Latent Syndrome

Chapter 299 298 Pianist

Chapter 299 298. Pianist

Luka was very satisfied with the progress of Sean's mission. Before four o'clock, almost everyone was dead.

In fact, during this period, people who believe in the government stay behind closed doors. Except for those who are bold and not afraid of death, they go to the Supreme Court. Even the most restless people are waiting for the results at home.

There is no need for any reason to massacre them. All they need is a handwritten identification report of susceptible persons, and they can be disposed of directly.

All those whose thoughts have been deviated must not be let go. The giant ship of the symbolic world must be allowed to stand. As long as the number of survivors does not fall below the extreme value, it is feasible.

Luca is indeed protecting humans, but he is not protecting individuals in the general sense of flesh and blood structure. In that concept, he is protecting real humans.

Sean's eyes were dull, and he felt that he had lost something important. However, as an ace agent who had fought against the abyss, he quickly calmed down.

He was going to deal with the last person on his list, but unusually, it was not a poor community, but a beautiful retro three-story mansion in a high-end community with excellent greenery on the edge of the city.

do not know why.

On the way here, Sean heard more gunshots. It was obvious that the purge was almost over.

At this time, another call came from his terminal.

It's Luca calling.

Sean hesitated for a moment and picked up the phone without waiting for him to speak.

The ghostly and sinister voice came.

Perhaps it was Sean's illusion, but he vaguely felt those weird fingers as long as stick insects resting on his shoulders again.

"Sorry, I have to ask you to complete a small task again."

"It won't take you much effort. It's just paperwork. I'm too busy. You can arrange it."

Luca tried to keep his words concise. He was responsible for everything big and small inside and outside the court.

"What mission?"

Sean asked.

The voice contained no emotion, but Sean felt his shoulders being squeezed with great force on both sides.

"SCT must take action."

"You should know McConaughey, he and Harris have a wonderful chemistry."

"But it doesn't matter now."

The arrested duo, Tank and Rocket, confessed everything.

"I want you to tell me to go down."

"Drive all those who are wandering on the streets back to their homes."

"Just watch tomorrow's show honestly."

"To ensure efficiency, any slightest resistance will be executed immediately."

Lover's suggestion is a very mysterious suggestion. There are very few people who have it, second only to The Fool and The World. McConaughey can plant the seeds of psychological suggestion in countless people at the same time and control them.

Luka didn't know how to deal with it. Don't worry about the bustling flow of people outside the Supreme Court. It would be ridiculous if there were no crowds in the world for a world event. The flow of people coming here only needs high-level inspections, because he is fully alert. Don't worry.

If it is in other areas, kill immediately.

It is impossible to predict what these guys who have been planted with seeds will do, such as suicide attacks or terrorist marches. Although they will not cause any actual harm, they will reduce the authority of public trials to a certain extent.

Sean's heart skipped a beat.

"What did you say?"

What a ridiculous decision. Such a decision actually came from someone from the Countermeasures Bureau.

And Luka didn't have time to talk nonsense with Sean.

"McConaughey is plotting something evil."

"Within five minutes."

"Arrange it."

"This is also for your daughter... consideration."

Say it.

Luka hung up the phone directly.

Sean was left at a loss. He understood that there was no turning back from the first moment he killed for Harris, but he never expected that he would be pushed into such an abyss. Just on this day, There was too much blood on his hands.

"Five minutes?"

Sean walked towards the mansion in despair. He felt relieved suddenly. With his mental index reaching 2 or above, he quickly calmed down. After all, he had killed so many people.

Although it is absolute, it is a complete elimination of unclean lesions in the symbolic world. After all, it is... developing in a good direction.

The door of the mansion was not closed, and Sean walked inside. The first floor of the huge house was empty. All the furniture was covered with a thin layer of dust, and there were some leftover cans on the floor.

At this time, the extremely pleasant sound of piano came from upstairs.

He remembered that he had listened to it while eating in a high-end restaurant, and he specifically asked about the song. The name was Waltz in A minor.

But this person's level is far beyond that of the musicians in the restaurant. Although Sean doesn't know much about classical music, he can hear the rhythm of each note without any advance or delay. This is a top level.

Sean was fascinated by the music. He walked up the semi-spiral staircase and held on to the railing to the third floor. The sound of the piano became clearer when he walked to the music room.

The scene before him horrified him.

That is truly a monster.

The hair is sparse, with only a dozen odd strands scattered, it is extremely ugly, the entire face is severely burned, there are no eyebrows, the eyelids are burned and drooping weirdly, and the skin is covered with healing marks caused by flames.

But that was indeed a human being, not an infected person, but the keys that his fingers touched seemed to be enchanted, and they sounded extremely beautiful and immersive.

Sean did not disturb him until the whole piece was over. After the pianist pressed the last accent with trembling fingers, he turned his head and stared at Sean with monster-like eyes.

"I've noticed you a long time ago. I can detect even a decibel of movement."

"Are we going to conduct some kind of psychological test?"

The pianist asked, he was wearing a meticulous suit and asked calmly.


"I'm here to kill you."

"Not only did you make remarks that endangered social security, you even... sold off all your property to support anti-social activities."

Sean took out his pistol from the holster and said calmly.

"Is it."

The pianist was indifferent and had expected this result.

"Then do it."

He sat on the square stool and turned around, expressionless.

"Why, do that."

"Your class, your property, and those at the bottom who are being incited are not the same."

Sean pointed his gun at the pianist.

"As you can see, I'm a monster."

"Without the ability to perform, I have no value."

"Deportment and temperament are all necessary qualities for a musician."

The pianist said calmly.

"Is that so?"

"Death is indeed what you deserve."

"Giving up hope and throwing yourself into the darkness is nothing but a move by the weak."

As if he had received some kind of salvation, Sean followed Luca's instructions without hesitation and conveyed the order to Section 4 and the army in turn.

The pianist listened to the whole call without showing any surprise, which was logical.

"Then, let's hit the road."

Sean clicked the safety button with a clear voice.

"You're wrong about one thing."

"There is no such thing as a weak person."

"In my opinion, all sociologists' theories are too complex and full of nonsense."

"it's actually really easy."

"The whole world is a big club for high-end people."

"The only difference is whether you are a member or not."

"I got kicked out."

"That's all."

"Tomorrow is...that man's public trial, right?"

"So there can be no mistakes."

"It's such a shame, I can't see the results anymore."

Thus spoke the pianist, accepting his fate of death.

Countermeasures Bureau base.

Hazy sneered.

"If you think you can give a speech in court."

"That would be very wrong."

"This is an... execution."

With a snap of his fingers.

Two agents entered the detention room and put a horrifyingly precise steel device on Di Bong's face, like a dog muzzle to prevent vicious dogs from biting people.

rendering him unable to speak.

"I wish you good luck, Lord DB."

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