Latent Syndrome

Chapter 294 293 The Truth

Chapter 294 293. The truth

In the dimly lit basement, Di Biao remained silent from beginning to end, as if he was waiting for something.

Not only is the Supreme Court at No. 60 Central Street in Manhattan, this stronghold used to temporarily detain infected people is also under ultra-high security. Not only does it have many ace detectives, but also Ogi, who is the pinnacle of the First Section's combat capabilities. here.

"You don't know yet."

"But tomorrow is your execution day, don't you have nothing to say?"

He was also wearing the same uniform as Luca, the first division uniform, a white double-breasted coat, but the somewhat holy uniform did not match his metal jaw at all, just like Luca's weird posture that always stooped.

Di Wei has already been sentenced to death.

With the support of all departments, research institutes and the second department, an extremely sinister hint was discovered. Within the devil's branch, this infected person has a venomous sting like a scorpion and can inject an extremely painful substance into people. of toxins.

In the second branch of research, this toxin is purified to have more powerful potency, and it will also stimulate people's physical potential, and will not lead to shock due to unimaginable pain.

Injecting this advanced version of the toxin into Di Wei caused his neural network to withstand maximum chemical burns. Although the toxin spread in his body, purple blood vessels burst, and blood veins appeared on his face, he remained silent.

When checking Di Biao's physical condition, it was discovered that he had been bitten by the strange phenomenon, and ugly silver scales had grown on his forearms.

Any torture is useless to these infected people. Those who can resist the abyss to this extent and gain such powerful abilities no longer take pain into consideration.

"Actually, I can understand some criminal organizations formed by infected people."

"Bilok, the Bamboo Sakura Society, and the Killing Angels, they have all more or less replaced the local political power, and they operate puppets as behind-the-scenes personnel to make profits."

"But the only thing I don't understand about SCT is that as one of the top cadres, you must know some inside information."

Lun didn't give up. Even if Di Biao didn't say a word, he would still stay with him until the court session.

at this time.

Hao received a call from one of his liaisons. After the battle broke out between Colin and No. 9 in the combat directory, Hao asked the liaison to go immediately to check the situation and stabilize Colin.

But no one expected that Colin would make a huge mistake and know something he shouldn't know.

There is a mysterious organization whose history is unknown and how long it has existed. All the strange warlocks in the world come from them. Just like the stormtroopers, they have not named themselves. The senior officials of the Countermeasures Bureau are used to calling them The Hermitage is composed of some schools of thought passed down by families. They are extremely secretive and cannot escape from the world. They can be found all over the world.

However, there is such a strange book called the Original Codex, which is all-encompassing and provides insight into the past, present, and future.

A large part is held by the Priory.

Other authentic pages of the codex were scattered around the world, but with the outbreak of the Abyssal Syndrome, they were also integrated under an irresistible force.

According to the Countermeasures Bureau's insider information that broke into the monastery, the rumors were collected by a madman more than 1,300 years ago, and...

It predicted everything today.

This is really mysterious. For thirteen hundred years, even huge rocks have been eroded into sand by the wind, and some people can actually predict the disaster of the world in those distant years.

It was all because of that strange book that I imagined the future.

And just recently, this insider got an extremely important piece of news from the Hermitage, which could rewrite the ending of the world. Although it was just a guess, Hao probably knew what the Lord of the High Command was going to do.

Because this book is so crazy, it transcends the universe and is not a complete version even if it is scattered on the earth.

The prophecy from 1,300 years ago came to an abrupt end some time after the disaster, according to investigative reports by undercover agents within the Priory.

The last real pages of the original manuscript are...

Falling from the starry sky.

The man at the headquarters got some of the real pages and gained supernatural power.

It is rumored that after collecting all the true pages, visualizing the past and future, one can become... a true god. Only by reversing the future and rewriting the ending can the source of Latent Abyss Disease be killed.

The reason why that lord would kill everyone who knew about it was because it must not be known to outsiders. If other people obtained this power, it would be an eternal disaster for the entire universe.

Colin, Opal, and Pim, these three people had to die. Although there is no doubt about Colin's position, his outstanding contribution is undeniable, but it is very likely that he has been bewitched by Opal.

On the phone, the liaison officer asked about Colin's situation. In his last cognition, Colin went to meet Luca, and his life or death was uncertain.

Hajime just avoided answering and asked him why he answered so late. He had not reported any news for more than a day.

Immediately afterwards.

It was like a thunderbolt blasting into Yun's brain.

"Di Wei..."

"His stormtroopers..."

"Is immortal."

"In the true sense of immortality, I have been entangled by them for a long time, and now I can escape."

"They... have a map of the world and a map of Liberty City."

"Various military-level strategic signs, they have been hidden in the crowd, and now I can finally understand them."

"They're going to blow up the Empire State Building, the Chrysler Building, One Trade Center, etc., and the Statue of Liberty."

"Must be as soon as possible..."

The liaison officer's voice was breathless, as if he was seriously injured.

Hao frowned, not dead, how could this be possible? He immediately asked the liaison officer what the Stormtroopers looked like when they died, only to find...

Even though Di Wei was in a completely isolated environment, he would always be injured inexplicably. Sometimes his mouth and nose would bleed, and sometimes his body would feel like it was crushed by something.

Hazy didn't pay much attention to it. Infected people who were backlashed by the vision would have a variety of clinical symptoms, and this might be one of them.

And as the liaison officer described it, the more he listened, the more he felt something was wrong, because the death conditions of those people were exactly the same as the injuries that Di Biao sometimes appeared inexplicably.

After making some arrangements, Longti immediately hung up the phone and immediately made another call using the terminal, asking his agents to go to the place mentioned by the liaison officer to implement martial law.

Although the order is now on the verge of collapse, it is not a big problem if these buildings are blown up and they have stopped running, but it is the time for Di Biao's public trial, so there can be no mistakes.

At this moment.

All functional landmark buildings have been elevated to symbolic signs of civilization, and their role... is even greater.

Hao has always expressed doubts about the process of Luka catching Di Bo, because neither Luka nor Di Bo was injured in the process.

The idea that Luca is a spy can be directly ruled out. That madman will never associate with Di Bong and his like.

It is very likely that Di Wei came to surrender on his own initiative and was planning some earth-shattering conspiracy.

Just when Yun wanted to speak.

Di Wei spoke first.

Speaking for the first time since his arrest.

"What an honor."

"How can I be worthy enough to be interrogated by two deputy directors alone?"

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