeling. These guys, who looked like cold-blooded animals, only looked similar to humans. They were essentially some kind of weird outer space life.

"This is...a reactor. What exactly do you want to do?"

I saw that the super large pit covered by pipelines was covered with complex structures. Arnold had seen it before. This was a thing used to produce... nuclear weapons.

Arnold ignored the man with the birthmark and asked other scientific researchers. In order to make these trembling chickens talk, he blew the head of a scientist, then pointed the gun at the other scientists and interrogated them.


Arnold fired another shot, which was supposed to blow up a female scientist.

The birthmark man stood in front of her, half of his head was blown to pieces, and half of his body was leaking contents.

"Every machine has its function."

"The second rule is, there can be no doubt, SIR."

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