Latent Syndrome

Chapter 291 290 Desperate Situation

Chapter 291 290. Desperate Situation

the next day.

A rural idyll in Southern California.

An old-fashioned two-story wooden house with a variety of fragrant flowers planted in the soil outside.

The climate on the west coast is completely different from Liberty City where it has started to snow due to the monsoon. The weather is sunny and cloudless.

There is a TV playing in the living room on the first floor of the wooden house, but no one is sitting on the sofa. They are just waiting for the TV to turn on and someone to talk, which makes it look less lonely.

Eugene was frying eggs in the kitchen, preparing to make a simple breakfast.

Due to the rapid increase in the number of infected people around the world, the symptoms of all infected people deteriorated rapidly, and Eugene was no exception. Some black crystal-like substances grew on his neck and the back of his left hand, which were as black as ink and accompanied by severe pain.

When she was holding the pan, she suddenly felt severe pain in the back of her hand, and she lost strength suddenly. The pan rolled down with the hot oil inside. She wanted to reach out to catch it, but all the oil spilled out and poured onto her arm, which was very hot. Scary red spots appear.

Eugene didn't pay attention, and it wasn't the first time this happened, so he sighed.

Although it has not yet completely deteriorated, it is about to get worse. When she left Section 11, she specially left some special ammunition to commit suicide when the disease was about to swallow her up completely.

Even the pain of being burned is much better than the pain of being backlashed by visions, and it can be ended quickly.

I don’t want to be like Liszt, who goes crazy at the last moment of his life and hurts some innocent people.

Just when she picked up the pan again, heavy news came on the TV. Although this matter had been widely circulated last night, Eugene was suffering from illness and did not see it.

[The public trial of Di Wei, the top cadre of SCT. 】

[The court will officially open at the Supreme Court of Liberty City at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. 】

Eugene suddenly stopped thinking about cooking and came to the living room to watch the TV news. The man was not dead yet.

He caused too much damage to Los Angeles.

In the end, millions of people in St. George were evaporated, and it was so cruel that all human lives were turned into a series of cold numbers without any emotion at all.

He directly or indirectly killed most of the people in Section 11, including Gray. He stabbed his neck with a dagger and died without even a last word.

And now he has also changed his appearance, wearing prison uniform and turning into a real beast.

Although Eugene has withdrawn from the Countermeasures Bureau with Colin's help and the communication terminal has been handed over, he still has Colin's private number.

Without any thinking, he called Colin.

She knew very well that people like Di Bong, who looked like rabid dogs, were actually smarter than anyone else and always had plans.

Seka, Gray, and the agents were all lured to the Western Express train by him and killed one by one.

After a while, Colin's call was answered.


"Where are you? Do you know that Di Wei is still alive?"

Although Eugene has no sense of belonging to the Eleventh Section, he only has the most basic emotions and has to deal with a completely crazy villain like Di Biao.

Unexpectedly, it was not Colin who answered the phone.

It was a woman with a very familiar voice.

"Are you Eugene?"

The other end of the phone looked at the notes on Colin's phone and knew who the caller was.

Eugene recalled the owner of this voice in his mind. He had indeed heard it before. It seemed to be an oriental woman named Hoshino Manatsu.

Before Eugene could speak.

"You must leave Southern California immediately."

"You are in a very dangerous situation now. Colin is wanted. Now not only the SCT wants to kill him, but the Countermeasures Bureau also wants to kill him."

"You and Colin have a bad relationship."

"The Countermeasures Bureau will definitely come to trouble you. It's best if you have cash on you. They will freeze all your bank savings."

"After all, you are going against...the entire society."

Hoshino Manatsu asked Eugene to escape quickly. Time was running out. As of yesterday afternoon, Colin had been designated as a traitor and wanted. It won't be long before the information will be released to the whole country. There may be various fabricated crimes. event.

"Colin will be wanted?"

"How can this be?"

Eugene couldn't figure it out despite racking his brains. The reason why Los Angeles City could be rebuilt was all because of this man. Without him to stop the explosion and kill those vicious people in the combat catalog, it would have been in ruins long ago.

The Countermeasures Bureau should be grateful to him, why would they turn around and kill him?

She didn't quite trust this woman.

"Damn it."

"I'll give him the phone."

"Let him speak."

After saying that, Hoshino Manatsu gave the phone to Colin.

On the outskirts of Liberty City.

After the battle with Luca yesterday, Colin had no upper hand because of the weird and unique bullet. Later, Luca seemed to have received some emergency and had to leave. Colin turned into a centipede and escaped.

But just like a specially-made bullet, it only takes one shot to burn out an ordinary infected person.

The rainbow fire produced by this infinitely powerful bullet has not disappeared until now. It is still entangled in Colin's shoulders and calves like tarsal maggots, slowly integrating with the places where the vision backfired. The frost on the ringworm became alive, and the ringworm spread faster.

Colin was completely lame and had difficulty walking.

After escaping, he quickly called Hoshino Manatsu and asked her to run away with Opal and Pim.

But Pim was very loyal and refused to escape alone no matter what, and insisted on getting Colin back.

The Countermeasures Bureau is currently busy with matters related to Di Biao and has no time to deal with Colin.

Even if Eugene doesn't say it.

Colin also learned that Di Wei was still alive and heard from the car radio that a public trial would be held against him tomorrow.


"A bigger crisis has arrived. Neither the Countermeasures Bureau nor the SCT can protect themselves."

Opal said.

Hoshino Manatsu also agreed. She once read some information in the strange organization she belonged to, and it was mentioned in it. Could it be referring to Di Wei?

Colin has no time to talk to these people. Just like Violet said, his death star is getting closer and closer, and he is not even sure whether he can survive another month.

Like Liszt, his mind began to become a little confused.

Colin took Hoshino Manatsu's call and told Eugene about the special ammunition, which was made by squeezing the lives of humans integrated into the symbolic world, so it could cause harm to the infected.

And asked her to leave Southern California as soon as possible, either to find a deserted mountain to hide, or to stay with him.

What Colin didn't expect was.


"I suspect you are discriminating against women."

"I'm going to die anyway."

"It's better to find someone to go on the road with."

Eugene smiled and spoke calmly on the phone.

"Ms. Eugene..."

"What you said is really unlucky."

"Don't die so quickly."

"All right."

"I'm waiting for you."

In fact, Colin no longer knew what to do, how to restore everything in the past.

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